Random Thoughts Thursday

• I signed up for the StepBet challenge.   It is harder than I thought.  Each week (for 6 weeks) I have 4 active days (15,310 steps), 2 power days (18,511 steps) and 1 rest day.  The first week was a warmup so if I didn’t meet any of my goals, I would still be in the competition.  We started off with 546 players and we are now at 457 players.  


• Have you ever tried Coquito?  Me neither.  Saw this recipe and plan to make it.  Pretty easy.


 • This cold brew from Califia is actually pretty good.  The taste isn’t too strong but yet enough to enjoy.  Saw it at Target for $2.49 each container.


  • I love avocado but was not very impressed with fried avocado fries.  I mean they are good but not in an out of this world great.

Avocado fries-1.jpg

  • I hate snow.  While it may look pretty for about 10 seconds, there is nothing pretty about it once it melts or it turns to ice.  We got our first snowstorm on Monday.  Chicago didn’t get too much (not enough to cancel school) but various other suburbs did while prompted districts to cancel school.  Forget running outside.  

  • I am bummed that I didn’t get accepted into the 2019 NYC Half Marathon.  On the bright side, I am saving money so maybe now I can get another pair of Tieks shoes.  🙂

NYC Half Marathon-2.jpg

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