Welcome to the first edition of Tuesday Topics for 2023!  Kim and I have more fun topics for this year and are excited for you to join us every week.  We will continue to have the last Tuesday of every month to be a FREE Topic.  

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Your word for 2023.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers! 

Below are the words I’ve had in the past.  I thought I had more than two, but I must and never wrote about them.



Last year my word was “Patience”.  It wasn’t easy but I did well last year.  I am working on a post about it and will have it ready by the end of January.

For 2023 I decided my word to be “Balance”.  It was hard to pick a word.  I thought about happy, smile, and enjoy.  I want to be happier.  I want to smile more.  I want to enjoy more things in life.  Then I realized that I could be happier, smile more, and enjoy more things in life if I can find a balance in my life.

Something that I definitely need to do is to stop spending so much time working.  It leaves me exhausted and frustrated.  I care about my students but no matter how much I do, it will never be enough.  I can only do so much. 

There have been times when I wouldn’t go for a run in the morning because I was doing stuff for school.  I need to do more fun stuff (travel, meet with friends, go to the movies, etc.).  While I know work is important, it shouldn’t consume my life.

I found these suggestions to help me find and keep my balance:

  • Build healthy self-esteem
  • Receive as well as receive
  • Create positive parenting and family relationships
  • Make friends who count
  • Figure out your priorities
  • Get involved
  • Learn to manage stress effectively
  • Cope with changes that affect you
  • Deal with your emotions
  • Have a spirituality to call your own

Here’s to 2023 and to find a balance!

Topic for next week – What are your Winter running plans and/or race schedule?  Feel free to write about this topic or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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26 Comments on Tuesday Topics: My word for 2023

  1. I think you picked the right word for your situation right now, Zenaida.
    Once you break it down into small, manageable steps that you can implement in your daily life you will see big results.
    It’s hard to cut down on work time, but once you’ve found a way, you will enjoy life much more!

    • I can do it if I really stick to the 8:30-3:00 time slot. A few of my coworkers do it. School districts demands so much from us but doesn’t give us enough time.

  2. Balance is a great word for 2023! Your job is a lot like mine, where the giving is limitless. I’ve vowed to do a better job of setting boundaries this year. I hope you are successful as well!

  3. That’s a perfect word for you. Actually for everyone.

    I’ll post my word soon.

    Hope you have a balanced 2023

  4. Ahhh, balance. That’s a great word, but such a struggle for me at times. I do well with keeping all my fitness & family stuff front and center, but all the other stuff (cleaning, de-cluttering, etc.) never get the time or attention they need.

    • I think many people struggle with it because they want to do everything. I have a friend that doesn’t like to sit down to relax. She feels she always needs to be doing something. It makes me dizzy just hearing about her day. 😀

  5. You absolutely deserve to smile more and do the things that make you happy. I know that it can be hard to do as an educator, but I hope that you’re able to find more balance this year to have free time to do things that you enjoy.

  6. I think Balance is a great word. All the best in finding it. I’m sure teaching is absolutely draining sometimes. Happy New Year!

  7. Balance is an excellent word of the year. It includes so many important aspects. Are you a teacher? It must be so hard. I hope you find ways to incorporate balance.

  8. I love the word that you picked, Zenaida. Balance is a great goal in all aspects of our lives. I hope the year can live up to it.

  9. Balance is a beautiful word and I think one that should be adopted by so many of us. Balance ensures a healthier and happier state of mind. My word is FLOW. I yearn for a life where things flow a bit more – and it will start with me simplifying many areas in my life and remove some of the “clutter”, both physical and mental, for lack of a better word.

Thank you for your comment!