I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon training is here!  I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method for this race.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles.  These plans are 18 weeks (I am starting a bit late so I will start with Week 4) and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #2, December 5-11


  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN –5 miles easy, 10:30-11:00 pace
  • ACTUAL – Total 5.02 miles @10:55 average pace

It was very cold and windy (34 degrees) when I went out for my run.  It felt tough.  Last week it was 51 degrees – big difference. Splits are: 10:55/11:42/10:52/10:26/10:42.  Pleased with those paces except mile 2 but I know it was because of the wind.



  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN – 3 tempo miles, 9:09 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.


Honestly, I had not desire to run outside.  Too cold.  I did meet a friend for dinner and drinks.  I had a delicious drink called “Nautghty or Nice”.  Yummy!!



  • PLAN – 5  miles easy, 10:30-11:00 pace
  • ACTUAL –Did not run.


I was hungry when I left school and I had to pick up my Garmin Foot Pod at an Amazon Locker. Have you ordered something from Amazon and had it delivered to a locker?  It is very convenient and fast!  I ordered it on Thursday and it was delivered on Friday.  I plan to use the foot pod when I run at the gym.  Well, I will run there when I join a gym.


At home cuddling with Lola.


Later that evening my mother gave me a package that had arrived for me.  Some time in November I had won a giveaway hosted by MilePosts.  Check out what I won!  Most of the stuff will come in handy when I run in the evening and it is dark.



  • PLAN – 4 miles easy, 10:30-11:00 pace
  • ACTUAL – 4.02 miles @10:43 average pace

I had already missed two workouts and did not want to miss another one.rnrdctrainingrecap16

It went better than I expected and I was glad it was four miles.  Splits are: 10:42/10:52/10:44/10:33/.  <<Pleased with my splits.


Check out the cool medal for my upcoming race in March.  I like it!



  • PLAN – 8 miles easy, 10:30-11:00 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 @10:55 average pace

Chicago got hit with several inches of snow.  I had cleaned my car last night after a night out with friends and had to clean it again in the morning.  We are expecting more snow this evening.

It was 27 degrees in the morning but it did not feel cold.  I did have 3 layers and was warm. However, it was windy on the way back.   For the most part the lakefront was clean and it was a breeze running on it.  But there were some areas (leading to and from the lakefront) full of snow and that felt challenging.  Overall, I am pleased with how I ran today.  Splits are: 11:06/11:28/10:42/10:33/11:15/10:28.

Week 2 went well.  I skipped two runs but I am not going to worry too much about it.  Again, all of my runs were easy runs between 10:30-11:00 and for the most part I managed to hit those paces.   In week 3, I have 12 x 400 and 3 tempo miles. 

Check out the weather forecast for this week.  Yikes!  It will be a cold one this week.


Total mileage for the week: 22.10 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 37.16 miles

Total mileage for the year: 1,225.34 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

14 Comments on Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon Training Week 2

  1. Oh wow I’d love the Naughty or Nice drink. Vanilla vodka, chocolate, and Baileys! Yes and Pleasssseee!
    What is an Amazon Locker? Is it delivered by a drone?? Kidding!!! But you know it’s coming it really is!

    • Who knows how it is delivered but think of it like lockers in a gym. You enter your code or scan your receipt and a locker door opens for you to get your stuff. It is good for those that don’t have a place to get stuff delivered or if you want to hide something. JK.

  2. Great job on those cold runs! I didn’t know Amazon delivers to a locker. Sounds like a neat concept. Congrats on winning those products from MilePosts. I recently ran in the HeadSweats visor I won from you. I loved it! Thanks for linking, Zenaida!

    • Thanks! I did not know either till I saw that option during checkout. I love the idea!

      I love the visors from HeadSweats. Looking forward to some warmer weather. Too cold here.

Thank you for your comment!