Welcome to the September edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you about my first week of school.  Wow!  Tough, challenging, but I know we will have fun!  My kids will learn a lot too.  The AC broke on Thursday and we were all miserable.  Our school wasn’t the only one.  The whole situation was handled very poorly by the people above.  We all knew it was going to be HOT those days.  Administration should have let us do remote learning.  That is what ended up happening with another school.  I was really disappointed in them.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that we have a new Reading curriculum and have already had to do assessments – in English and in Spanish.  Let me also tell you that we weren’t really trained in doing these assessments.  It was a very short PD with minimal hands on exposure.  Don’t you love it when training is like that?  But thanks to a Reading Interventionist helping me, I am almost done with the assessments.  

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that as I was doing these assessments, I was very disappointed with how my students were doing.  Almost all CANNOT read.  Wow, I am still shocked!  I kept looking at the reading interventionist to tell her how they were doing.  I know last year some of my kids were low but I had some really good readers.  This year maybe 1 or 2 are readers.  It will be an interesting year.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I have a tough group this year.  Besides many being non readers, I have a couple with behavior issues.  And many just talk so much.  I know they’re kids, I get it.  But I tell them that there is a time to talk and there is a time to be quiet.  We are still working on the latter.  I may just have to bribe them.  I mean, reward them for good behavior.  I am off today and I think I will miss a little bit those kids.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I need to keep reminding myself to not do so much for work and to take care of myself.  I’ve stayed late almost every day since school started.  I’ve also gone in early too.  Work will never be done.  I don’t have “official” lesson plans but know what I need to do.  I don’t have emergency lesson plans done.  My classroom library isn’t set up.  I’ve mentioned the new reading curriculum and some changes were made to the dual language program.  Did I mention that our school day is now 30 minutes longer?  And the countdown begins till Winter Break!

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 tips for fall running/fitness.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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20 Comments on Fit Five Friday and September 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date – Back to School Edition!

  1. Oh my goodness – if we were having coffee, I’d ask what some of the reasons could be for such a low reading numbers? The fact that all cannot read must be so exasperating, but I know if anyone can make a difference in their lives this year, it’s you. But please make sure to not let it consume you – incorporate self-care and your own personal fun time.

    • I am surprised but also not surprised (if that makes sense) with that number. Every year it is worse with the number of students that can’t read or write. It is really sad.

  2. The pandemic learning years really set so many students back. I wonder how long it will take to recover? Hope you and your students have a great year ahead Remember to take some time to take care of you!

    • In my case/grade, we can’t use the pandemic as an “excuse” anymore. My students were back in the classroom for kindergarten. I think part of the problem is that the kindergarten rooms have too many students. I’ve seen some with over 25 students and that is way too many.

  3. Oof! I forget what grade you teach- is it 1st? You have your work cut out for you. I like your positive attitude. But it must have been horrendous with no AC last week. My BIL’s school did remote learning for one or two of those hot days.
    Hang in there- as you said, the countdown is on!

  4. Noooo, I’m sorry to hear that it’s been a rough start and really hope the AC gets fixed soon!

    It’s really hard to remember to take care of yourself when you’re so used to taking care of everyone around you, but it’s so important to do! Hang in there! <3

  5. Hugs. Once again, I thank you for your service as a teacher. Please don’t burn out. I know you take pride in your work, but if you don’t have you oxygen mask on first, you can’t help others.

    Here, teachers have started working just their contract hours. They dont even have a salary finalized for the year (don’t ask), so they’re not putting in the extra above and beyond. It sucks but I don’t blame them.

Thank you for your comment!