Welcome to the October edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you’ve been a victim of credit card fraud.  I’ve had two credit cards that were both in my possession ALL OF THE time used by two different people  One person used my Chase card and purchased over $600 on the Adidas website and someone else used a debit card (from another bank) to make multiple purchases (almost $200) from Little Caesar and Uber Eats.  Luckily, Chase removed the charges and issued me a new card.  I am still waiting on the other card.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you I had the Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso from Starbucks and IT IS SO GOOD.  Thank you Marcia for the recommendation!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that one of the things I hate about doing laundry at the laundromat is that I tend to lose some socks.  I don’t know how since I am careful and double-check the washer to ensure I don’t leave anything behind.  Well, somehow I “lost” a sock.  I noticed it when I got home and put the remaining one on top of the drawer meaning to throw it away but then I forgot about it.  Well, the other day I wore a jacket that I hadn’t worn in a while and guess what I found in the pocket?  Yep, the missing sock.  Running socks are not cheap so yes I was happy to find it.

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you what your thoughts on about the cut-off time for the 2024 Boston Marathon.  It is unfortunate that even though people qualified, they cannot run it due to the cut-off time.  I understand the history of it, but why not just have a lottery like the other major marathons?  I wonder if people will still be drawn to it even though it doesn’t require a qualifying time.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I entered the lottery to win tickets to see Hamilton and I won.  Yep, I found out yesterday.  I was given 2 hours to claim the tickets and made it with 40 minutes to spare.  I asked my friend to go with me and we’ll be going on Wednesday.

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 goals for the last 1/4 of the year.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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23 Comments on Fit Five Friday and October 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. I have mixed views on Boston. I respect that it is quite an elite event to qualify for, and the demand is high to get there. I also think all who qualify should get that privilege. I get annoyed, though, by those who qualify EVERY year and take a spot that 1-time runner may want. I’ll probably never qualify, and I’m alright with that (Ha ha, I have never even tried, LOL, and don’t want it bad enough to do all the work to get there), but it is frustrating that so many others want get there just once and aren’t able.

    • I wonder if there can be a limit to the number of times you can the marathon. But maybe that will also cause another controversy. Not everyone will be happy with any decision made about the marathon.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the Apple Crisp coffee! Yum! I did exactly what Kim suggested above. In 2011 I gave up my BQ spot to give someone else a chance to run, since it would’ve been my third time. I kind of regret not running it now. There are people who’ve run it 25 times. I don’t know. Congrats on the Hamilton score!

    • I am having trouble commenting so I am trying to reply to someone else’s lol
      The credit card fraud is so aggressive and seems much more prevalent these days. Fortunately it is all protected! I’ve never had the urge to train for Boston or feel that pull to do so

  3. Yes on the Apple Crisp… try the pumpkin cream chai or cold brew – yummy.

    I have lost a compression calf sleeve… had to order a second pair. $$$

    I’d be pissed if BQed and didn’t get in…

    I always enter those lotteries in NYC but nope never that lucky. Good for you. I love that show.

  4. Congrats on the Hamilton tickets!

    Sorry to hear about the credit card fraud – I just dealt with it this summer and it is so frustrating! I hope you get it all sorted out quickly.

    I really feel for all of those who BQ’d and won’t get to run – for so many it’s their one shot. I wish the BAA would take a look at how to include more first-time qualifiers

  5. The other day I got a message from Chase confirming a $5000 wire transfer to a random person I had never heard of. What? NO! There wasn’t even that much money in the account so it would have been difficult. Chase is usually good about contacting me, but it sounds like your thief was smart and only charged small amounts.
    Ha, usually when I lose socks, they’re stuck to some other piece of clothing.
    Enjoy Hamilton!!!

  6. Our washing machine may be on its last legs. It’s 18 years old. I won’t use a laundromat (there actually is one not too far away, but I’m spoiled).

    CC fraud is more and more prevalent, but most companies deal with it pretty painlessly these days. There are scammers everywhere though, and then remembering to change any auto payments can be a pain!

      • My mom has 2 washers & dryers for her whole hall! It’s very difficult. Of course she doesn’t actually do her own laundry — but it’s why I don’t even attempt doing laundry.

        I think it would be the dragging the laundry back & forth — especially in Winter.

        I’m glad you don’t mind it!

  7. Sorry to hear about your credit card fraud. That’s such a pain. I once had a small charge to a nightclub and a huge charge for luggage, neither of which I’d made. American Express was very good about notifying me and then taking the charge off of my account.

    Luckily, I was running marathons and qualifying for Boston long before they started with the need for a buffer time above and beyond the BQ time. If you ran a BQ, you could run Boston and not worry about any of that other nonsense. They’ve changed the qualifying times before (I think they made it five minutes easier to qualify several years ago), so why not do that again and make it five minutes harder to qualify? I don’t like the idea of changing it to a lottery because then it’s no longer anything special and worth working extra hard to earn a spot. Kind of like the Olympics… should they make that a lottery to make it fair for the person who just missed making their country’s team?

  8. Yes to credit card theft. One time someone charged over $100 at a Panera in NYC on my card. Visa texted me immediately and I had to let them know that it was definitely not me. It was handled quickly and efficiently.

  9. I’m sorry to hear about your credit card! I’m glad they removed the charges though!

    Glad you were able to find your sock! They’re so good at getting lost in the wash…

    Hope you have fun watching Hamilton! That’s awesome that you won! :]

  10. I hope you have THE BEST time at Hamilton. I’ve been lucky enough to see it twice and it was amazing (for me.)

    Yes, I’ve been hit with fraud. It’s so annoying and ridiculous. Fortunately, it’s been cleared up quickly, but what a pain.

    I lose socks everywhere. It’s so silly.

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