What is the weather like where you live? For us in the Chicago area it was another hot week. It cooled down a bit on Thursday because it rained but then midday it was hot again. Then Friday and Saturday were just brutal HOT. It is summer after all. 🙂
My mom came home with me on Sunday because she had a doctor appointment on Monday and an eye doctor appointment on Tuesday. Both doctors are close to where I live so it made sense to have her stay with me.
Monday morning I ran 4 miles. I accidentally stopped and saved my run at .39 of a mile and didn’t realize it will about 1/2 mile later. I am not sure how that happened. I did keep running to complete my run.
At the doctor’s office we found out there were some changes to her medical benefits and therefore could not see her doctor. Somehow her current doctor is not in the network and she was assigned to a different one located downtown. Anyway, since it was early and we were still hungry, we went to eat breakfast.
I was told to call County Care and have them switch her back to her current doctor. I didn’t call and instead went back and forth via email and some phone calls to another clinic where I was told that her doctor is in the network. I also found out that County Care does not pay for medical appointments. Medicare pays for those appointments. Finally I was on the phone with someone from the clinic and County Care and I think we got it straightened out. She has an appointment on Wednesday. Cross your fingers we are not turned away again.
On Tuesday we went to the eye doctor. My mother had cataract surgery 5 years ago. She has some trouble seeing clearly with her right eye. The doctor said there is a wrinkle (?) in her right lens and a minor laser procedure can fix it. We scheduled an appointment for next Friday. Later that evening my cousin invited us to his house for enchiladas.Â
Wednesday morning I ran 5 miles. It was warm but not too bad. It helped that it was cloudy. Later on I took Lola to the vet for her yearly checkup. She is healthy but has lost some weight compared to last year. It was just a few ounces and was told to take her back in 6 months. Not sure how she lost weight since my sister and I always make sure she is fed. I hope it isn’t anything serious. Obviously she does not like going to the vet and as soon as we got home, she hid under the bed and was there for the rest of the day..until dinner time. 🙂
Oh, and my mother made enchiladas again. 🙂 That evening I took her home. I am glad she stayed with me. It was a change for her and it gave my sister a break too.
It rained all morning on Thursday. I must have been really tired because I slept in a bit and felt really good. No running for me because I met a coworker for breakfast. Her mom had been in the hospital and nursing facility since February and came home about a week ago. Â
It cleared up in the afternoon and it was hot again. I knew I still had to run and waited till after 8 to go outside. It was like an oven. I managed 1.5 miles. I wore my Koala Clip and was very happy with it. I did notice that my phone did get a little wet. Perhaps I didn’t close it correctly? Who knows but I still liked it and best of all there was no bouncing and it did not move.
I also went to the doctor to have him check out my left knee and foot. The bottom of my left foot started bothering me during the Missoula Half Marathon. Then again last weekend when I tried to run 10 miles. I suspected it was plantar fasciitis (thanks Google) but still wanted to be sure. The doctor did say it was plantar fasciitis, along with knee bursitis and patellar maltracking (my kneecap moves a bit and makes a clicking and scraping sound when I bend my knee). My knee does not hurt..just my foot. He gave me some exercises to do and a prescription for physical therapy (along with a recommendation for a gait analysis). He also told me to wear a knee support brace, but only when I run, and reminded me to stretch and foam roll. I thought for sure he was going to tell me to stop running. 🙂
When I suspected that I had plantar fasciitis, I bought these massage rollers from Amazon. Wow, they’re amazing!!!
On Friday I meet a few BibRave Pros at the RnR Chicago. I got excited when I saw Kathrine Switzer and one of my favorite Brooks shoes.
Then I meet the Pros for dinner at City Winery West Loop.
Saturday evening I decided not to run the half marathon. I went back and forth with my coach about my knee and foot. She advised me to take a few days off from running and instead to focus on cross training activities. I am to let her know Monday afternoon how my foot feels. Let’s hope I can get back to running soon.
Have you ever had plantar fasciitis? Suggestions on how to treat it?
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
Oh hell yes, I’ve had PF. It almost sidelined me from Big Sur. PF is one of those things that everyone has a cure for but none of them help. I truly think the only thing that works is time off. I do a yoga pose called ‘broken toe pose’ for maintenance. It stretches out the plantar fascia. Google it. Hang in there!
Thanks Wendy. I had no idea how painful and uncomfortable it is. Now I know how it feels. I did google that pose and I am sure I’ve done it before. I’ve found that stretching has helped too.
Hi Zenaida! I as so excited I found your blog! Me and the team at AMH can totally help with your PF!!! I am at the West Loop office Tuesday and Thursday afternoon/evening. https://www.alignedmodernhealth.com/people/massage-therapists/donald-anderson/
Hey there! I am going to check it out. Thanks.
We have massage (obviously!), chiropractic physical medicine with rehab exercise as well as acupuncture. I would love to be able to help support your running. 😀
I might buy those massage rollers form Amazon. I’m still kind of dealing with PF in my left foot. I hope that all the exercises you do will help your foot and knee.
Sorry to hear about the mix up with your mom’s doctor. I’m sure that had to be so stressful, especially since it was so unexpected. Fingers crossed that everything goes well during her next visit.
It wasn’t too expensive. I paid $14 on Amazon. The massage balls are similar (a little bigger) than another one I have which I couldn’t find so now I have 3. I have used the roller on my foot and my calf. Feels so good.
Everything with my mom has been a learning experience. Things have been going smoother now but the occasional bump in the road.
I’ve been PF-free for three years, but I well remember what a pain it was. I got in the routine of massaging my arches (for a few minutes) every night before bed, and I do it most mornings before I get up.For me, that seems to help keep the fascia loose. I also tape my arches for long runs (anything over 8ish miles) for extra support. When I was suffering through it, though, I rolled my feet on a frozen water bottle and that felt great!
I need to learn to tape my arches as I’ve realized that it is during a long run when my foot hurts the most. Yes, I remember hearing about the water bottle method. Now I need to get my hands on one. 🙂
So far, knocking on wood, I haven’t had to deal with PF. I am one of those strange people that actually enjoys PT. Yup, I’m weird!
Gizmo was not fond of the going to the vet (mild understatement), but as soon as we were back home he was just fine.I’m sure Lola is fine, too.
How nice that your mom made enchiladas! Yum! I hope you can get all the medical stuff straightened out. It’s all so complicated these days.
Lola was fine the next day. There were so many people and lots of dogs barking and it must have traumatized her.
It has been a learning experience for us. Things are smoother with a few things here and there.
It definitely takes time to adjust to life changes. I think you’re doing a great job, and I know that it’s really challenging.
Thank you, Judy! 🙂
It is HOT here and in Pittsburgh, where we visited this weekend. Our runs were slow and included several walk breaks.
Bless you for taking such good care of your mom. I know it can be difficult, but you only have one mom. You are a good daughter!
Thank you, Laurie! It looks like we are finally getting a heat break this week.
PF is the worst! The Strasborg sock that you wear overnight helped the most and icing and rolling everyday. Also not running until it heals. It will heal if you rest it. Thanks for linking up and please remember to try to comment on the host blogs when you drop your link thanks
I am finding out that it is the worst. I also remember hearing about that sock. I will have to check it out on Amazon.
I had PF for over two years before I finally got rid of it. I did all the stretches, RICE therapy, etc. on my own until finally gave up and went to a podiatrist and he prescribed physical therapy where they did the same exercises I’d been doing. It wasn’t until my doctor recommended I buy custom orthotics that I finally found relief. Within two weeks of getting my new orthotics my PT pain went away for good! 🙂
My mom had similar issues following her cataract surgery years ago. She had a pucker/wrinkle that was fixed with a laser as well. She’s since had other issues with macular degeneration, but that’s stable. I’m visiting her for the week and plan to take her two cats to the vet while I’m here. They’ve both lost weight from the heat – they’re outside cats.
Have a great week!
I cannot imagine having it for 2 years!??!!? So custom orthotics is all it took? I had a pair years ago but found them to be uncomfortable. I got them from my podiatrist so maybe I will pay her a visit.
The eye doctor told me that wrinkle is common so it was bound to happen.
Poor cats! I hope they’re OK.
Wow on that insurance/doctor run-around. Why does health care have to be so complicated? I do hope it’s worked out now. PF is evil. I’ve dealt with it several times. In addition to taking care of your feet (stretching, rolling) make sure you are stretching/rolling your calves.
That is what I said too. I thought once someone is on Medicare and/or Medicaid, it is much “easier”. We never had problems with her doctor and insurance so hopefully now things are settled.
Yes, I have been rolling and stretching my calves. Feels so good!
What a hassle with your mom’s doctor situation!! I hope everything is ok now! I was absolutely drooling over your food pics; I love enchiladas and I do make them occasionally (I have chili from New Mexico to make the sauce) but the corn tortillas we get here are not that great so I only do it when I’m desperate for “real” Mexican food!! I have not had PF – of all my foot issues it’s kind of unbelievable that I haven’t but I know it’s quite common. Hopefully you can get it sorted out soon. Bummer about not running the half, but very cool you saw Katherine Switzer at the Expo!
My sister lives in San Antonio and even the tortillas there are not as good. Whenever she visits, she takes a few packs with her.
I spectated the race and it was so much fun! It is definitely more fun than to run it. 🙂
Thats nice that you got to spend some time with your mom, but how frustrating about the doctors! I hope that you can avoid any serious injuries by addressing them now!
Thank you!
I think it was a smart move not to run the half between your injury and the heat. I’m amazed at everyone who ran it! I’m dealing with a slight running related injury too so my week looked a lot like yours (and I hate it!!)
It was humid on race day. Everyone I saw said it was a tough one because of the weather. Oh no! What injury do you have? I Hope you get better soon.
Your mom is so lucky to have such devoted children. You all are taking excellent care of her.
I had a nasty bout of PF a few years back. I was pretty consistent with rolling on a golf ball and tennis pall, icing, massaging my calves and stretching. I also used ice and heat baths to get the blood pumping a bit.
I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Thank you! I think my sister and I have a routine going so it makes it easier. Hopefully things are smooth too when we both go back to school.
I wish I would have gotten the floral print instead of my black Koala Clip. Very nice! I hope all goes well with the appointments for your Mom. Medical stuff is so frustrating when it comes to payments and authorizations and such. I was in talks with my insurance company for months regarding a visit that should have been free. They finically decided the charge would be reduced to $75. I was so sick of fighting about it, I just paid it. Ughh.
The only reason I got that one is because the other ones were sold out. I love that it is different. I want to order another one but want a different print instead of a sold color.
I’ve never had problems with my medical stuff but am learning the frustrations with my mom’s stuff. We are still dealing with another company that doesn’t want to send medical supplies because they have her listed as being in a long care facility. It is weird because she has been home for 2 months and they’ve sent supplies for 2 months too. Now they think she is still in a facility?
So many good tips in the comments here for your PF- love the power of this online running community!
I know! I love it too!