Disclaimer: None of these items are sponsored by the companies but are items I purchased with my own money.
Thanks to everyone that commented on Sunday’s post while I was a guest host for Tricia and Holly’s Weekly Wrap Up!
1. Wow, June is over and we are halfway through 2017. Summer break is going great! I’ve been able to sleep in, rest, spend time with Lola, and run.
2. This month I ran 115.75 miles compared to last month (115.45 miles). I’ve been doing longer miles but I’ve been running 5 days instead of 6. Along with my marathon training, I’ve been taking swimming lessons and working with a personal trainer.
3. In a few weeks I will be heading to Seattle and then to Alaska. I am happy and excited about it. Cannot wait!!
4. My first day back to work is Monday, August 21. I will be setting up my new room the week before and know it will be a long process. I moved classrooms and will have to set up everything again.
5. Now it is time for a giveaway. I love coffee. And I love Starbucks. I am not a big fan of their hot coffee but do LOVE, LOVE their iced and cold brew coffee. I also love my Lock Laces and have them in all of my running shoes. I’ve been using them for a few years now and make sure to always have extra sets for a giveaway or to give to friends.
Can you tell I love the Brooks Launch 4?
Now let’s talk about the giveaway. The winner will receive a $10 Starbucks Giftcard and a pair of Lock Laces in blue.
Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. This giveaway will run until July 7th at 11:59 pm). The winner will be selected on July 8th. The giveaway is open to US residents only. All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.
Hello everyone and and welcome to the Weekly Wrap. I am excited to be a host this week. Thank you to Holly and Tricia because they are trusting me to be a guest host this week. If you’ve never joined the Weekly Wrap, I encourage you to give it a try! It’s a great way to discover new blogs and make new friends!
The rules are pretty simple. Visit and comment on as many blogs as you can, including the host blog. Please do not drop a link and leave – let’s support each other!
As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ. I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method. In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs. The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week.
Week #13, June 19-25
MRan 14.02 Miles T Ran 5.02 Miles W Ran 5.50 Miles TH Ran 2.02 Miles F Did not run S Ran 5.02 Miles S Ran 15.02 Miles
I missed my run on Sunday and decided to do it on Monday. However, it was one of those in which I questioned why I was training for another marathon. I missed my run on Sunday and ran instead on Monday. I woke up early to run along the lakefront. It wasn’t too hot but definitely felt it as time went by. I wanted to stop and get an Uber to take me back to my car. I didn’t. Took me about 3 hours to finish that run.
Later that afternoon my nephew and I took Lola to the vet. She did well with the vet and loved being in the car.
Tuesday was a workout with the trainer and 5 easy miles. My plan was to run after meeting with my trainer but my legs were very sore. I could hardly move. But that evening once I was out there felt GREAT.
The rest of the week went by quick. I ran Wednesday and Thursday and Friday was a rest day. I went to the gym to do some arm exercises and also to relax in the whirlpool.
I’m always excited to get new Oiselle gear. I love their gear but need to stop ordering because I have so much stuff already. Then I took a nap with Lola and later that evening met a friend for dinner.
Saturday’s run went very well. Weather was perfection! I never get tired of the view.
Sunday was another long run – 15 miles! I went to a forest preserve because I did not want to run on pavement nor in a sunny area. It was a great run and I am very pleased with it! It took me almost the same amount of time to run 15 miles as it did for 14 miles from Monday’s run. This trail has some downhills but also uphills and isn’t easy. My goal was to run each mile under 12 minutes (4 miles were done over 12 minutes).
It could have been the weather, the terrain, or the fact that I drank Tailwind throughout my run.
Total mileage for the week: 46.60 miles Total mileage for this training cycle: 306.42 miles Total mileage for the year: 354.61 miles
So tell me about your week. Are you training for a race? Do you like trail running? What fuel do you use for your runs?
As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ. I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method. In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs. The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week.
Week #12, June 12-18
MRan 5.02 Miles T Ran 5.79 Miles W OFF TH Ran 5.02 Miles F OFF S Ran 5.02 Miles S Did not run
Another great week of running! The weather here was HOT in Chicago so I did my runs at the gym. I love my gym! It is never crowded, smells nice, and is clean. As part of my new enrollment, I received 4 free personal training sessions. I met with my trainer last week and we talked about my goals (work on upper body and core). She also took my measurements. I met with her again Tuesday and Wednesday and we went over some exercises and machines to help me work on my core and upper body. I was able to use one of my sessions for a one-on-one swimming lesson which I did on Thursday. My coach was helpful and patient – just what I need. I am going to sign up for more sessions but those I have to pay on my own.
I will confess that I just recently “discovered” Quest bars. I mean I’ve heard of them but never had one till Monday. Wow, they’re delicious but not cheap.
I received my prize from one of Erica’s giveaways. <<She honestly has the best ones.
I love my new swim cap. The flip flops are great too. I wrote about them HERE.
By Friday the weather has cooled enough for me to run outside. Again, struggled with running at my “easy” pace between 12:22-13:22.
Total mileage for the week: 20.85 miles Total mileage for this training cycle: 259.82 miles Total mileage for the year: 308.01 miles
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap and Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!
As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ. I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method. In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs. The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week.
Week #11, June 5-11
MRan 5.02 Miles T Did not run W Ran 5.12 Miles TH Ran 5.02 Miles F Did not run S Ran 13.10 at the Utah Valley Half Marathon S Did not run
I decided to do the Lake Michigan Marathon on September 3rd. I have not registered for it (cannot imagine it selling out) and am excited to train for it.
Monday’s run went great! Faster than I was supposed to but it must have been the weather or knowing that Tuesday was the last day of school.
Finally on Summer Break!!! My last day was Tuesday but I feel like I’ve been off for weeks (I am currently in Utah in vacation mode). I was done by 4pm and waited for two of my coworkers to finish up before heading out to eat and drink. A different room will be waiting for me in August.
I did not run on Tuesday but instead did my workout on Wednesday. I did not want to get up because I wanted to cuddle with Lola. My workout was 2M Warm Up, 10×1 min @95% effort w/90 sec jog rest, and 2M Cool Down (done at the gym). It went better than expected! I love that I am able to set up my workouts on Garmin Connect and then have it sync to my phone.
On Thursday I went back to the gym for a tempo run. In total I ran 5.02 miles (1M Warm Up, 3 Mile Tempo, and 1M Cool Down).
Friday was a travel day to Utah where I met a few bloggers and then Saturday I ran the Utah Valley Half Marathon. I am planning to have a recap soon. It was a fun but challenging race. The course was beautiful but it was mostly downhill and my legs were sore and tired by mile 9. I got a beautiful jacket instead of a shirt. I love the colors!
Total mileage for the week: 28.26 miles Total mileage for this training cycle: 238.97 miles Total mileage for the year: 287.16 miles
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap and Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!
As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ. I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method. In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs. The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. I am not sure when I will qualify but am determined to get there.
Week #10, May 29-June 4
MRan 4.02 Miles T Did not run W OFF TH Did not run F Did not run S Ran 2.02 Miles S Did not run
This week did not go as expected. I missed way too many runs. I only ran on Monday and Saturday – and not even the mileage I was supposed to. I had zero motivation and was tired. Moving is taking longer and much more difficult than I thought. I am not done. My goal is to finish by Tuesday morning.
Wednesday was the end of May and I am happy to say that I ended the month having run 115.45 miles. That is my highest month so far! You can read my monthly review here.
On Friday I received a few items for my running cruise in July.
The cruise starts in Seward and ends in Vancouver.
I spent part of the weekend looking into a marathon to do in the fall. I am thinking of either the Lake Michigan Marathon on September 3rd or the Quad Cities Marathon on September 24th. Also, I am not sure what to do training wise – hire a coach, somewhat start over with the Hansons Plans (week 6) or purchase a 16 weeks training plan from Hansons Coaching Services. What I like about the latter one is that it is 16 weeks (I have 14 weeks till the Lake Michigan Marathon so I know I haven’t missed much) and it consists of running 5 days instead of 6 and it is also based on the number of miles a runner can and wants to do each week (I am thinking 30-40). I need to decide soon so I can start training tomorrow.
On Wednesday I joined a new gym, Formula Fitness Club. I checked it out about a week ago and like it a lot. I like the variety of classes and looks and smells cleaner/nicer than my current gym. Plus they provide towels, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and blow dryers. The parking situation is OK (my current gym offers free parking all day). There are various locations in Chicago and they offer free parking for 2 hours which is enough time to take a class and shower, if needed. I checked out the two locations that I will most likely be going, South Loop and West Loop, and there is also free street parking available till 8am. That will come in handy if for some reason I need to stay longer than 2 hours at the gym (I’ve stayed longer than 2 hours running on the treadmill during marathon training) or if I am in a rush and it is so much faster to park on the street then drive to the lot, park, and walk to the gym.
Tuesday is my last day of school and Friday morning I head out to Utah to run the Utah Valley Half Marathon. I will admit that I did not pay too much attention to the logistics till last week and realized that the race starts at 6am. Sigh. That means a very early wake up call since we have to take a bus to take us to the start line. Oh well, it will still be a fun race and it will make me happy to run in another state.
Total mileage for the week: 6.04 miles Total mileage for this training cycle: 210.71 miles Total mileage for the year: 258.90 miles
I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap and Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!