This weekend I am scheduled for a 20 mile run.  I “prepared” for it.  I had spaghetti yesterday for dinner.  I picked my clothes for this morning and went to bed early.  The plan was to wake up at 6 and be at the gym by 7.  Yes, 20 miles on the treadmill.  I don’t want to run outside in the cold weather and snow.

This morning I woke up a little after 6 and instead of getting up I went back to bed.  My conscience kept me from going back to sleep.  I knew I had to get up to run.  However, I just just stayed in bed thinking if I could survive a marathon without a 20 mile run.  This will be my 5th marathon.  I may not have a fast finish time but at least I finished.

As I write this I wonder what is the real reason for not running.  Overworked?  Over trained?  Is it possible to be over trained?  I barely ran 800 miles last year compared to L.A. Runner @ Run Like a Girl, and Mean It who ran 3,056 in 11 months.  Now that girl is AWESOME!!!  She is a teacher like me and still manages to find time to run 3,000 miles.  ๐Ÿ™‚

I enjoy running.  For me it is not about losing weight but more of a challenge and stress reliever.  You’ll be surprised what a class of 26, 6 and 7 year olds can do to you.  I have a long list of races for this year.  I want to set a PR too.  I want to get and run faster.  I know I can do it.  I’ve kept up with most of my training for the marathon.  So why the blah feeling today?

The forecast for next weekend is “Scattered Snow and Showers”.  Hmm, I was hoping it would be warmer for me to do my long run outside.  Well, for now I’ve decided to rest today.  I’ll see how I feel and maybe I’ll run tomorrow but don’t think I can do 20.

Can I survive a marathon without a 20 mile run?  Have you missed the run during your training?

Run Happy!

3 Comments on Tired or just plain lazy?

  1. Girl! I'm far from anything special. And I have to laugh in COMPLETE agreement- 7 year olds CAN do a number on you. Hahaha. Children in general are exhausting, especially when you are trying to manage, control, and TEACH them all day. We all have these periods of exhaustion (not laziness). Anyone that works as many hours as we do gets hit with it. I think the idea of running 20 on a TM is exhaustingt, too, but I understand not being able to handle those brutal temps. There's no way I could! Hang tough. You are good runner, and this too shall pass. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I'd stay in bed if I had to do 20 on a treadmill too. I'm 5 weeks out from my marathon and won't get to 20+ miles until next week. I don't know if you'll really miss it. Hope you get your training mojo back!

  3. Don't stress about it too much! Plenty of people run marathons without a 20-miler. You've done so many of them and your body knows what to do. You have to listen to your body and not overdo it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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