ZOOMA Half Marathon-1

I am excited to be training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon on September 15.  I am also excited to share that I will train using the Hansons Half Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. 

Week #7, July 9-15

M Did not run
W Ran 2.00 miles
TH Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
S Did not run

This week did not go well for training.  I was in a funky mood and had no desire to run.  I missed my run on Monday and Sunday.  I also missed my long run last Sunday too during week 6.  I don’t remember feeling like this last year so I am not sure what is going on.  

Wednesday morning I wasn’t hungry early in the morning like I usually am.  I did some errands but by 11 am I had to eat and stopped a restaurant close to my house.  I had a pepper and egg sandwich with hash browns.  It was yummy!

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That evening I decided to head out for a run.  I wanted to do 3 but ended up with 2 miles.  As I was turning a corner, another car also turned, and then stopped not too far from where I was.  That freaked me out.  I stopped too waiting for the car to keep going.  It didn’t.  Other cars were behind it and also stopped.  It still didn’t move.  The cars went around it.  Still didn’t move.  The driver finally turned on the blinkers.  I then turned around and went back home.  I don’t know if there was car problem or the driver was waiting for me.  

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Saw this the next morning on my run.  Yes, we have a problem around here.

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Ran faster than I wanted to and almost managed negative splits.

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Friday and Saturday were easy runs too.  It rained a little on Saturday but it felt so good to be out there.

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I want some fall weather!  That is my favorite season for running.  Hopefully next week will be better.  I need to figure out how to not miss/skip my long runs on Sunday.  I am thinking of moving them to Saturday to run with friends and hopefully that will motivate me to run.

Total mileage for the week: 14.00 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  146.73 miles
Total mileage for the year: 598.11 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1 and 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

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