This week’s Tuesday Topic is Brag Time: Share some of your most popular running related blog posts. You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Well this is an interesting topic. I never check my stats. My blog is small. I post mainly to talk about my training and my adventures as a teacher. 😀 I don’t have a lot of followers but do have my loyal readers that read my posts every week. Thank you.
Here are a few of my most popular posts:
✸ Weekly Run Down: Week #1 of training for a 5k and new shoes. Not sure why this is popular. Maybe because it is a new post?
✸ Goodbye November and Hello December! It was a November monthly recap with the previous “Tuesdays on the Run” linkup. Made me smile when I saw that.
✸ Tuesday Topics: My Winter weather running tips and a birthday giveaway! I wrote about my Winter running tips. Surely it had nothing to do with the $47 gift card that was offered, right?
✸ Tuesday Topics: I walked 610,966 steps in the StepBet Challenge! That was a fun challenge! I don’t wear a FitBit anymore and wear my Garmin only for running but would like to do a similar challenge.
✸ Weekly Run Down: A fall and taking a break. I was excited and looking forward to run after recovering from a cold. Then I fell. I am still traumatized from that fall.
✸ Goodbye September and Hello October! Another monthly recap with the Tuesday on the Run linkup.
✸ Weekly Run Down: End of the month and 335 miles. A weekly linkup hosted by Kim and Deborah. Love the support that is provided by everyone in the linkup. ♥️
✸ Tuesday Topics: 2019 Missoula Half Marathon Race Recap. A trip to MT to run a half marathon. Many people raved about this race and I was excited to run there. I liked the course but not the travel experience. I prefer traveling to big cities.
✸ Tuesday Topics: 2019 Shamrock Shuffle Race Recap. One of my favorite races in Chicago. I miss this race. Hopefully I can run it next year.
✸ Weekly Run Down: The Olympic Marathon Trials Edition. A fun weekend spectating The Olympic Marathon Trials. The next day I ran the Atlanta Half Marathon. It was a tough course but the weekend itself was amazing.
✸ Weekly Run Down: Banned from Brooksrunning and summer break. You all know my LOVE for Brooks shoes. Apparently I order too many and then return them more than they would have liked. Now I am not allowed to order from their site anymore. Maybe that is why I wasn’t picked to be on the Run Happy Team either? 🤣 🤔 That is OK since I like ordering from Running Warehouse and Zappos.
I used Google Analytics for this information. Did I do it right? Is that what you use to check your stats too?
It’s so much fun to look back on my old posts to see which ones were popular! I actually have a gadget at the bottom of my page that lists the most popular ones over the past year. Some old posts appear in there–funny how some topics always endure.
I agree. I will have to look into that gadget as well. There is so much bout WordPress that I don’t know and don’t use for my blog.
Nice list, Zenaida!
I regret I didn’t start blogging earlier in my life. It’s a great way to remember all the awesome (and sometimes difficult) things that we did and that happened to us.
I wonder how we will all remember our pandemic posts?
Well better late than never, right? At least you are doing it now and have written many great posts.
I don’t look at my stats. Don’t have a big following. But I continue to blog. I do for me.
I know. I don’t either but I just did it this one time because I was curious.
I’m always reviewing old posts…it’s fun to see how I’ve progressed not just as a runner, but as a blogger. Honestly, I don’t look at my stats very often.
Yes! Sometimes when I read old posts I cringe thinking “Did I really write that?”
I love that one of your favourite races ended up in your top list! I don’t look at my stats too often, but when I do I’m always surprised at what comes out as popular and what doesn’t!
I love that race and was bummed that it was cancelled this year but totally understand the reason. I guess people like to read different things.
Love that you also had a StepBet post as one of your top picks!
I think I found out about the challenge from you. 🙂
Really interesting list, Zenaida!
I’m always kinda surprised that people even comment on my monthly recaps. i truly do them for myself!
Well your recaps are inspiring!
It is always fun to look back on old posts to see what people enjoyed reading. People do love the step bet posts!
That was a fun one! It was an interesting and intense challenge.
It’s definitely fun to go down memory lane! I haven’t looked at my top posts in quite some time. I use Google Analytics as well, but I also have a WordPress widget that shows my most popular posts.
Wendy also mentioned a widget so I need to look into that. I that that was the first time using Google Analytics for my states. It was confusing and not sure if I even did it right! 🙂