Fit Five Friday-10We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  

Happy Friday!  April is almost over which means May is around the corner and that brings me closer to the end of the school year.  Why do administrators think it is a good idea to have lesson studies and walkthroughs during this time?  We have 25 days left of school.  I want to start packing up my classroom and have fun with my students.

Do you ever ask what if questions?  Do you wonder how different your life would have turned out if you had made different decisions?  I believe things happen for a reason but I still wonder.  Here are a few I came up with for now.

• What if I hadn’t made a career change?  I know I’ve mentioned here before but I wasn’t always a teacher.  I worked in a nonprofit organization for lawyers before I went back to school to become a teacher.  The reason I did it is because I wanted to do something different and more challenging.  Plus, there was a program offered by the state that paid for my tuition.  I was only responsible for my books and other fees.

• What if I would have married my college sweetheart?  I loved the boy.  I saw myself growing old with him.  We were supposed to get married on August 28, 1998.  It was a mutual decision to cancel the wedding and the relationship.

• What if I would have paid more attention to my studies in college?  I went away to college because I wanted to get away from home.  I knew my sophomore year of high school that I would be going to Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL.  It was far but not too far from home.  I will admit that I did the basic work to graduate, but it wasn’t my best work.  I did party a lot and had a great time in college.  I guess I let it all out because I never did any of that in high school.

• What if I lived alone?  I am in introvert and enjoy being alone.  I’ve lived alone twice before and loved it.  I know I mentioned that my life brings me happiness but sometimes I am unhappy.  Taking care of an elderly mom and living with a sister with a mental illness is not what I signed up for.  We have some good times together but sometimes after a long day at work, I want to come home to be alone and to a quiet house.  

• What if I would have married my high school sweetheart?  I was madly in love with the boy.  I met him my senior year of high school.  I had never seen him before in school but apparently he noticed me.  After high school he went away to Camp Pendleton in California for boot camp.  We tried to make it work but finally called it off in 1991.  I was heartbroken.  Aren’t we all after breaking up with our first love?

The topic for next week – Ultimate Coffee Date with Coco and Deborah.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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12 Comments on Fit Five Friday: What if? Part 1.

  1. Really interesting.

    I do wonder too.

    What if I stayed a teacher?
    What if I didn’t get divorced?
    What if I married my hs boyfriend?
    I was offered 2 jobs. What if I took the other rather than the one I have now?
    What if I stayed single?
    What if I didn’t get laid off my last job?

  2. I remember you once mentioned that you cancelled a wedding. It must have been heart breaking.
    I didn’t know your sister that you live together with has a mental illness. That must be quite hard for you. Can she go to work?

    I sometimes wonder –
    What if my parents never moved from the UK to Switzerland?
    What if I never met my husband?
    What if I had decided to have children?
    My life would be very different!

  3. Oh, I didn’t know you had canceled your wedding. That must have been a difficult time.

    This is a great topic to consider.

    I wonder what if I had never remarried after my divorce.
    What if I stayed in my former career and went to China for 6 months as planned.
    What if my husband hadn’t gotten sick last year.
    What if I had gone to NYU instead of Miami.

    Things would be so different. Or would they? Have you ever seen that movie Sliding Doors… it’s an interesting take on how things work out.

  4. I ask those What If questions a lot (especially these past few years). I believe we all have a path, and every decision will lead us towards the same ultimate destination. The various decisions (good or bad) certainly affect how many detours…but there are valuable lessons to learn along the journey.

  5. These are big questions!

    I did marry my hs sweetheart — and we’re still together. :-0

    I don’t often think “what ifs” but I often think how I lucked into my career after answering a help wanted ad in the newspaper.

    • I know what you mean. I couldn’t get a teaching job because i didn’t have any experience. Somehow I applied to the District I work in now and got called for an interview. I am glad they decided to give me a chance.

Thank you for your comment!