Happy Sunday! How is everyone doing today?  I swear it feels like it was just Monday. Another week at home doing lesson plans and activities as well as spending time with my cats. 🙂 I guess I shouldn’t really complain about it.
I ran 3 days this week. It is finally warmer here which made the runs more pleasant. I love running in shorts. Â
I signed up for Deborah’s RunBet Challenge so I had to make sure I got out there! Did you sign up as well?Did anyone see this? It was tempting to sign up until someone told me it is 612 miles. To date I’ve run 139 miles. No way can I run 600 miles in 4 months. Or can I? 🙂  I know I’ve mentioned that it is nice to run with no pressure, but how long is that going to last? I doubt any “real” races will take place this year so I am looking for some motivation.
Early in the week we got an email from the Principal that she was putting together a schedule so that we could go pack up our things in our classroom. Someone did inquire if masks, cleaners, would be provided for us. We were told to bring our own mask. I don’t know what happened but then another email was sent letting us know that that project was postponed.
Our last day of school is June 5th. I am not sure if we’ll go till June or stop on May 29th. I finally have my routine set up and am liking it. My favorite part is when my students log in to talk, read or discuss a book. Due to some restrictions set up by the District, I cannot see them but they can see me. I look very different than when I am in the classroom. Most days I do comb my hair. 🙂
In February I applied again to teach Summer School. For sure I thought that it would be cancelled. Nope. It will be done remotely. Now that I have no idea how it would work since half of my students now either turn in minimal or no work at all. I am trying really hard to be patient but honestly I am getting tired of it. I have about 3 that do almost all of the assignments – one has submitted all of them. I am thinking of buying a prize for him (maybe a gift card). Thoughts?
My uncle’s funeral was on Friday. We did not go but thanks to my cousins we did see it on YouTube. My mother felt as if she was there too. She still cannot believe that her brother is gone (no one can). She hasn’t been sleeping well but I will check with her doctor to see if she can take a sleeping pill. I worry because she takes medicine for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Check out Lola also watching the funeral with us.
Are you excited it is May? Any goals for May?
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
Yes, I’m on Deborah’s RunBet challenge. I saw that you’re part of the team as well! 😄
How about an Amazon gift card? I think it’s a nice gesture from you.
Hope your mum recovers well from the sad event. How is your aunt?
The RunBet Challenge is motivating. I once did a StepBet Challenge and that was harder. Amazon would be great too! It helps my mom talk about my uncle. While it comforts her that she talked to him before he passed, she still cannot believe that he was fine one day and then he died the next day. My aunt is doing better. She was in the hospital for a few day and was released on Monday.
Glad you could watch your uncle’s service remotely. So sad. Lovely picture with the cat.
I can imagine what you’re going through as a teacher is very stressful. Wow…Sending you good vibes!
Thank you. I am hanging in there and staying positive. How are YOU doing?
Glad to have you in the runbet it’s fun! Hope your mom is doing ok. Thanks for joining us today and have a good week
Thank you. She is doing better.
I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope that your mom is going okay and feeling a little bit better. I’m glad that you were both able to attend his service remotely.
I saw Deborah’s RunBet but I forgot to sign up – I will next time!
Thank you. She is doing better. 🙂 I almost forgot to sign up and then I read here post and did it.
I got two days of running in shorts this week! And it’s going to get cold again so it was nice while it lasted;-) yeah 600 miles in 4 months is a bit out of my wheelhouse.
We had a warm weekend but then the temperature dropped again. So weird and annoying. If I were already running 30-40 miles a week then it would be doable for me. I mean, I know I can run the 600 miles but there is a good chance that I would get injured and then not even complete the challenge.
So sorry about your uncle. Interesting that you can’t see your students — I guess it’s a privacy thing? I guess with summer school they’re trying to keep kids as caught up as possible?
It is a privacy thing which I do understand but then don’t understand because other Districts use Zoom for remote learning. I guess as long as they can see me then that is more important than me seeing them. That is correct about summer school. By the time we go back in August, students would have been home 5 months. Yikes!
I hope your mom can get some rest. What a stressful time.
It must be so hard trying to teach, and I think its hard for the parents and students too. Hope you can figure out how to continue with this and maybe get more students engaged.
I agree that it is hard for everyone. I am doing the best that I can and can only hope that I am doing enough. It is so hard to teach the students something that they are already struggling with. Reading and writing are the most difficult subjects.
Aww look at sweet Lola. I hope you and your mom are doing okay with your loss. So sad. Shoot I forgot to get in on the RunBet. Summer school will be remote here too.
According to our school district there’s been 99% participation with remote learning so far. I’m happy about that.
Thanks, Marcia. Lola is my girl. 🙂 Wow, I am impressed with that percentage! That is pretty awesome. Well in some good news, we were told that of all the schools in the District, my school ranks high in student participation. We must be doing something right.
I’m so sorry about your uncle — your poor mom! I seem to have missed that somehow. Hugs, Zenaida!
That seems weird that you can’t see your students but I suppose it’s a safety thing. My niece is remotely teaching kids in Brooklyn while she is back with her family in CA!
I think now is a fine time — for me — to back off of running.I don’t see a race happening for me this year either. It’s sad, but it’s not the end of the world either. I never track mileage. I try to listen to my body – which is easier now that there’s nothing I’m training for, but even so, sometimes I’ll run on days when I’m iffy if the weather is good!
Thanks, Judy. I mentioned it in last Sunday’s post but I posted it later in the evening. No worries. As for the computer, it is a safety thing but I understand but I know other Districts do allow teachers to see their students. Oh well, I guess the most important thing is that they can see me. I used to have a Google sheet tracking my mileage. I stopped doing that and just use the data from my Garmin. I like it for my shoes mileage.
I figured it was a safety thing. Although it seems a little odd since you already know the student, but I guess there could be other kids there, too.
I do shoes kinda from feel & how long I’ve had them — and how worn they are.
yeah, kuddos to those tackled that 1000K but my goal is to run 2020km in 2020 and I don’t need to do half of those in one month lol
That is a great goal! I will confess that I checked the numbers to see if I can make that my goal too. So that means that on average I would need to run 140 miles per month. Yeah, don’t see that happening. Oh well.
<3 I’m so glad you were able to see the funeral. I’m sure that provided some closure.
I would absolutely get that student a prize. A’s history teacher sends a weekly email recognizing “rock stars” – those students who complete every assignment for the week. There are 19 students in that particular class. A few weeks ago, the completion number was about 15. Today, it was 10. There are so many layers to this that I don’t want to judge, but at the same time, part of my job as a parent is to make sure my kid “goes to school.” We have 17 days left. It’s hard and awful, but let’s just get it done.
Hang in there. You are making a difference, to at least one student. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you. I did help my mother. She likes it that she can view it more than once. Not sure if it is healthy but at this moment I just want to do whatever makes her happy. Yeah, I don’t want to judge either since it is my job to “just” teach and that is exactly what I am doing. And yes I will get prizes for my students. A few have been participating in my daily Google Meets to read and discuss books in Raz-Kids.
sorry about your uncle. A YouTube funeral. Who would have thought that this would be possible.
So hard to be a teacher during these times.
I know, who would have thought. I told my sister that if it weren’t for the pandemic than the whole family would have been at the wake. Then I realized that he wouldn’t have died in the first place!! He would be at home with his wife.
So sad.
I’m so sorry about your Uncle and sorry I missed the news earlier? Did he die from covid-19? my best friends husband (also in Chicago) died from Covid-19 and as far as I know there was no way anyone could go to or see the funeral. It was about 6 weeks ago when it happened.
I’m in the runbet challenge too! But I also wouldn’t join any challenge that put big mileage number pressure on me. I just don’t know what this year is going to be like in the end.
Teaching must be so very challenging right now. You are amazing for being so flexible to teach remotely. I can totally understand your frustration.
Yes, he died from Covid-19 on Saturday (4/25). My mother wanted to go to the wake but several people talked her out of it. Too much of a risk. I think every funeral home might be different. Who knows? I once did a StepBet challenge and that one was hard. I remember having to walk for an hour or two after work to meet the numbers in the challenge.
I would totally buy that kid a prize! What a shame that so few are turning in their work. I wonder how this is all going to work out for students?
I wrote about that GVRAT on today’s blog post. I too was tempted, but I don’t think I could run that much. I never have!
I will get him something. I am also thinking of getting something for the others that have completed most of the assignments. I mean, they are trying and also doing the best they can. I can only do so much and as frustrating as it is, many things are out of my control. My job is to teach and to be there for my students.
That’s so nice that you were able to at least watch the funeral remotely. I hope that your mom can get some better sleep soon too. It sounds like it would be a nice gesture to get the one kid who does all the assignments a gift card! Incentive for getting the work done 🙂
I am planning to get him something. I will also get something for those that did most of the assignment and participated in class. <<My Google Meets held during class time.
I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle. HUGS to your family.
Can’t even imagine the challenges in not being able to see your students for the visial feedback on how they’re doing
Thanks. It’s been challenging but at least I know being there for them is what matters.