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AquaFlops Shower Shoes – I’ve been taking TRX twice a week at my gym from 5:15am-6:00am. After class I shower, get ready, get coffee, and head over to work. These shower shoes are amazing. Love them. They’re cute, slip resistant, and have draining holes so your feet dry quickly. Plus, right now they’re on sale for $7.99 (original price is $16.99). These will be perfect for those trips to the pool.
Momentum Jewelry – I am so happy I was chosen for the SharetheSPARK Campaign sponsored by Fit Fluential. I received two motivation wraps to share with two friends. I love these wraps and own a few of them myself. Use code FFSpark to save 15% off your order! Coupon expires May 31, 2016.
Rapid Mac Cooker – No shame but I like mac and cheese. Sometimes I am so hungry and do not want to wait the 10 or so minutes to make it. This little bowl is phenomenal. I can have my dinner done faster than cooking it on a stove. I know the label says less than 5 minutes but that isn’t really true. Well, it takes less than 5 minutes to heat the water hot enough to cook the pasta but you still have to wait a couple more so that it actually cooks the pasta (or it will be very soupy). I’ve used it a few times and have eaten right out of the bowl and saved the leftovers in a container for another day. Other times I’ve eaten everything in it. 🙂
I loved that Momentum wraps campaign and got to give 4 of those bracelets away. Let me tell you how wonderful that felt!
Lucky you that you got 4 of the bracelets to give away! I can imagine the feeling you felt giving them away. 🙂