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I am sure you are tired hearing about the end of my summer break.  This will be my last post about it.  🙂  Honestly, I cannot believe I start work tomorrow.  Now the countdown will be for winter break.  The first day of winter break is December 23rd.  🙂 

Winter Break Image.jpgI had a good week of running.  I ran 4 days for a total of 22 miles.  I had meetings Monday and Tuesday so I was able to run on Monday morning.  It wasn’t too hot and it was cloudy.  Thursday was again 4 miles and that run felt good too.


Saturday morning was 10 miles.  I was hoping to be out and running by 5:30 am but didn’t start till about an hour later.  It was sunny but windy too.  Heading north was fine but then on the way back was tough for me.  I almost stopped running with less than 2 miles to go but didn’t.  Glad I kept going since the last mile was my fastest. 


Sunday was another 4 miles.  Nice and easy without worrying about pace.  Mile splits were 11:49, 11:49, 11:52, and 11:55.  All positive splits!!!  🙂  So far this month I’ve run 55.59 miles.  I won’t make it to 100 but at least I will run more than I did in July (58.72 miles).

How was your week?  Are you kids back in school yet?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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28 Comments on Weekly Run Down: 22 miles and goodbye summer break

  1. Congrats on your 10 miler! I always struggle with getting out the door on for weekend runs. In that sense I’m looking forward to fall when heat won’t be an issue anymore and I can have a more leisurely Saturdays mornings.

  2. In these parts kids don’t go back to school til after Labor Day. It was different when we lived in TX.

    Sounds like running went really well this week! I’ve had lots of positive splits lately paying attention to HR, but hey, it’s really about time on your feet, after all. Good job! Hope you enjoy your kids this year.

  3. Nice running this week, Zenaida. Your 10 miler is awesome. Those weeks until winter break will fly by. And just think, there is Thanksgiving and maybe Columbus Day in there too. Enjoy the last days of summer!

  4. I think all Iowa schools (at least the public ones) started this past Friday (which I think is odd to start on a Friday???). Great job getting those runs done!

  5. Great week. LOL on starting the countdown to Christmas! Some schools around here start tomorrow, but others don’t start until next week. I’m bracing for the traffic to get bad again.

  6. Did you know in Wisconsin it is a state law the school can’t start until after Labor Day? That is due to the large tourist industry and having high schoolers available for employment. I think its a great law! You had a great summer. Me, I’m excited for school to start because I’m tired of doing school physicals. My schedule is jam-packed.

    • I had no idea! I made the best out of this summer. I relaxed and did fun things with my family. I guess I am ready to get back to my regular routine. 🙂

    • Thank you! I definitely enjoy the views when I run along the lakefront. I used to run here all of the time but took a break and now I am glad I am going back there again.

  7. What, still on break? 🙂 My kids went back to school last Weds. I’m a little sad about it too because on my days off work (Thurs & Fri), I still have to wake up early even if I wanted to sleep in! Hope your first week is going well.

  8. LOL – I’m not tired of hearing about it and I’m getting it from all my teacher freinds too! I feel for you guys since it has to be SO hard to get back into work mode after a nice, relaxing summer. I hope you have a great first week and can keep up with your running. Great job!

  9. No kids and no vacation in the summer (using all my days to travel to Germany in a few weeks) so can’t relate to all this end of summer break talk 😉 But good luck and congrats on that 10 miler!!

  10. Keep it up Zenaida !! It’s a great achievement on personal level. What do you think which is the best season to do cardio or running? And congrats on that 10 miler!! Keep running and keep sharing.

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