Another great week of running. Still keeping up with the run streak. Today is day #51.
I had some great workouts again this week. There were a few days of easy runs and a few days of faster workouts. Fun!
Tuesday’s workout was 1 mile easy warmup with 6 sets of short intervals (1 minute @ 9:45 pace and 1 minute easy), then 1 mile easy cool down.

Friday morning I was so tired in the morning. I woke up at 5am to use the bathroom and to feed my cats and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 7 but got out of bed at 7:20. There was no time to do my workout (1/2 mile easy @ ~ 12:45 pace, 1 mile mid-effort @ ~ 11:00 pace, 1/2 mile easy @ ~ 12:45 pace, 1 mile mid-effort @ ~ 11:00 pace, and 1 mile cool down @ ~ 12:45 pace) so I decided to do it after work or in the evening. I almost skipped it. Glad I didn’t. I was actually shocked at how I did.

Based on Friday’s late workout I wasn’t sure how I was going to do on Saturday’s run. The workout was first 4 miles @ 12:30-12:45/mile and last mile @ HMP 11:15-11:30/mile. I decided to run by feel the last mile. I guess I still had energy.

I did a few fun Peloton runs. I did my first run with Robin. I had no idea she was Cuban! My favorite running instructor is Matty but now am going to add more of Robin’s runs to my list. 30 minutes is not enough for Hamilton nor Celia Cruz but I did enjoy them. J Balvin was OK.

In non running news, there was a School Board Meeting on Wednesday and a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday. The latter was very intense and I actually felt kind of bad for the Superintendent. Parents were angry and not happy with the responses. The meeting was shown live on the District’s website. It was also recorded so others could watch it/listen to it later. However, it was then taken down from the Website. Teachers are now expected to return to the classroom on November 9th instead of October 19. I don’t remember what was said about the students. Honestly, I will be very surprised if we (teachers and students) end up returning this year at all.
I finished unpacking all of my boxes. I still have to add some final touches like borders, posters, etc., but everything is put away. It definitely looks much better. The video is from the first day I went to set it up. I was overwhelmed and did not know where to start. I did play on repeat one of my favorite songs.

I started reading this book. It is good but I skipped parts of it because I got bored. Now I am at the part where she is speaking at the Senate Confirmation Hearing.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
wow look at you running every day this week again! Looks like you are in a really great place with your running right now. Thanks for linking and have a great week ahead
Thanks! Crossing my fingers I can keep on running.
Great job on your workouts! Sometimes a post-work run isn’t too bad afterall 🙂
No it isn’t at all. I am used to running in the morning but it did feel great to sleep in that day.
I’m a morning runner, but I think afternoon runs can be good because your body is naturally warmed up from the day’s activity. Sorry the meeting was so contentious, but not surprised. Were parents Mostly wanting their kids to go back, or were parents on both sides?
Most parents were against the schools opening up due to the high number of cases. Cicero (the suburb where I work) has a high number of cases.
I am going to do the Hamilton run this week – it should be fun! Matty is so fun and always makes me smile – just what I need for a run!
It sucks that parents aren’t happy, but I feel like everyone (parents, kids, teachers, etc) is trying to find a new normal when it comes to school. I wish that parents would just be a little bit nicer to the teachers and understand that everyone is doing the best that they can.
Wan’t it a great one? I just wished it were longer.
School is just so stressful for everyone these days. Big hugs, Zenaida! Hold on there. Better days area coming. Not anytime soon, but they are coming!
Nice job on your runs. I always find I run better if I’m angry or time crunched, LOL!
Thanks, Judy. Hopefully soon things will be better.
Congratulations on running through such a stressful time and settling in. I need to re-read RBG
I finished it but wasn’t so crazy about it. I did not like reading about the cases. Now I want to read “Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg”. I have already requested it at the library.
Way to keep that run streak alive! Apparently there was a protest at our high school. I didn’t learn about it until 3 days later. There’s so much pressure for kids to get back in school. I can totally understand both sides. Sucks for everyone. I agree with you I highly doubt you’ll be back in the classroom this year at all.
A protest, huh? I also see both sides but the numbers are just so high right now and it isn’t worth it.
We had a crazy board meeting this week too. I didn’t watch it but I heard it went until like 1:30am or something. Nothing has been decided at this point and as of right now the plan is to go back at the end of January. We’ll see what happens!
I cannot imagine being at a meeting till 1:30am! Yikes!
Great job on your running streak! Sorry for all the continued turmoil. YOur classroom looks great 😉
Thanks, Kim. It feels good to get it done. Now we just wait and see what happens. 🙂
Aren’t you so glad you didn’t skip that run?
I totally feel for the parents of the kids who are still at home. I get it. But…numbers are going back up again. There’s no winning in this situation.
I am so glad I did not skip it! I really did not think it was going to go that well.
Awesome job with your run streak!
I’m so sorry for all of the school stress. I just everyone could take a deep breath and recognize that people are doing the best they can to make the right decisions.
I agree! People are under a lot of pressure and tired of the situation but there isn’t much to do but wait for things to get better.
I can relate – they had a zoom meeting deciding when our students should go back (back in August I think) and it was nuts. One guy kept say that kids were going to die, based on the stats he has seen. Not cool. Great job on your running! Great paces and keeping that streak going!
What an awful thing to say at the meeting! He could have said that it isn’t safe and people would get sick. Right?
That reminds me – I want to watch the RBG movie (on the basis of sex). I need to pencil that in at some point.
I’m sorry your district is still struggling. Distance learning will end at winter break, provided the emergency order doesn’t get renewed, and people are just truly freaking out about that. Since we are in virtual, it doesn’t effect us at all, so I’m just watching. But again, my heart goes out to all the staff, teachers, parents, and kids. This nightmare needs to end. <3
I saw that movie and LOVED it! Let me know what you think of it. The ending was simply the best. I had to watch the end again and it made me cry.
Congrats on your 51 day run streak (more days by now). I’ve never done a run streak,
I’m so sorry you’re going through such a stressful time at work. I think teachers, students, and parents are frustrated everywhere. Supposedly, our K-2nd grade students will go back two days a week in a couple of weeks assuming they chose hybrid and not solely virtual back in the summer.
It is tough for everyone! I guess regardless what decision is made, not everyone will be happy about it.