1.  My new mantra.

  1.  I like wine and sangria.  I found this at Whole Foods and it is delicious!!  I’ve also bought de la costa Sangria at Costco (red) and it is also really good.

Three Things Thursday, July 18, 2013

3.  I got these yesterday.  I love the color too.  I ran 3.15 miles in them this morning and did not feel any kind of discomfort like last time.

Now it is time to rest and hydrate for the RnR Half Marathon on Sunday.  It has been scorching hot this week but it is supposed to cool down on Sunday.  I hope so.

Just Keep Running!

4 Comments on Three Things Thursday, July 18, 2013

  1. I totally approve of the purple shoes! my favorite color!I want a mouse that wears a helmet…I have yet to make a sangria this summer! I better get on it!See you Sunday!

  2. The picture of the mouse and cheese is CLASSIC.Isn't Whole Foods dangerous? I don't go there very much but when I do I want to take the whole store home with me.LOVE those shoes and the rocking color!!! They will match your Garmin perfectly. =)

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