This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Back to school always wears me out.  I have spent HOURS setting up my room and figuring out what I need to do.  There was minimal running, but I did a lot of walking.

Let me tell you about how August went for me:

Mileage:  As of yesterday, I’ve run 15.30 and walked 47.74 miles this month.  It is my lowest month of running miles (in February I ran 19.76 miles) but my highest in walking miles.  I still stay that’s a win!

Current Book:  I finished reading “The Guide” and am halfway done.  I am not too crazy about it and stubbornly I don’t want to stop reading it.  I know it doesn’t make sense.

Current Shoes: Still running in my pretty blue Launch shoes.  Well, I should say walking.  

2023 Running Goal:  At this point, I seriously doubt I will make my goal.  I am 51% done.  I need 388 miles and there are 124 days left this year.  I need to get back to running mode and hopefully, I can do it once I get settled in school.  But, any advice as to how to get back to running?  I feel like I need to start over again.  My last run was on August 7.

Injuries:  None.  My feet don’t hurt as much since I haven’t been running.  They did hurt the first two days of school when I was walking back and forth in my work shoes.  From now on I am sticking to gym shoes.

Races:  None.

School:  Last week was my first week.  It was chaotic, interesting, and stressful.  I will write more about it in Friday’s post.

Health:  I am still not sleeping well.  I nap when I get a chance.  I am going to the doctor on September 8 for a physical and will ask for blood work to be done to check my A1c, glucose, iron, cholesterol, etc.

I think I have mentioned this before but my last period was in January.  I thought I was done with periods.  Guess what showed up two weeks ago?  Yep!  ¡Ay caramba!

Not a very exciting month but I am trying to make it through each day.  I am sure once I am settled in with school, I will start running again and I can write about more exciting stuff.  😀

The topic for next week:  Tell us what you are excited about this week.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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12 Comments on Tuesday Topics: August 2023 Review

  1. I count walking as a win, too!
    When I had my Achilles stuff going on, all I could do was walk, and it helped to bridge the gap until I could run again.
    Maybe you can use September 1st as a restart? And then just do run-walks, maybe 1 minute of running and 3 walking. And gradually grow back from there.
    I stubbornly keep on reading bad books, too! It’s a thing!

  2. Once you get settled I bet you get back into running. But walking is great exercise.

    I would say sign up for a race. That always makes me get out and run.

    Put it on your calendar. Schedule your runs.

    Good luck with your school year.

  3. Signing up for a race usually helps me kickstart if I’m in a bit of a slump! But I also like Catrina’s idea of pressing the restart button for 1st September? Last four months of the year to get back into it might be a motivation on its own.

    • I know once I have a routine going and not as tired, then I will get back to running. I like the idea of signing up for a race. I thought the last day of school was May 31st and that is why I didn’t sign up for a race in Fargo on June 1 but it turns out that our last day is May 30th. I can do it!

  4. I have officially embraced the “do not finish” lifestyle with books. If I’m not enjoying it, I just stop. Life’s too short and there are too many good books out there for me to be reading something I don’t like.

  5. For getting back into running, are there any local run clubs you could join? I run with a group on Saturdays. To keep up with them helps me stay motivated to run on a more regular basis.

    You are walking….why not move to run-walking.

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