It’s my first time participating in the Ultimate Coffee Date. Just like Runfessions, I plan to participate on a regular basis. Thanks Coco and Deborah for the linkup!
So grab your favorite hot drink and let’s chat.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that in Sunday’s post I mentioned that I had too many emails and deleted all of them from my inbox (I use Gmail). It was driving me crazy. I didn’t know this but my coach showed me a way to create folders and move the emails into specific folders. I was so happy and could not stop smiling all day. It is the little things that make me happy!
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I went ahead and scheduled an earlier appointment to get the vaccine. I was supposed to get it on Monday with my mother but an opportunity became available through my school district. I am still going on Monday to take her and I know that one spot will be available for someone else that needs it. My arm did not hurt that much. I took a Tylenol in the evening because I felt cold (like I was getting a fever). I felt fine the rest of the day.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell that I am LOVING Schitt’s Creek. It is one of the funniest show I’ve ever watched. I love that they’re short episodes. It feels so good to come home after a long day at work to laugh and laugh some more. Obviously they’re a weird and goofy family. I think my favorite episode is when David serenades/performs (?) for his boyfriend, Patrick. This gif is really funny too.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you my youngest nephew (my little baby) is a senior in high school and recently enlisted in the Marines. He turned 18 in August so obviously is not a baby. But to me he will always be. Anyway, while I am happy for him, deep down inside I am also worried. I cannot imagine what his mother is feeling too. I am sure she is happy too, but he is her only son.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I hope this month goes by quickly. With the wacky weather here, I have a feeling February will be the same. I am really tired of the snow. With March in the picture, it will be that much closer to Spring Break. Travel plans are still up in the air. I have my ticket and will be fully vaccinated by the travel date. Oh, and I will mail in my application today to renew my passport and hope I get it in time. Now I am rambling so I will stop.
Well, this was fun! Thanks for listening. Let’s see what I have next month.
Thanks for linking up with us again this week! We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites! Join hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please add your link below. I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.