We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up! This week’s topic is “5 things I want to accomplish this year.” Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.
There are many things I want to accomplish this year. Who doesn’t? But for this post, I will narrow it to 5. It was hard but these are the ones that stand out.
⭐ Run/walk 2,024 miles – I didn’t making a running goal this year because the past 2 years I didn’t meet my goal. Someone posted on Instagram how she ran and walked 2,023 miles last year and that sparked my interest. I signed up. What I like about this goal is that I can include both running and walking. No way do I want to run 2,024 miles.
⭐ Move – I know I’ve been saying it for YEARS and YEARS (same song), but I am hoping 2024 is THE year. However, I do admit that the thought of owning a home does scare me because of the big responsibilities that come with it. I wonder if in a way that has been holding me back from purchasing a home.
⭐ Listen – I mean, really listen. I have noticed that sometimes while listening to someone say something to me, I am already thinking of my response. Sometimes I don’t let that person finish what they’re saying because I interrupt them with my response. I know, very rude, and I need to stop doing that.
⭐ Eat my lunch in the teacher’s lounge – I eat lunch in my classroom at 12pm. By that time I want to be alone. I know that I need to get out of my classroom and talk to other adults. I eat and do some work and I shouldn’t have to do that.
⭐ Learn to eat with chopsticks – Haha, you are probably laughing. I don’t know why I find it “cool” to eat with chopsticks. I don’t plan to eat everything with them, but at least when I eat Asian food. I am one that asks for a fork when I go to an Asian restaurant. I bought a set at Ross and my nephew told me to practice with popcorn.
The topic for next week – 5 things to never do in the gym. Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like. We hope you’ll link up with us!