On Wednesday I ran one of my favorite races in the Chicago area – Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.  I’ve run this race since 2013 and have always had a great time.  I like the price, the distance, and the location.  It is very easy to get there and I always find parking..FREE parking.

I left later than usual and even thought I didn’t park in my usual spot, I still managed to park close to the start line.  Then I got my bib and met the Oiselle girls for a picture.

4 on the 4th-1

Let’s go back to my bib.  I gave the volunteer my name and she found it on the roster.  I remember hearing the number 24 or something like that.  Once I got my bib, I didn’t look at it and just went to meet up with the Oiselle girls.  I have a Fitletic belt and use the toggles for my bib.  Again, I did not look at it.

I talked to Heather and Kathleen for a few minutes and then we lined up.  It was already sunny and HOT.

4 on the 4th-2

This race is not a big race but there are a few people cheering for you.  There is just something about running in a small town for a race.  I knew I wasn’t going to get a PR.  I started off too fast and then paid for it at the end.  Still, I don’t think it was too bad.

4 on the 4th-3

I did walk a few times because I also got too hot.  I didn’t have a visor with me because that morning I checked the weather report and it was supposed to be overcast.  Luckily there was some shade and that helped.

This course has a few hills.  Not too many but the worst one is right before the finish line.  I know this but I curse every single time.  🙂

At the finish line, I got a water bottle and an ice cold washcloth to cool me down.  I was sweating a lot.

4 on the 4th-4.jpg

.I walked for a bit to cool down before going home.

In my car is when I had a feeling that something was wrong with my bib number.  I remember hearing the number 24 but not 25.  I just wanted to get home to shower and eat.  I knew there was nothing I could do about it so I decided to handle it at home.

Yep, I got the wrong bib.  Once the results were available on Athlinks,  I couldn’t find my name but did find my results with the bib number I used to run the race.

4 on the 4th-7

I emailed the race director right away and explained the situation.  After a few emails back and forth, the problem was resolved.  

4 on the 4th-8

I also checked Kim’s name and she was given a new bib number to run.  Glad that worked out too.

I highly recommend this race to everyone.  It is always fun and the perfect way to start off the holiday.

Linking up with Marcia, Patti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


14 Comments on Elmhurst 4 on the 4th Race Recap

  1. It almost sounds like we ran the same race — just 2000 miles apart! No clouds? Check! Hills? Check! Biggest one before the finish? Check check!

    I hate it when there’s a mix up like that (happened at my very first half) but sounds like they were right on it.

    Good job!

  2. Other than the bib miss hap, it sounds like a great race! One year at Rock n Roll marathon I got someone else’s bib number, and it wasn’t until that night that I noticed it. As soon as I got to the race the next morning i went to resolutions desk and they were able to switch it out thankfully!

  3. Glad you got the bib issue resolved! Sounds like a great race. It’s always fun to do the same races multiple years in a row!

  4. That’s crazy about the bib mix-up! It’s good that it was resolved, for both you and the other gal. I don;t think I’ve ever done a 4-mile race….that would be a fun distance!

  5. I have that singlet too, and i love the coloring. I figure it’ll be a fun one to wear for my fall race. It did pretty well at RnR Vegas.

    • So many options but that is the one I like the most. What I really want is the original one with orange on the sides.

  6. That’s crazy about the bib mix up but I’m glad it was easily, and quickly, fixed! I guess there is something to be said, though, about paying attention when you’re doing your job, even if it is a volunteer gig.

    I love small races with a good spectator contingent! And easy to find parking. So fun!

    • That had never happened to me. From now on you bet that I will double check my bib number.

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