Yesterday I ran my 99th race, the Strike Out ALS 5K.  It was a muggy evening for a race.  I ran with members of Team Ruth in support of my friend, LH, whose sister has ALS.

I met up with them at 5:30 pm and then went to gear check to meet members of the Chicago Running Bloggers.

Again, it was muggy outside.  Before I left my house I took a water bottle with me in the hopes that I would run with it.  I knew there was only one water station along the way and knew that was not enough for me.  Well, I finished the water BEFORE the start of the race.  There was water by the start line so I grabbed another bottle.

The race began a little after 6:30.  I had trouble with my Garmin locating a signal so I got out of the line and waited a few minutes.

The course was mainly through the U.S. Cellular Field parking lot.  I tried to stay positive but I was hot, thirsty, and already had a headache.  I finished my water bottle a little after the first mile.  The view was not interesting at all.  I cursed the sun in the hopes that it would go away.  No luck. I focused instead on the reasons I was running this race.  So many people/families are affected by ALS and as much as I was unhappy about the weather and the course, I was still grateful that I was healthy and had two running legs.

The last half mile or so was inside the stadium.  I remember hearing last year that it was hot and long. Well, it was long but not hot since the AC was on.  I kept on running and took one walking break before we were finally outside the field. We still had about another quarter mile before the finish line. It was cool there because it was like running to make a home run.  I was so happy to see the finish line!!

Strike Out ALS 5K

6 Comments on Strike Out ALS 5K

  1. Congrats on 99 races! And I'll give you a fitting quote that Sam always tells me, "You can't hit them all out of the park!" 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  2. Good job! I ran this race last year and it's the same weather conditions – hot and humid. I agree it's not a great course at all, but it's for a good cause.

  3. I was at the race last year but did not run. I was there to support some friends. I agree about the good course. And that is why I kept on running. 🙂

  4. next race you need to have a party or something! Races this week just sound harsh in the weather if you are trying to gun it.Fun that you got to meet so many bloggers!

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