1.  On Monday I went to the doctor for a physical exam.  All went well.  I mentioned a little bump in my face (close to the cheek) and some minor pain in my knees.  She recommended a sports medicine doctor for the knee pain.  She mentioned that I am down 11 lbs. from last year.  What?  I remember last year my mom asked if I was pregnant so I guess I was on the heavy side.  Still no word on my blood results to check for diabetes and cholesterol results.

2.  Last week at the RnR Chicago Half Marathon expo I purchased the Fitbit Zip.  It is a small gadgets that tracks steps, distance and calories and syncs them to my phone. The goal is to walk 10,000 steps each day and yesterday I walked 4,410 steps or 1.92 miles.  I am not sure if I should wear it while I run because I also track those miles and I feel like I am double counting.  Right?  I can’t wait to use it when I am back at school.  For sure it will be more than 10,000 steps.

3.  I love chocolate and enjoy a protein shake after my workout.  After reading Katie’s blog at Live Half Full and mentioning About Time, I just had to try it.  I ordered the trial pack (chocolate and chocolate mint) and loved it.  I then purchased a container from Amazon.  What I love even more are the ingredients.  Try it.

Three Things Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just Keep Running!

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