1. Β Is it weird to get excited when your coach emails you dates of upcoming long runs? Β So far I have 18 on 8/22; 20 on 9/5; 18 on 9/12; and 20 on 9/19.


Ha, it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything longer than 13.1 miles. Β It must have been Spring 2014 when I was training for the Chicago Lakefront 50k. Β Sigh, it’s been on my mind to do another one. Β Maybe Spring 2016? Β We’ll see. Β Last Saturday’s run was supposed to be 14 but I managed 10. Β I am scheduled for 13 tomorrow and I am sort of looking forward to it. Β :=)

2. Β Yesterday was my last day of summer school. Β It was an interesting couple of weeks for me. Β Let’s just say I have a deeper respect for special education teachers. Β I thought my job was tough but now realize that my job is easier.

3. Β On Monday I start my last class for my math endorsement. Β It is Geometry and I am kind of worried because I HATE Geometry. Β Plus, it will be intense since the class is for 10 days from 9am-12pm. Β Oh well, I’d rather do this than go for 10 weeks on Wednesday from 5pm-8pm.

4. I told myself no more ProCompression socks but how cute are these?


Do you like wearing long compression socks? Β Have you ever run a 50k?

6 Comments on Friday Randomness – July 31, 2015

  1. Wow, you are going to do two 20-milers? Your training plan is no joke. You’ll definitely be well-prepared come marathon day!

    Those compression socks are very cute!!! Do they get too warm in the summertime?

    • It is time to get serious with my training. I hope to finish under 5 years. I have’t noticed the socks warming me up more than usual. I usually wear them for runs over 10 miles.

  2. Cool, I didn’t know you have a coach now! Glad you are excited for your long runs. I’m having to really mentally rally for mine. It’s SO hot and humid! Ugh!

    • It is time to get serious with my training. Eventually I would like to BQ so we’ll see how long it takes me. πŸ˜‰ But I am determined to get there!

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