Category: Fit Five Friday

Fit Five Friday: Five Friday Prompts, Part 1

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  

I am going to deviate from today’s topic to write about 5 prompts that are in the Jetpack app.  Ready?

• You’re going on a cross-country trip.  Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?  I would go by car with a friend.  It will be a fun drive and trip.  I read “The Lincoln Highway” and would love to take that route – from NYC to San Francisco.

• What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?  I already have 3 so I don’t really need another one.  🙂  I have a purple panther, a butterfly, and a sun.  I would like to get something that is running related.  Ha, if I were an Olympian, I would get the Olympic rings.  I like the one below.  

• How has technology changed your job?  When I began teaching job, I used a TV with a VCR to show a movie and an overhead projector to project things on a screen.  None of those things are used now.  This Summer I received a new Promethean Board and a document camera.

One of the benefits of remote learning during that awful year of 2020-2021, was that I learned how to teach my classes with a camera, a computer, and Google Classroom.  We no longer have snow days to make up at the end of the school year.  If the weather is bad, we all work from home.  

• Describe something you learned in high school.  One of the best things I learned is how to type.  I remember my counselor suggested I take a typing class.  She told me it will help me in the future.  She was right!  I enjoyed the class and did well.  

• What’s the oldest thing you own?  The first thing that comes to my mind is my Keurig.  I’ve had it since 2012.  My nephew was 10 years old and we were at Target.  I told him that if his mom asked him, to tell him that Tia wants a Keurig.  I was serious but also kidding.  Imagine my surprise when I opened my box.  He was excited too!

The topic for next week – 5 finish line songs.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Fit Five Friday and August 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date

New Ultimate Coffee DateWelcome to the August edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am looking forward to the new school year.  I know, I know.  Soon I will be complaining about the school year.  This year there are three 2nd grade teachers (last year there were 5) and I will be the only dual language teacher for my grade.  It sucks because I will be “alone” but I can use it as an excuse when extra work needs to be done and I have no one else to work with.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you I am getting nervous and anxious about the Chicago Marathon.  I am OK with the runs doing the week.  The long runs are what scare me.  They’re long and exhausting.  I am doing 13 this weekend.  The last time I ran this long was in March 2023.  I know I can do it, I’ve run marathons before, but still they make me nervous.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I got the test results from my blood work.  My A1C is fine but my proteins levels are low.  Interesting that this has never been an issue.  I knew I wasn’t getting enough protein but I didn’t realize that my levels were that low.  More protein for me!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I had no one to take care of my cats during my trip to Minnesota.  The few times I’ve been out of town, my sister has taken care of them.  This time she went with us.  I left my cats at the PetsHotel at Petsmart.  It was one of the most difficult things to do but I had no choice.  My cats weren’t eating for the first few days and were not adjusting well.  I went straight to pick them up on the way home from Minnesota.  I’m not sure who was more happy – me or them.

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you shop at Marshalls and/or Ross.  I’ve bought a few kitchen items but that’s it.  A few weeks ago I went to Ross but cannot remember why I looked in the shoe department.  Imagine my surprise when I found a pair of the Brooks Launch in my size for $50.  I then looked in several other stores and have purchased 2 more pairs of the Launch and one pair of the Ghost.  I’ve gone back and have bought a few tops for work and 3 pairs of work shoes.  I am a fan of those stores!

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 training tips for running or fitness.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Fit Five Friday: 5 favorite race photos

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!

So many race photos and only 5 to pick.  It wasn’t easy but I managed to do it and I added an extra one.  The photos aren’t in any specific.

NYC Half Marathon, March 19, 2023

Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon, 10/20/19

Chicago Distance Class Half Marathon, 8/13/2006 – This was my first half marathon!

Great Alaskan Half Marathon, 7/23/17

LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon, 10/22/06 – My first marathon!

EXTRA: Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon, 8/2/09 – My 100th race!

The topic for next week – Runfessions with Marcia.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Fit Five Friday

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Fit Five Friday: 5 fitness goals for the last half of the year

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  

Friday is my favorite day of the week.  But, this Friday is making me a little sad.  My first day of school is in a month.  I have two days full of meetings and then the students start on the 14th.  How is this Summer going by so fast?

Here are my 5 fitness goals for the remainder of this year:

Continue running and walking.  I am not doing a running streak but I do have a running and/or walking streak.  I’ve been doing some kind of outdoor activity since June 28th.  I hope to continue doing this during the Winter as well.

• Use the Peloton bike.  I’ve been using the bike 3x a week.  Total minutes for each class is 25 minutes which includes a warm-up and a cool down.  

• Watch what I eat.  I don’t want to use the excuse that just because I am training for a marathon that I can eat anything I want.  I’ve mentioned before that my A1C was in the pre-diabetic stage.  I am planning to get tested again in the Fall and hopefully my A1C will be lower.  

• Get enough sleep.  I need to get plenty of sleep or I don’t function well.  Plus, I get cranky if I don’t get enough sleep.

• Spend time on recovery.  My long runs are getting longer and I don’t bounce back to my bubbly self like I used to.  I ran 7 miles last Saturday and was sore the whole day.  I must remember to use my massage gun everyday.

The topic for next week – 5 favorite race photos.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Fit Five Friday: 5 things about the 2024 Elmhurst 4 on the 4th

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  

For today’s post, I will write about the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.  I ran this race yesterday and am happy I ran it again.

Here are some fun things about the race:

•I’ve been doing this race since 2013.  It was cancelled in 2020 and I skipped it in 2021.  More than 10 years of running this race.  It is a fun race – there aren’t that many races that are 4 miles.  

•  I didn’t train for this race.  It didn’t matter.  I still wanted to run it because it is one of my favorite races.  I am in week 2 of marathon training and actually felt OK during my run.  I did better than I thought I would do.  

• I didn’t pay attention to pace.  I ran by feel and walked when I wanted to walk.  I got positive splits and my last two miles were the same pace.  

• Packet pick-up is on race day.  I love it when races have this option.  I know sometimes it isn’t easy to get to packet pickup.  I got my bib and shirt and used the port-a-potty one last time before I lined up for the race.

•  It made me feel good.  I had no goal except to have fun and that is what I did.  I was tired at the end but I felt good afterwards finishing a race.

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 fitness goals for the last half of the year.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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