This week’s Tuesday Topic: Tell us why you’re thankful for running this year! You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!Â
Another year and another birthday. I feel lucky and happy to be celebrating another birthday. I went to work where I got presents and hugs from my students. After work, I had two meetings. Then I went to Portillo’s for a burger, fries, and my free chocolate cake. Everything was yummy! It was a good day.
Now let me tell you what I am thankful for.
💖 I am thankful for my students. I know I complain about them but no matter what happens during the day, I still enjoy and like my students. They’re kids. It isn’t their fault that the district has a rigorous schedule and all day is all work, work, and work. The other day, after 5 tests, they asked to color and to listen to music. A few of them danced!
💖 I am thankful for my job. Similar to the previous point.  Not all days are bad days. On Tuesday as we were getting ready to go home, one of the girls told me, “Ms. Arroyo, you are fun”. Â
💖 I am thankful for my health. I am healthy.  A little high cholesterol but that’s it. I take good care of myself, but know that I need to be more active. I want to run the Chicago Marathon next year. I know I can do it and that it won’t be easyÂ
💖 I am thankful for my cats.  My fur babies! I swear they both understand when I ask them if they want chicken or fish for their snack. I know, I know, what you’re thinking. They meow and it makes me laugh. Lately, Mateo has been more cuddly at night. He usually sleeps on the foot of the bed, but now he sleeps next to me.
💖 I am thankful for running. I had no idea I would still be running years later after I took that first running class with CARA. Then I signed up for a race and then another one. Then we know what happened. The other day someone was saying how I find running to be fun. I know he meant it sarcastically (who doesn’t), but while I do find it fun, it is more than that. I said that to me it is my alone time. I like running because I feel like I am alone in the world with no worries. It is just me alone for those miles before getting back to reality.
Next week is a FREE topic. Feel free to write about any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!
Your students can be thankful they have such a dedicated teacher! You’re doing a great job, Zenaida!
And that’s great news about the Chicago marathon!!! Wendy is thinking about it too. It would be awesome seeing you both do this race!
Thanks, Catrina. I will be running the NYC Half Marathon so hopefully I get good news about the Chicago Marathon as well.
I 100% agree with everything you mentioned, especially being thankful for your job. Sometimes I complain about my job but overall it really is a great place to work and I often need to remind myself of that!
And we also have to work, right?
Yes, we have so much for which to be thankful!