I realized it is almost halfway through November and I am just writing down my goals. But better late than never, right?

Run more than 100 miles. Β I’ve been slacking off on my runs the past couple of months. The last time I ran over 100 miles in a month was in July with 122 miles. Β Then in August it was 52, September it was 48, and in October it was 45 miles. Β No excuses since I have all of the shoes now.


Take swimming lessons.Β  I still have some classes that I purchased in the summer. Β I just need to figure out the days and times that are convenient for me and hopefully they will also work for my swimming coach. Β This goal might even extend to December since the classes expire at the end of December.

Be more patient. Β My days have been stressful. Β Many of my kids are low in reading and writing. Β Some struggle with basic instructions. Β That combination just drives me up the wall. Β I just cannot understand how someone cannot follow basic instructions. Β  Oh, and they TALK all of the time. Β Yep, breathe slowly and relax.

Have more social activities.Β  Lately my days have been all about work. Β I get to work at 7am and leave around 4 or 5 pm. Β Then I am just too tired to do anything else. Β I need to find a balance with work and having some fun too. Β Tomorrow I am meeting some friends at Cooper’s Hawk for dinner and you bet I am excited about it.

Get a haircut. Β Why is it that we drag doing something very simple? Β The last time I got a haircut was in June. Β Prior to that was August of 2016. Β My plan is to cut about 2-3 inches.


I’m linking up withΒ Running on HappyΒ andΒ Fairytales and FitnessΒ for Friday 2.0.


18 Comments on Friday Five 2.0-5 Goals for November

    • Thanks! Today was one of those days in which I wanted to walk out of the room. I didn’t. Instead we all took a GoNoodle break.

  1. Good luck with your Nov goals! I need to get my eyebrows/lip waxed and it seems like such a daunting chore when it really isn’t! πŸ™‚ I’m often too tired for social activities as well, especially during the week. I try to schedule one for the weekend.

  2. ha! I hear you on the haircut, I went about 7 months and my hair was feeling ratty lol Now I’ve had 2 in about 11 weeks πŸ™‚
    Kids will tax your patience for sure lol

    • I should schedule my haircuts just like i schedule my runs. Today was one of those days that I wanted to walk out of the classroom. I didn’t. πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

    • Oh no! I hope you get one soon. Manicures are fabulous! Then again it’s been years since I’ve gotten one.

Thank you for your comment!