Another week of running 7 days. I am on day 22 of a running streak. I actually like it. Running in the morning gets me ready for the day. On the days I don’t have a workout from my coach, I run for 20 minutes – slow and easy. Although on Thursday my heart rate went up a lot.

My workouts on Tuesday and Saturday sucked. Tuesday was a 45-minute fartlek. I did the intervals (5 sets of 1 minute fast and 1 minute recovery) and when I was done, well, I was done. On Saturday I had to run 7 miles. I made myself go in the evening and that did not go well. I ran 2.04 miles and went home. Well, I guess they did not suck but they did not go as I had expected. It happens. I did notice that both runs were done in the evening.
I am loving this Fall weather. I love running in shorts and a long sleeve top.
This week my kids took their MAP tests. It is the worst test to administer to my students. I have transitional students (80%-90% of the classes are in Spanish and the rest in English). Why would they take a test in English? Long story short, my kids took 4 tests (Reading and Math in English and in Spanish). We had so many technical issues and not everyone signed in for the test. By Thursday we had enough and I decided that on Friday they would relax and take a break. We will continue with tests this week.
My birthday is in two months myself a new computer. I am using it now and am loving it. I love the big screen too.
This makes me laugh. It is me every single day.
Not running or school related but still wanted to share. An amazing and beautiful person!
This past week was not my week. I know it is all work related and I am tired of being tired and stressed out. I know everyone has stress but I need to manage it better. I’ve been spending so many hours doing work related stuff (after work hours) and I don’t like it. I know I shouldn’t do it (the work will always be there) and I need to find more time to relax and have fun. Right?
Thank you for reading about all of my school issues/complaints. You’ve all been very encouraging and supportive. Hugs to all of you. I want things to get better and I am working on it.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
I struggle because I teach 9 students in class while 7 watch it streamed live. My families are told what is needed the night before but the parents sometimes forget to help my students set up for success, so frustrating. I sent almost everything home for the first month, and on occasion, since evaluating the reading levels, I send something specific to individuals. Hang in there!!
Thanks! Ugh, I don’t want to be in the classroom and have it streamed live. But I would like fewer students in the room too. 🙂
We have not done our reading tests yet. We are still working on MAP tests so who knows when that will happen.
Great job on all of your runs this week! I agree with a morning run being a great way to start off the day.
I can totally relate to what you said about managing stress better. This week I’m going to try doing more meditation classes and possibly going to sleep earlier. Hopefully small changes will help!
I remember when at 8:30 I would be tired and start getting ready for bed. Now, still working in front of my computer.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think that being a teacher is incredibly hard (though hopefully rewarding) work. I think that anyone could walk off the street and do my job as an accountant but very few people could go into a classroom and teach, let alone day after day. So you have all of my respect and ((virtual hugs)). Congrats on the running! A 22 day streak is an incredible accomplishment. Have you ever gone that long before?
Thank you! I am hanging in there. I love the support and encouragement from everyone. I know things will get better but it is frustrating getting there.
The one common thing I hear from all teachers is how stressed they are and how much more work virtual learning is. It seems counterintuitive, but obviously you’re not alone.
The weather was so amazing this week! I loved it. We’re going to warm up just a little, but tomorrow I might run in the afternoon instead of the morning.
I really hope that it gets better for you! Enjoy that new computer!
I am loving the new computer. Though I missed something when I set it up and could not hear my students on Monday morning so I had to use my laptop. I figured it out and fixed it later.
I hate stress. But now I need to work on how to not have it affect me as much.
No one likes stress! Meditation is great to help with it though. Especially when you do it regularly. Doesn’t have to be long, just consistent.
I am sorry you had a rough week. But wow running 7 days is quite the accomplishment! Enjoy this amazing weather
Thanks. Let’s see if I can continue this streak.
Sorry the school issues are still a major stressor. It sounds like you’re doing all you can with your resources. I know you’re a teacher, though, and teachers care 120% more about their students’ well-being than they do about themselves…but please, do take time for yourself. YOU deserve some downtime 😉 ((hugs))
Thanks, Kim. That is goal – to make time for me. Yesterday I turned off my computer at 3pm and did not do any work. Today I am up and ready but will not check email till 8:15 or so.
I am enjoying the cooler weather too! Sorry that work has still been tough. Hopefully it will eventually get better. But you should definitely take that time for yourself!
I agree! Work will always be there and it can wait. The world will not end if I don’t do all of my work. 🙂
Congrats on the streak! I wish I could run every day but my work schedule isn’t conducive to that. i don’t like running in the dark. I’m trying to figure out how to get 4 runs in. Ugh… I think everyone is really stressed out right now. We’re all in this together!
Thanks, Wendy for all of your support and encouragement. Fortunately now that I am home I don’t have to be at school so early and can run later in the morning when it isn’t dark anymore. I am usually out by 6:30 or 7 the latest.
You have a great streak going! I’m sorry work continues to be stressful – this online learning situation is so hard on everyone 🙁 I hope things get better quickly!
Thanks, Michelle. I am happy with the streak and hope I can continue. Let’s see once Winter is here. 🙂
Group hug for sure. You’re doing the best you can. You deserve all the kudos!
Thank you! I will be in touch to coordinate a matching outfit. 🙂
Look at you running all the days! I hope it relieves at least some of the stress. I can only imagine how frustrating elearning is. I am SO grateful we are done with MAP testing. Ugh!
Isn’t MAP testing the worst?! Cannot understand why our District decided to do it.
Running helps start off the day for me. It is my own and free time before dealing with all of the pressure and stress from work. I just need to leave work at 3 and make time for me.