Welcome to the first edition of Tuesday Topics for 2022!  Kim and I have lots of fun topics for this year and are excited for you to join us every week.  We decided that the last Tuesday of every month will be a FREE Topic.  Also, we’re looking for cool, new topics to highlight for the rest of 2022.  If you have any topics that you would like to add, please let me know in the comments section!

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  Your word for 2022.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last year my word was “Joy”.  It wasn’t easy but I did find joy last year.  I am working on a post and will have it ready by the end of the month.  For 2022 I decided my word to be “Patience”.  I started it working on it last year (well, all of the time but more last year) but want to do better this year.

Patience: : the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when dealing with problems or with difficult people.

1: Patience for my mother
I have said before and I will say it again but she is an amazing and wonderful woman.  It’s been rough these past couple of years but at the same time I’ve had a great time with her.  She is older and requires extra help.  As stressful as it is, I am glad to be one of her daughters taking care of her.  I’d rather do that than have her be in a nursing home.

2: Patience for my students
No matter what they say or do or don’t do, they’re kids.  They wear me out and leave me exhausted at the end of the day.  However, I still love seeing them laugh and smile.  They make me smile too.  It’s been a rough time for us but we are doing the best we can.  Yesterday during the winter break boot camp a few students told me that they’re ready to go back to school.  

3: Patience for my students’ parent
I am not a parent so I don’t know what it is like to be one.  However, it drives me crazy when they don’t do more or not enough for their child.  I don’t think they realize that I also want the best for them but we have to work together.  Yes, they spend 5-6 hours with me each day but they’re their first teacher.

4: Patience for others
I am not perfect.  No one is.  I pick my battles and some things are just not worth getting upset about.  Well, maybe I do for a little bit and then move on. 

5: Patience for myself
I also need to take care of myself.  I have to take it easy and slow down.  Life is short.  I have to enjoy it now while I can.  Plus I work but and am still human.  I will make mistakes and not everything will go as planned.

Topic for next week – What’s one fun related thing you did over the holidays?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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25 Comments on Tuesday Topics: My word for 2022

  1. I definitely have trouble with this. I am NOT a patient person. It is especially hard with COVID and remote teaching. And with those that judge you when they disagree with how you are living your life.

    Yup. We all need to be more patient.

  2. I think generally I’m patient, but some people drive me up the wall. You know, the self-centered “I-know-it-all” type of people. Who think they have to condescendingly explain to me how the world works.
    I find it hard to be patient and friendly with people like that, but it’s a great exercise. Looking forward to your “joy” review and seeing how “patience” will help you through 2022!

  3. GREAT word. Cultivating patience would serve all of us. i’ll bet it’s harder to be patient with your students’ parents than it is with the students themselves! Somehow it’s easier to forgive kids. Anyway, if you can embrace patience for others (and yourself) you’ll be a happy person!

  4. Nice choice! It can be so hard to have patience especially with everything that is going on. I especially like that you included patience with yourself. We can be so hard ourselves – important reminder that we need to cut ourselves some slack!

  5. Ooh that’s a good one! Patience is definitely something I struggle with as well but I can only imagine what it’s like when you deal with students and parents! I think this will be a good word for you to carry with you throughout 2022!

  6. I think patience is something we all could work on. I really struggle with my mother as well. She’s very mobile and in general good health, but is very demanding and unappreciative…at least that’s the impression she gives everyone. I don’t know how my father puts up with it…I guess he has a lot more patience than I do. That said, I know her age is showing, and I can tell her memory is compromised, so I do my best to just keep quiet when she gets in a mood.

  7. Caring for the elderly can feel like a thankless and often draining job. It can also be very rewarding. But as much as we love them, it can definitely try our patience, too!

    Patience is definitely not always easy to come by, especially in these times. Good luck, Zenaida, and I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.

  8. I am forever trying to be more patient. Patience is not my strong suit. I suppose I should add it to my growing list of words. 🙂

    • It is hard but many times we just need to step away and/or pick our battles. It isn’t worth getting annoyed or frustrated. I am not saying that I will never get annoyed or frustrated (I am human) but I am trying to be better at it.

  9. I am not a patient person, so your word struck a chord with me! I’m working on my word as we speak…it takes me a while to find the right one.

  10. This should really be my secondary word for 2022 as patience is something I am constantly working on! I like that you always mentioned being patient with yourself. Sometimes we are our own worst critic which is so unfair because we are always just doing our best.

    • I read Judy’s post and she also included herself when talking about her word (compassion). It makes sense. We are our worst critics and it doesn’t help us at all.

  11. Patience is a great pick, Zenaida! I feel like we can all use some practice in this regard sometimes…. I am overall a patient person, I think, but there are definitely situation where it’s easy to loose it!

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