Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 6 x 800 (90 sec RI)
Done.  I had so much energy and wanted to do more.  It must be the chia seeds in my green monster smoothie that I drink almost every day.

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Did not run.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran 3.13 miles for a virtual 5K.  It was another gorgeous day to run along the lakefront.

Training for the Fort2Base 10 NM

Total miles ran this week is 9.08.

Since I am doing The L.A.T.E. Ride at the end of the month, I decided to take out my bike for a ride. And yes, I did that along the lakefront too.  It was tough at the beginning but then I got the hang of it. I did 2 miles and took a break because my quads were on fire and my seat was not so comfortable (even with a seat cushion).  I did another 2 miles and took another break. I guess that was my warmup because I turned around and rode 4 miles straight for a total of 8.

Weekly Workouts, June 10-16, 2013

After today I truly admire those people that do long bike rides.  What I plan to do before my bike ride is to shop for another bike.  The one I have is a good one but it is a mountain bike and HEAVY.  I also want a more comfortable seat.  I would have pedaled longer today if my behind was not hurting.

4 Comments on Weekly Workouts, June 10-16, 2013

  1. You should have your bike professionally adjusted. Most bike shops will do it free or very cheap. It will help a LOT with how comfy you feel while riding and can REALLY increase the time you ride without a break. Form is key!Love the cool pic with you and your Pure Connects! Glad you are enjoying your summer!

  2. Ha, I must have been in a really good mood when I ran my intervals. Sometimes I dislike them and am cursing through them. :-)Take it easy. I hope your calf gets/feels better.

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