This week’s Tuesday Topic is What speedwork do you incorporate in your running? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
One can either love or hate speedwork. I have mixed feelings about it. It all depends on how I am feeling that morning. I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. I do it because I know it will help me get faster and because my coach tell me do do it. 🙂
When doing speed workouts, my paces aren’t “fast” but to me they are. They’re faster than what I would normally run. It feels good to hit paces and see numbers I never thought I would see. It is even better when I don’t want to do said workout and it goes better than expected!
✔️ I like to do short speed workouts than longer ones. My favorite ones are the 30 seconds fast with 1 minute recovery and 1 minute fast with 1 minute recovery.

✔️ A longer one that I like to do is 3:15/80 or 3:30/75. It isn’t that bad once I get settled in. Sometimes I do two sets of interval and I have to be careful not to go too fast in the first set.

I do a workout like this about once a week. Again, I don’t love them but don’t hate them either. They’re like spice adding an interesting twist to a run! Doing them does not kill me but will make me stronger. 🙂

I dislike speed work but I like your short speed work workout of 30 seconds on/1 minute off. I think I could handle doing that one!
No excuses for that one!
I don’t like speed work either, but I think it helps if you have a coach. And I like your structured approach which you show in your charts.
It makes it a lot more fun!
Fun is what keep us motivated. Boring is not exciting.
I like speedwork (sometimes) and you know I’m not fast!
I don’t like sustained efforts like tempos, but when I do seriously train for something (which I haven’t done this year), I do them anyway.
I get really bored with the same workouts!
I dislike tempos because they’re so long and I can never hold a “fast” pace that long.
Tempos are just hard. But they’re supposed to be!
Speedwork, like everything running, is so personal. I don’t love speedwork, but I definitely hate it much less now LOL
Well that is a good things! 🙂
I have had so many running injuries the last year that my speed has gone out the window.
I like that you are still active and enjoy all of your workouts.
You’ve said it perfectly – speedwork adds that spice! Like you, it’s not my favourite thing on my running plan, but I do love seeing those split times, I’d never see otherwise. Plus I always enjoy how I feel afterwards (if not before or during!)
I also like the variety to do something different and go fast. Well, fast to me. 🙂
I don’t enjoy the time leading up to doing my speed work because I always end up dreading it, but once get to the track I enjoy the workout. Mostly though, I LOVE the drive home after I’ve pushed and can pat myself on the back for a job well done. LOL
Exactly! No matter the outcome we are still out there running. Remember, we don’t have to run, we GET to run.