How is it that it is Sunday again? The days go by fast for me. This is week #2 of training for a 5k. I ran a total of 22.55 miles. My runs were similar to last week and they went very well.
Monday and Tuesday were again easy runs. Honestly I do not remember too much about them. What I do remember are my runs on Thursday and Saturday.
Thursday’s run was 5 miles. There were also 3 1/2 mile tempo repeats. Targeted pace was 11:10. I ran each repeat without stopping. I am not “fast” at all so seeing those numbers made my day.

Saturday’s run was 5 miles with the last mile being the fastest. Last week was 4 miles with the last one being the fastest one. The last mile was 3 seconds slower than last week but I ran 1 mile longer and the 4 miles were at a faster pace too (and negative splits). I am very pleased with this workout as well.

The weather has been great for running. I wore tights for my runs but on Saturday and Sunday wore shorts. I love the colors of the leaves. Very beautiful!

In non running related news, I bought a new car. I’ve had my car since 2006 and I love it. I never wanted to get rid of it. A few months ago it began to fail. It began to turn off and then quickly turn back on again. I didn’t think anything of it because I was rarely using it anyway. Then about 2 weeks ago it began to happen again. Also, this time it would take a few times turning the key before it would turn on. Again, I didn’t think anything of it. Last Saturday I used it to go to the laundromat and then left it in front of the house. Then Sunday evening it would not turn on. I tried a few times before calling my cousin’s husband (he is a mechanic) to check it. Long story short, still did not turn on and I had to decide whether to fix it or get a new one. All last week I thought about about it and decided to get a new one. Why not? I work hard and deserve it.
Here is my new car. It is a Honda CRV. I love the new car smell. There are so many features and it is intimidating. Ha, just turning it on is very new to me. I will miss my cassette and CD player. Oh and I am having a little bit of trouble with parallel parking. I don’t understand why since I am very good at parallel parking.

With no car I did not go to school at all. It was actually nice to stay home. I do know that teachers are still required to show up at school on the 19th. No kids yet; there is a Board Meeting on the 14th where a decision will be made. I am planning to go this week and hopefully be done with it. What I really want to finish is to put everything away in the lockers. I don’t care too much about the other things but it drives me crazy to have an unorganized room.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
Congrats on the new car! i know what you mean about all the new stuff–when I got my new car last year, it had been 10 years since i bought one. It took me a while to figure it all out. Every once in a while it does something weird, but when i start it again, it resets the computer, I guess. LOL
For now as long as I can turn it on and off, that is the most important thing. 😁
congrats on the fab week of running. Looks like you are in a good place right now. Enjoy your new car!
Thank you! Now I want to take a trip in my new car.
Glad you felt strong on your runs this week, nice job on your workouts!
Crossing my fingers I feel the same way this week.
It’s not bragging if it’s true!!! You had a great week. I’ve lost count of your running streak, but I know it’s been going on for a while.
Today is day #45. Let’s see how long it goes. 😀
Congrats on your new car! I had my last car from 2000-2017 so it was weird to get a new one. Hope you can get your classroom organized!
I still cannot believe I am getting rid of it. Makes me sad but at the same time I am happy with the new one.
Your running is going well, and congrats on those splits! It’s always nice to get new wheels, but I’m a nervous wreck adjusting to the new controls, etc.
Just today I could not turn it off and did not know why. Made me nervous but then I realized it was because the door was open. 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Wow on the new car! How fun! I’ve worn long sleeves a few times, but haven’t needed running tights yet. I’m sure those days are coming soon.
I don’t really like wearing tights in the Fall but it just felt so cold and I needed them. I love running in shorts and love it when I can do that in the Winter too.
I feel like this week went by very quickly as well. It’s weird that some weeks drag on and some weeks fly by. Great job on your runs this week too.
Congratulations on your new car – I love it!
Part of wants the rest of the year to go by fast too but then I wonder what exactly is going to happen in 2021. Will it be better? 🤦🏻♀️😬🤷🏻♀️
Great week of running for you and congrats on the new car! I’ve had my Rover now for 2 years I think and I still don’t know half of the stuff it does. These weeks are flying!
Thanks, Marcia! It was a good week for me. ❤️😀
You had a great week!! And, congrats on your new car! I swear I’ve had my Rav4 for a couple of years now and am still discovering “new” features 🙂
Thank! The car is great and I am getting used to it already.
Nice job on your speedy splits! And the colors of the leaves just make me smile. 🙂
I have had my car 20 years. No joke. Going on 21. Yes, getting a new one is actually really intimidating now! But so far mine has held up pretty well. Mazel Tov!
Thanks. The colors make me smile too. So pretty. 20 years? That is awesome!! I thought mine would have lasted longer but 14 years is still pretty good.
Love the new car!! I loved my former CRV. I bought a Sorento after that (which I have now) because I needed a bigger car. My CRV was super reliable though and it still had a ton of miles left in it. What was wrong with your old car? My Sorento now has 95K miles on it and I’ll probably replace it next year. It’s amazing how much technology changes in just a few years in vehicles!
My car wouldn’t start. 🙂 I am happy with the one I have now.
Congrats on the new car! I’m trying to keep mine going as long as possible because I really don’t want to be in car payments again.
Great job on your weekly workouts! It always feels really good to crush hard workouts.
I still cannot believe about my workouts. I know it isn’t a fast pace but I have not seen those numbers in a long time. Makes me happy.
I am sorry to hear about your injury. 🙁
Congrats on your new car! Did you give it a name?
Thanks! I do not have a name. I thought about it but then could not think of any “cute” ones. 🙂