I first heard about StepBet from Kim in this post. But it wasn’t till later on when she wrote about her experience that I actually signed up. I asked myself “How hard can it be?” Well, it wasn’t easy but it wasn’t hard either. 🙂
What is StepBet?
“StepBet is a fitness game that motivates you to be more active. Players “bet” on themselves to meet their personalized step goals during every week of the game, and win money if they do. The cash prize, accountability, and community support help you build a more active lifestyle.”
Each game is $40. If you win, you automatically get it back. Depending on the number of players and the money in the pot, you can also win more money. I cannot remember how many players and money was at the beginning of the game, but when it was over, there were 365 players and $21,680 in the pot. StepBet retains 15% of the gross pot to pay referees, transaction fees, game hosts, and administrative support. For this game I received $50.49. Overall, I made $10.49!!! 🙂
How does it work?
Your weekly goals are calculated based on previous data from your FitBit, Apple Watch, Garmin, Apple Health, Google Fit, or Samsung Health. You will get an Active Day Goal and a Power Day Goal. You need to hit your “active” steps at least four days a week and “power day” steps at least 2 days per week. You also get one free day per week. My step goals were 15,310 for an an active day and 18,511 steps for a power day. The first week is a warm-up week to get you used to the game. You do not have to meet any of the goals. The next 5 weeks are the interesting and challenging ones. Â
• I enjoyed the accountability and support. When you sign up for the challenge, you are in a group (similar to a Facebook group) where you can post and “talk” to other members.
• It got me walking more than usual.  As a teacher I do walk a lot. However, there were days in which I left school with less than 10,000 steps. I would then walk for about 1-2 hours to meet my daily goal. Luckily the weather was decent and nice enough to walk outside.
• Is it worth it?  Yes! I didn’t do it for the money. Well, maybe just a little since I didn’t want to lose my $40. There were days that I was exhausted (especially the day of and after a power day) but I didn’t want to quit. I am glad we had one free day to rest or simply not worry about meeting the daily goal.
• Will I do it again?  Maybe. For now I am taking a break from my FitBit (haven’t worn it since January 1st) but might start wearing it again in the upcoming months.
I’ve been wanting to do a RunBet and signed up for one hosted by Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner. It is a 4 week challenge where you’ll need to run 4 days each week for at least 30 minutes. Interested? Sign up HERE. The challenge starts Monday, March 4th.
• People get injured and couldn’t participate anymore.  They would submit a doctor’s note and would get back their $40. With this the money in the pot would decrease and there is less money available for the winners. I know this is wrong (and greedy) of me to say it, but I think that money should have been left in the pot. More for the winners! Or maybe half of it should have been refunded?
This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic. Feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!
I’ve been intrigued by StepBet! It just sounds too good to be true. I’m glad it’s working out for you.
I’ve done it once and may do it again. Try the RunBet and let’s win some money! 🙂
I agree with a lot of what you said for StepBet. Right now i’m taking a break from it because it was a little stressful to meet my goals considering I have an office job and don’t walk a lot during the day. I think I will do another game once I start half marathon or marathon training.
I will probably do RunBet once the weather gets better!
Exciting that you’ll be doing another game! I am hoping the RunBet game will motivate me to get out there and run.
You do get in a lot of steps! Lately I am reduced to just pacing around my house. It’s cold and yesterday was insanely windy (again!). We also lost power so no treadmill. I don’t think I actually got to 10,000, but i know it was over 9000 and I also rode my stationary bike.
The weather definitely isn’t helping. I have paced around my house and it does get boring but it needs to be done.
I’m not running, the weather sucks, so I’m a pacing like a caged lion right now! It does work though.
I have done informal step challenges before but nothing like this with money involved!! So exciting that you won!
Thanks! I was happy that I won even if it wasn’t that much but I was more happy that I didn’t lose $40.
I’ve done DietBet, but never StepBet because mine are so inconsistent. Didn’t realize Deborah was hosting a RunBet – I’ve been wanting to do one. Never better than with a friend. Thanks for flagging
When/if you get back into your fitbit, feel free to add me.
Great! Hope you sign up for the running challenge.
Congrats on getting your steps in. If I don’t do a long run, my steps are pitiful. I sit at a computer sometimes all day.
I used to wear a Fitbit but now I have an Apple Watch.
Maybe I’ll try it once my leg heals.
Yay I am so glad to see that you are going to do the runbet w me! It has really gotten me out there on days when I really just did not want to get outside. I am always glad that I did it!
Thanks to you for hosting! I am actually looking forward to it. It will definitely get me out there to run. Hopefully we get some decent weather next month.
StepBet sounds like a lot of fun. It’s a great way to encourage accountability. I may have to give it a try!
It definitely encourages accountability since you don’t want to lose the money you placed in the bet.