Happy Tuesday! Was anyone off yesterday? I was and it was definitely nice. This past week I explained to my kids the reason for being off on Monday. Many had heard of Martin Luther King, Jr., but couldn’t remember much about him. No worries. We watched a video and did various activities to remember and honor him. I will ask them again today and see if they remember. 🙂
This week’s Tuesday Topic: What’s on your Winter bucket list? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!
As you know, so far I haven’t had much luck with running. I got sick and then I fell. I know it is only the 3rd week in January and I have plenty of time to achieve my goals this year. However, I have two races this Winter that I want to do and hopefully get a PR in one of them.
• Publix Atlanta Half Marathon, March 1
I’ve been wanting to run in GA for years and I finally have a chance to cross it off my list. This race is the day after the Olympic Marathon Trials so you know I have to go. I know Atlanta is hilly so I was never expecting to get a PR. At this point, my goals are to enjoy it and to finish it (similar to the Detroit race).
• Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle, March 22
One of my goals this year is to get a PR in the 8k distance. There aren’t that many 8ks in Chicago and I do this race almost every year. My PR is 48:38 from 2014. I was close in 2015 with a finish time of 49:49. I remember the first time I did this race in 2006. My goal was to finish under an hour (I did). I also remember running the whole time and stopping only once for water. It is one of my favorite races in Chicago.
Wish me luck. If I don’t get my PR at the Shamrock Shuffle, then I will find another 8k race. This year I am determined.
So maybe these are not exactly bucket list items. Oh well. I still want to get these done.
What’s on your Winter bucket list?
Crossing fingers and toes you PR that second one! I think you’re in with a good chance!
Aww, thanks for the motivation!
I do also like the 8K distance. We don’t have that many either. Hope you are able to run it his spring.
There should be more 8ks right? I mean, a little longer than a 5k but not as long as 10k. It is the perfect distance!
The 8k is such a unique distance! I bet its hard to find many of them. You have plenty of time to reach your goals this year! Good luck!
It is a unique distance. I like that it is longer than a 5k but not as long as an 10k. It is right in the middle.
I hope you PR the Shuffle! My PR days for that race are long behind me. I think in 2003, I finished in a little over 40 minutes. Ah–youth…
I need to run with you or right behind you so I can get a PR.
The 8K distance is unique! There used to be a spring race nearby and it was a hilly course and the weather was ALWAYS cold and windy), but it is no longer. Last summer, we found a 4th of July 8K, so that was fun. Good luck at the Shuffle in March 🙂
The 4th of July race I run is 4 miles. I like the marketing of it “run 4 miles on the 4th of July”. There are definitely plenty of 5ks and 10ks so at least I have plenty of chances to PR in that distance.
Oh, that sounds like a goal! I have heard people speak about this race, it must be great!
March is still a bit to go, so enough time to train for it, as well.
This race has a huge turnout. It starts and ends at the same place as the Chicago Marathon.
Good luck with that 8k PR! That’s smart to try it with a race you’ve done so many times since you’re familiar with the course.
It is also a flat race. There is a small incline right before the finish line. But overall a fun race!
I don’t have any specific races on my calendar at the moment. I’m focused on healing from my injury and then I’ll decide what to run. Good luck with your races! I ran the Atlanta Marathon back in 2008 when it was called the Georgia Marathon – same course though…
Thank you. Injuries are really the worst! I hope you recover soon.
I have nothing on my calendar for this winter. I’d like to be able to complete a 5K in April. That’s my focus right now.
That Atlanta race is supposed to be fun! Good luck!