This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Would you rather do a short or long run? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!
To me a long run is anything over 6 miles. Both have benefits. The shorter ones are easier to fit in a schedule and the long runs build endurance and strength.
I prefer short runs – even more if it is too cold or too hot. It is easy for me to get up, get ready, and head out from my house. No need to drive anywhere. I’ve run up to 6 miles going up and down the streets. For the most part it is quiet and if I go early there are fewer cars (I like running on the street instead of the sidewalk). Midway Airport isn’t too far away and one loop around it is 4 miles.
However, on a cool Fall day then I do not mind a long run. I’ve done a few runs at the Morton Arboretum and Waterfall Glen. A run along the lakefront also has to be a long one. No way will I drive there just for 5 miles, well, unless it is for marathon training.
What about you? Would you rather do a short or long run? Topic for next week – What’s on your Spring bucket list?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!
It’s true, shorter runs are much easier to fit in a schedule. My long runs – which often last 3 – 4 hours, take so much time! And if I’m not doing them from my front door, there’s the travelling as well.
Sometimes, I think long runs are like a luxury item (so precious!). They cost a lot of time and need to be savoured accordingly.
That is a good way to describe it!
I am always too rushed to enjoy my short runs.
So the long run which for me is at least 8 and preferably 10 is currently my preference. I drive and choose a scenic route. I have more time. I can coordinate with others.
Glad to hear you have returned to running. Can’t wait to read a race recap.
I was going to say that I wish I had more time for a long run but actually I do have the time. Sometimes I’d rather not spend that much time running. 🙂 But I know eventually I will if I want to run a 50k.
Yes, I agree, they both have their place when you’re a runner!
I do get bored with running in my neighborhood, though, so I try to get somewhere else occasionally — which is really tough in Winter!
I am sure! Luckily I sometimes go in a different direction so that it feels like a new place. Other times I am lost in my own thoughts or music that I don’t pay much attention to where I am (haha, not good either).
Short run is definitely easier for me at the moment. Like you I can get in some quick miles simply by running the streets of my neighborhood. Long runs take some planning and scheduling to get done.
Another point for short runs! 🙂
I’m looking forward to be done with ultra-training so I go back to shorter runs. I do enjoy the meditative side of long distance running, but I love the convenience of short runs!
I am sure!
I’ve been all about the short runs this winter, but I’m really looking forward to getting back to long runs.
Once the nice is back I am sure too.
I miss my long runs terribly, but have settled on short runs. I’ve learned to accept that a short run is better than no run.
You have some nice places to run! I know the midway airport area, but I’m not familiar with some of the other places you mentioned- that trail looks beautiful. Yes, I prefer long runs but there’s something nice about getting in a quick short run before work on a busy day! All running is good running.
The Morton Arboretum and Waterfall Glen are west of Chicago. It takes me longer to get there than if i go to the lake. No biggie. I like the change of scenery.
I would say 6-10 mies is my happy mileage for a long run. It takes me a few miles to warm up and find my groove.
That is a good distance for a long run. Doesn’t take as long and you won’t be sore or as tired the next day. I know everyone is different.
Weather can definitely play a factor! In the Fall I do seem to love to run longer and in the summer I have no desire to run outside.
We think alike!