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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Mine was OK because I got sick again.  So far this year hasn’t been kind to me.  Oh well.  Enough complaining and let me tell you about my week.

It just wasn’t my day at the gym.  I got there later than usual since I was in the bathroom longer than expected.  Yeah, I ate way too much on Sunday.  Monday was the day the workers decided to clean the treadmill which meant the one I use was not available.  I got on a different one but it was shaking the whole time and that wasn’t pleasant.  I moved to another one and the same thing happened.  Finally, “my” treadmill was available but by then it was time to go.  Oh well, at least something instead of nothing.


WEDNESDAY:  1.5 miles
I was tired and just could not get into my run.  I stopped my watch and when I tried to save my run, I accidentally deleted it.  I couldn’t believe it!  I don’t think that had ever happened to me.  Oh well.  Not a big deal since I manually added it.  I don’t remember exactly the distance but it was around 1.5 miles so that is what I am going by.

That night I went out with friends for dinner.  Yummy but I was so full and sleepy by the time I got home.  Oh and more snow that evening.  🙁

Again at the gym to run 4 miles.  Actually felt really good which made me happy but I was exhausted by 2pm.

I thought about running outside but it was still dark when I was ready to head out.  Back to the gym and my favorite treadmill was available.  I watched a few episodes of “Money Heist”.  I was wrong the first time I wrote about it.  There are 3 SEASONS (not episodes) so I was happy to continue watching the show.  Planet Fitness had Einstein bagels for its guests and I grabbed two.

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When I saw this I stopped running.  I was like WTF!!!!

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My poor kitty when I woke up.  Even he was still sleepy.  🙂


This was a weird week.  I kept sneezing and coughing but it did not feel like a cold.  I drank Emergen-C with warm water before going to bed each night and that helped.  Saturday morning I woke up queasy.  I had a light breakfast and then in the afternoon went out to lunch with my coworker.  Afterwards I still was not feeling well.  Still queasy and bloated.  I was so uncomfortable pretty much all day.  I am feeling so much better so that is a relief.

How was your week?  Do you have a favorite treadmill or workout machine at the gym?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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30 Comments on Weekly Run Down: Sick again and a favorite treadmill

  1. So sorry that you’re not feeling well. Almost everyone that I know has been sick the last week or two – something is definitely going around. Hope that you feel better soon!

  2. I sure hope you have a better week! Seems like the whole world is sick–and they are all coming to my clinic. I wash my hands like it’s a job. Nice that you got 7 miles in today.

    • Thanks, Wendy. I can imagine what you go through at the clinic and seeing so many sick kids. A few of my students have been out but my coworker had a few that had the flu. Yikes!

  3. Ugh, it’s no fun being sick and out of energy. Hope it’s a better week for you!

    • I was afraid I’d get sick with the stress I’ve been under at work, but knock-on-wood maybe I did a good enough job taking care of us to stay healthy! I hope you are feeling better!

  4. Oh, deleting a run by mistake is the worst! Good that you knew your distance and could manually edit it.
    Hope you’re feeling better this week! Make sure that you get enough sleep, I’m sure it will help.

  5. I have definitely accidentally deleted runs! It’s so weird! Sorry you were sick. Since my gym got all Woodway treadmills, they are all great so I just try not to go right next to other people.

    • I had never heard of Woodway treadmills and looked them up. My gym has Life Fitness. These were replaced last year but I am not so crazy about them. They do the job so I should just be happy about that.

  6. I’m sorry that you weren’t feeling well this week. Your year has got to improve!

    I don’t belong to a gym; I’m lucky that I have a treadmill in my home — I’d hate having to go somewhere else to use one, but you do what you gotta do.

    Here’s to a much better week, Zenaida!

    • Thanks, Judy! Haha, I know right? Hopefully the worst is over and now I can enjoy the rest of the year. 🙂 Yes, you do what you gotta do. I have my routine set up to get to the gym in the morning. Not easy but doable.

    • Thanks. I am feeling much better. Emergenc-C and sleeping with the humidifier on has helped. I’ve put “Money Heist” to the side since now I started watching “Narcos Mexico”.

  7. Glad you’re feeling better! You got a lot done given that you weren’t feeling good for much of the week 🙁 I do have a favorite treadmill I like at the gym, mostly based on placement because it feels like it has more room around it that the other ones.

  8. ugh I’m so sorry you were not feeling well! that sucks!

    I have a favorite treadmill at the gym. There are 4 that you can’t program and 4 that you can. I want to program my intervals so I don’t have to keep staring at the screen watching the seconds go backwards… my husband has a favorite one as well. He gets SO annoyed when someone is on it haha!

    really hope this is a better week for you.

    • I would love a treadmill that lets you program your intervals. I have to rely on my watch to let me know when you speed up or slow down. I also get annoyed when someone is on my favorite on too.

  9. I definitely had a favorite treadmill back in my gym days and now I’m pretty smitten with the one I own. Hang in there, this season will pass and you’ll be 100% again soon (please remind me of that the next time I get sick).

  10. Oh, I would have been so mad at myself if I deleted my run! Ugh!

    I don’t love equipment at the gym, but I do have a favorite bike at PT. There is one that squeaks horribly, so I will always try to avoid that one.

    Hi Kitty!

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