We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up! This week’s topic is “5 favorite /fitness fuels”. Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.
Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week. This is my first week of Summer School and it’s been a busy one. I was very tired on Monday and wondered what I had gotten myself into. 🤣 🤣 I am working with 13 kindergarten students. Well, they will be in August. I also have 3 program assistants working with me. During the regular school year, the kindergarten teachers have more students in the room and no program assistants. It is an eye-opener and I wish more administrators could see these classrooms before deciding to put 20+ students in a classroom.
Anyway, back to the topic. I have a love/hate relationship with gels. I understand the importance of them but finding the “right” one is no easy task. I’ve tried many of them throughout the year and these are the ones I like.
✅ Hüma Gel – These are 100% natural and they taste great. There are two versions: original and plus (some with and without caffeine). The latter has double the electrolytes. I’ve tried many flavors and my favorite ones are Strawberry Lemonade and Lemons and Limes.
✅ Tailwind Nutrition – This is mixed with water to provide “all your calories, electrolytes, and hydration for sustained efforts. Simple to use with a clean, light taste. Just pour, shake, and go!” I like this for longer runs because I fill up a bottle with regular water and another one with Tailwind and carry them to use with my hydration vest. Sometimes I fill up the whole bladder with Tailwind and also carry another water bottle with plain water.
✅ UCAN – I’ve only used the energy powder to make the drink and energy gels. What I like about these is that one scoop is enough for 90 minutes of energy. I know UCAN has energy gels but I haven’t tried them yet.
✅ SIS Gels – I know a few bloggers that like these gels. I tried these at a race and like them a lot. I cannot remember what flavor it was but it wasn’t sweet – it was just right. What I liked even more is that there was no need for extra water.
✅ Other ones I’ve tried are Maurten, Clif Gel, GU, Honey Stinger, and Hammer Nutrition. I am sure I have forgotten a few. I know Maurten, GU, and Clif Gel are popular with the former being more expensive. I didn’t like the consistency and couldn’t get past it.
Have you tried any of them? What other ones have you tried that aren’t on my list?
The topic for next week: Half year check-in. We hope you’ll link up with us!