This week’s Fit Five Friday topic: 5 struggles you face to reaching your fitness goals. You can write about this topic or any fitness-related post. We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida so be sure to link up with us.
Last week I wrote about the things that motivate me. Now, we know that not everything is perfect and there are times when I am not motivated or something holds me back from doing a workout or a run. Then this in turn will cause me to struggle to reach my goals.
Let me tell you about some of the struggles:
🌟 Excuses. Sometimes I have many of them – it is too cold or too hot, I am too tired, or I don’t feel like running today.
🌟 Procrastination. Because of the excuses listed above, there have been times when I say that I would do my run after work. Then something happens and I don’t end up doing it. That is one reason why I’d instead like to get it done in the morning.
🌟 Unrealistic goals. Can I really PR by 1 hour in this race? Instead, should I make it my goal to PR by 5 or 10 minutes?
🌟 An injury. Like many runners, I’ve had a few injuries – ITBS, runner’s knee, calf strain, and plantar fasciitis. They’ve left me out of the running game for a few months. One year I wanted to do one of those running series to run 3 half marathons in the Summer (for my 50 states goal) but was in the beginning stages of plantar fasciitis. I knew I should take time off from running and rest up.
🌟 Feeling burned out. I have experienced this a few times. Once it was during marathon training. I finished my long run, called my coach, and started crying. I told her I didn’t want to run anymore. I wasn’t feeling the excitement of running or the marathon anymore. She listened to me. I can’t remember what she told me but that year I ended up not running the marathon. I looked up my races for that year and saw that I ran 18 races (one being a 50k) that year and 24 the year before.
The topic for next week – It is Runfessions with Marcia! We hope you will link up.