Illinois Marathon-2

Week #18, March 26-April 1

M Rest
T 3.19
W 3.26
TH Rest
F 7.35
S Ran 11.68
S Ran 4.00

I took it nice and slow on Tuesday.  I was actually very tired and seriously questioned why I was out running.  My splits were 12:08, 12:38, 12:32.

I almost bought these DD/Saucony Kinvara 4 shoes but they were sold out by the time I made up my mind to buy them.

Saucony Kinvara 9 DD

Wednesday’s run actually felt better.  I wore shorts and a new Oiselle top that was sold out but miraculously one became available for me to order.

My left knee is being a jerk and I’ve been using RockTape.  I am a little worried because my marathon is in less than a month and I hope I can still run it.

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I wrote in a post last week that I entered the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon.  I received an email on Thursday morning letting me know that I got in.  I am excited about it and have until Monday evening when I can officially register.


Thursday afternoon was the start of Spring Break.  I came home and stayed in bed for a bit.  I was very tired.  I did not want to run and I didn’t. 

Spring Break 2018-1

Lola was more than happy to cuddle with me.

Since I skipped my run on Thursday, I went on Friday morning.  It was a gorgeous day for running!  My workout was 1.5 mile warm up, 4 x 1 mile @10:01 with 4 minutes recovery, and 1 mile cool down.

I did pretty good!  It was hard.  I didn’t look at my pace for the mile repeats (except for the last mile) and ran by feel.  The last mile felt ever harder.  My legs were tired and the wind was making me even more tired.  I did stop about 3 times to catch my breath.  I just wanted to finish.  When I was done and checked my splits, I saw why I was tired at the end.  I was running faster than I should have.  But I can honestly say those paces felt hard but not enough for me to stop and walk (except the last mile).  Overall, VERY PLEASED with how the run went.

I decided to switch and do my long run (150 minutes) on Saturday, so I could have all day to rest and recover.  Mother Nature likes to mess with us.  There was rain and lots of wind on the forecast.  Sigh.  

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The original plan was to be out on the lakefront at 7am.  I woke up at 7 but stayed in bed and didn’t get up till 9.  Then I made pancakes and procrastinated.  Then I got ready and by noon was hungry again so I ate a light lunch and watched TV.  I was finally out the door st 2:30.  

This run was HORRIBLE.  It was windy and windy.  No matter which direction I turned there was wind.  I got tired early in my run and didn’t want to continue.  My paces were all over the place.  My fastest mile was 11:24 and my slowest was 13:53.  

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I wanted to quit but didn’t because thanks to Facebook I was reminded of my first ultramarathon 6 years ago.  This run felt harder than the race.  🙂  I had to run the first 100 minutes at an easy pace and then the last 50 close to 11:00.  Obviously that didn’t happen and I didn’t care.  I was just so tired and wanted to be done.

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Even if this run sucked, I am happy I didn’t quit.  But I don’t know what it worse, quitting on a run or continuing but hating every minute of it.  On a positive note, I was also happy because I ended March with 121.43 miles.  Yay!!

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To end the week I ran 4 miles today.  It was cold but surprisingly didn’t feel too cold.  I should have done my long run today but I really thought it was going to be very cold today.  Illinois Marathon-173

Total mileage for the week: 29.48
Total mileage for this training cycle: 382.29
Total mileage for the year: 303.46

Here’s how training has gone so far:
• Week 1
• Week 2
• Week 3
• Week 4
• Week 5
• Week 6
• Week 7
• Week 8
• Week 9
• Week 10
• Week 11
• Week 12
• Week 13
• Week 14
• Week 15
• Week 16
• Week 17

How was YOUR week?  

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2 Comments on Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 18

  1. Congrats on getting in to MCM! I’d love to do that and would consider coming out of marathon retirement if I got in.

    I hope your knee calms down!

    • Thanks Wendy! I finally signed up yesterday. The deadline is today at noon and I will be at the movies at that time. 🙂

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