Happy Tuesday! Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics. Remember to link up with us! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!
I can’t believe 2024 is almost over. It is time to start thinking about next year. Last year I wrote my goals for 2023. I will update you on how I did and then talk about my goals for next year.
❇️ Read 24 books. I was on the right track and then there wasn’t enough hours in the day to read. I have read 18 books. I am almost done with “Apples Never Fall” and hopefully I will finish it by December 31st.
❇️ PR in a race distance. Sadly I ran 2 races this year and none were close to a PR.
❇️ Run a half marathon in a different state. See above about a PR. Both of my races were local.
❇️ Don’t procrastinate (too much). I am pleased to say that I did well here. It wasn’t easy because sometimes I tend to wait and hold off to do something.
❇️ Switch retirement plan and add more money to it each month. I didn’t do this. Hopefully next year I will do this.
2025 Goals:
➡️ Run/walk 2,015 miles.
➡️ Run at least 5 races.
➡️ PR in a race distance.
➡️ Read 24 books.
➡️ Take an international trip.
The topic for next week – How are you ringing in the New Year? Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!
As I said to Jenn. We have to be flexible since each year brings challenges and we need to celebrate what we did rather than what we didn’t.
I know as I age, there will not be PRs but if I can finish a race, that’s a win.
Working FT doesn’t permit much travel and so local races are simpler and cheaper.
That is true. I couldn’t run/walk the mileage I wanted to do but am still pleased with the number I ended up with.