ZOOMA Half Marathon-1

I am excited to be training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon on September 15.  I am also excited to share that I will train using the Hansons Half Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. 

Week #6, July 2-8

M Ran 4.00 miles
W Ran 4.04 miles
TH Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
S Did not run

I am loving the “easy” runs.  Sometimes I can get negatives splits and sometimes I don’t.  

ZOOMA Half Marathon-23

On Wednesday I ran the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th and had so much fun!  I’ve done this race since 2013 and will continue to do so as long as I am in town.  It is one of my favorite races in the Chicago area.  I just realized I don’t have  recap yet and plan to have it this week.

On Friday I ran 4 miles again but Strava only recorded 3.7 miles.  How is that possible?  I use my Garmin for all of my runs and then those sync to Strava. 

Friday was also my last day of summer school.  I cannot believe 4 weeks went by already.  Now I can enjoy my summer break!  🙂

Sunday morning I woke up with a tight calf.  Lola and I make sure to always use correctly the yoga mat.  Using a tennis ball to foam roll hurts but always feels good.  My leg felt so much better afterwards.

Another week of training!  This week went well except that I skipped Sunday’s run.  Again, woke up later than usual and it was just too hot to run outside.  I was hoping that it would be cooler in the evening but it was still warm and sunny.  I didn’t want to deal with it.  How many months till fall?

Total mileage for the week: 20.04 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  132.73 miles
Total mileage for the year: 584.11 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1 and 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

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