So far this month went so much better. Remember that student that I was struggling with last month? Totally different kid. For the first time in a long time I can actually take a deep breath and feel really good about myself. Teaching is actually more fun now. But I am still counting to the last day of the school year!
It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional! It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by Darlene, Renée, Jenn, Michelle, and me! Let’s get started, shall we?!
I runfess…
That I am annoyed about the Peloton price increase. I know it isn’t a lot but still. I know I’ve paid the same amount since 2019 but still.
I runfess…
That I said no more TV but have been liking “The Golden Girls”. It is hilarious and I will say that Sophia is my favorite but I am definitely Dorothy. Are you a fan?
I runfess…
That supposedly Spring is here but it does not feel like it. The constant weather change is driving me nuts. Shorts and short sleeve one day and then jackets and tights another day. Sunny one day and rain and gloomy another day.
I runfess…
That I really dislike American Airlines. Last year I booked a flight and then had to cancel. Then I used the credit from that flight for another trip which I then cancelled. Somehow that trip was separated into a trip credit and a flight credit. A flight credit only I can use it whereas the trip credit can be transferred to a sibling as long as they have they same last name. I had absolutely no idea about it nor know why there are two separate credits. I want to go to NYC during Memorial Day weekend and was planning to use the total credit amount (this was before I knew about the two credits). I cannot use both the trip credit and the flight credit to pay for the ticket. That leaves me with using the flight credit (since the amount is higher) but I still need to pay $73 for the difference which is the amount of the trip credit and cannot use. The good thing is that I have until the Fall to use these credits. I am also looking for flights to Mexico and not only are they expensive but there are no direct flights and travel time ranges from 6 to 16 hours. 🤦♀️ 🤦♀️
I runfess…
That I know I want to run a 50k but haven’t signed up for it. I am debating between the Marine Corps 50k in Washington, DC and the Lakefront Ultra in Chicago. I like Washington, DC but would need to travel whereas if I run here then I can sleep in my own bed. Plus, it will be cheaper! The one in Chicago is in late October/early November. What also terrifies me is the weather. I used to be hardcore about running in the cold but now am a wimp about it.
Thanks for linking up with us again this week! We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites! Join hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please add your link below. I am also linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.