The days are going back too fast! I like it but then I don’t. We had some great weather this week and I ran 22 miles. Big improvement from last week! 🙂
I deleted all of my records from my Garmin watch. Feels good to see some new records! I went from a 11:24 fastest mile to a 10:50. I am confused about the 10:50 record because I don’t see it in the mile splits from yesterday’s run.
I also got new records for a 5k and a 10k. It is the little things that make my day.
I love my 4 mile runs. Slow and easy since I don’t worry about pace. I tried to do a speed workout on Wednesday but had to stop because I ran out of time. My next one is on Wednesday and I plan to do 6×800.
My run on Saturday was PERFECT. In the morning I had coffee and an Orgain Organic protein bar before heading downtown. I also drank some UCAN on the way. The weather was gorgeous! I felt great too! I didn’t feel sore or tired. Honestly, I haven’t felt this way in a long time. The heel of my left foot was a little sore but then I foam rolled when I got home and it was better. Again, I cannot believe how great I felt yesterday!
I know I’ve written about issues with my mother’s medical coverage and it looks like we have it all straighten out. For some weird reason her Medicaid medical coverage (County Care) was cancelled. I thought she didn’t have medical coverage and freaked out! We were told to go to the Public Aid office and apply again. We went on Thursday and I learned a couple new things. She does have medical coverage. What was cancelled was the long term care which pays for medical supplies and a caregiver. What we need to do now is pick a new medical plan for her. Some options are Aetna, Blue Cross Community, Cigna, and Humana. After that visit, my sister called the Department of Aging and we were able to get a caregiver and medical supplies. Cross your fingers we don’t have any more issues with it.
Beginning tomorrow is when I can start setting up my classroom. This was my view on Tuesday when I went for a meeting.
My classroom is 104. My classroom is on the right side of the hallway so as my kids enter the building, they’ll be on the right side of the hallway and easier for them to get to the classroom. You probably think it is silly but when you have that many students trying to get inside in the morning and after lunch, this definitely helps.
This year we have a new GE classroom for a total of 5 second grade classrooms (3 GE and 2 TR). What is nice is that the teacher in the new classroom is someone that I’ve worked with before and the transitional teacher I will be working with is someone that already works in our school. Due to some changes, her 1st grade TR classroom isn’t available anymore and she moved to 2nd grade. It looks like we will have a GREAT year! I still have 17 students in my roster so I hope that number does not change.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
That’s awesome about your run yesterday – I love those runs when everything just clicks!
Great news about your mom’s health insurance. I am so glad that things finally seem to be working out and that you will be able to pick a new plan.
A big relief! Maybe that is why I felt great yesterday?
Glad to hear you had a good week and some good runs !! Good luck with all the going back to school stuff !!
Thank you. The next two weeks will be interesting. Lots to do and so little time. 😀🤪
Loving all the positivity in this post!! Hope your mum’s medical aid coverage is fully sorted out and you have an awesome start to the new year! 🙂
Thank you! It is a big relief about my mother’s medical coverage.
It sounds like a lot of us had great runs happening on Saturday! All of the stars, moons, and planets aligned, huh! Good luck with all the back-to-school details…I can’t imagine what it’s like for a teacher.
Thanks! The next couple of weeks will be hectic. So much to do and so little time. 🙂
I did the same on my Garmin at the beginning of the year and reading this just reminded me that I did that! I had talked to a Garmin tech rep and they told me periodically clearing out your old workouts can really help keep the watch up to date and running fresh. I had been wondering why it was giving me new records because I totally forgot I did it! Ha!
That is interesting on that the Garmin rep told you. I had no idea.
Back to school already, man how summer just flew by! Glad to hear about your strong log run this weekend, nice work!
I feel like I just wrote about being done with summer school and finally getting a chance to enjoy my summer break.
Ahhh I remember the last few days of summer when I could set up my classroom – it always felt so good to start the year off organized with all my bulletin boards and everything. Summer certainly has flown by. The weather Saturday was amazing, glad you got a solid long run in!
Even though it is a lot of work, it makes me happy to set up my room. New year and new kids is something to be excited about!
Good idea to reset the watch I bet that is great motivation! Nice job on your runs this week and have a great week ahead
Thank you. It is motivating to see new records after a run.
What a great idea to clear your records from your watch! I should have done that when coming back to running after pregnancy. I can’t believe its back to school time already. When I worked in schools i used to love that feeling of starting off a new school year! (Now I’m in central office and work 12 months so the beginning and end of the year doesn’t mean much to me)
I am getting excited about the new school year and new kids. I went today to set up my room and I left tired and sore but pleased with how my room turned out.
Hooray for feeling great on your run! I agree our weather has been amazing this month. Finally! The high school here starts TODAY. Middle school goes Thursday. Way too soon IMO. I wish we started closer to the end of the month.
The good thing about starting early is that you get out early in May too. That is what I liked about the previous school year. Now with a later start we will be finished the first week of June.
Your training is going really well, Zenaida. I can’t believe it’s back to school time already. I always liked going in and getting my room ready early so that it was welcoming on the first day of school. Glad you got your mom’s issues all straightened out.
Thanks! I went today to set up my room and left pleased with how it turned out. I will go again on Wednesday and hopefully will be done and ready for the first day of school.
Yay for that Saturday run! I love runs like that. And that’s great news about figuring out your mom’s medical coverage.
I have to run 8 miles again on Saturday so here is hoping that I have another great run.
You had a good week of running! Glad your mom’s medical stuff is getting figured out. Insurance can be so frustrating.
Thank you! I never had any problem with mine so I was surprised to experience so much trouble with hers.
I didn’t know you could delete your records from garmin… interesting…
Yes, I’ve done it a few times and it is motivating to see new records during a training cycle.
hooray for a good week! congrats on 22 miles and a GREAT Saturday! I love it when everything just feels GOOD before the run.
exciting times ahead with school starting soon! and glad your mom’s healthcare situation is getting sorted now!
It is a great feeling!
Glad everything got straightened out with the insurance situation. I am so confused about the PRs on my Garmin. I’ve had it for years, and just recently it told me I had achieved a PR in the mile… which was a slower time than what the last PR was! Bizarre. It got me all excited for no reason. boo! Good job on the running this week!
That is bizarre about the new PR. Maybe at this point just delete them all and start new?