Category: Monthly Review

February 2013 in Review

This month I ran 66.18 miles compared to 90.01 last month.  Short month and I missed quite a few workouts.  ;-(  I ran one half marathon in February:  Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon.  I took it easy after the race because I think I was tired from too much running.  Is there such a thing?  In March I have two races:  Little Rock Half Marathon and Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Marathon and Half Marathon.  I am so excited about both of them.  Then in April I have two more races and a trip to Riviera Maya for Spring Break!!  Fun!These socks are awesome.  I love how they fit and how they make my legs feel during and after a long run.  And the colors?  Fantastic!!

Weekly Workouts, February 11-17, 2013

A few months ago I purchased the “Christmas socks”.  I finally got a chance to wear them today to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  My socks were a hit with everyone in school!

February in Review

During my long run on Tuesday, my shorts ripped in the left inner thigh area.  I felt discomfort (chafing) but did not realize the extent till I got home and showered.  Ouch and painful!  Well, that area still has not healed and it hurts every time I walk.  I better put a bandage or something or I will be in big trouble for Sunday’s race.

February in Review

Today I am leaving for Little Rock, Arkansas to run in state #14.  The weather is supposed to be nice for a race.

February in Review

I have to leave now for the airport.  Just Keep Running!

January 2013 in Review

This month I ran 90.01 miles compared to 81.62 last month.

I ran two half marathons in January:  Mississippi Blues Half Marathon and Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Half Marathon.  Both races were very different course wise and weather.  I enjoyed both of them and was very pleased with my finish times.

Next month I only have one race on February 10th in St. Petersburg.  It should be warm and sunny and I am looking forward to it.

I love that my training plan only includes three runs each week.  However, I am so bad with the cross training.  I just don’t like it.  I find it boring.  On the days that I have to cross train, I find an excuse not to do it such as “I’m too tired”.

This is my new friend.  I love how this makes my legs feel after a run.  Don’t get me wrong, it does hurt when I use it but it still feels good.

January in Review


December and Year in Review 2012

Happy New Year!!

In December I ran 81.62 miles compared to 59.36 in November.  I signed for the Runner’s world Holiday Running Streak and was doing really good until December 12 when I was just so tired (not just from running) that I decided to take some time off.  And I did !  I took 4 days off then ran for 5 more days and then followed by a few more days of running.  I still think I did good.

Total miles ran in 2012 was 848.41 miles compared to 736.54 in 2011.

In 2013 I will be traveling across the country to run various half marathons sponsored by the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series.  Join me!

This year I ran 21 races:
Half Marathon-7
10 Miles-2

My best race experiences were the ultramarathon and the Ragnar Relay Chicago.

I did the ultra because it was on my list of top 40 things to do and because it was four weeks after the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon.  I already had the training and what is 5 more miles?  Ha, it does matter.  Still, great experience!!

The Ragnar Relay was also on my list.  I had the longest “leg” and struggled to finish it.  Overall, it was fun but also exhausting!!  My team members were AWESOME!!!  I wish I could do it again next year but can’t because of work reasons.

This year I ran in several Brooks shoes such as Ravenna, PureCadence, Glycerin, and PureConnect.  My favorite is PureConnect and plan to run in them in all of my races next year.  I also became a big fan of PRO Compression Socks.  I own five different pairs in various colors and plan to buy more.  Hmm, maybe the purple and the orange ones?

My goals for this year are:

1. Finish all of the races I sign up for
2. Run a sub 2 half marathon
3. Run more than 1,000 miles

Just Keep Running!

November 2012 in Review

I ran four races in November:  Carrera de los Muertos 5K, Chicago Perfect 10, Magic City Half Marathon, and Rotary Run 3.14 Pie Race.

I have no races in December.  Whew, taking a break.  Just kidding.  I signed up for the Runner’s World 2012 Holiday Running Streak.  I’ve pledged to run at least one mile every day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.  Piece of cake right?  Sure.  Not bad at all.  Today was day #9 and I was at the gym before 7 to run that mile.  I ran 6.53 yesterday evening so I was not up for running more than one mile.  Tomorrow is an 8 mile run.

Also, this month I am “training” using the run less, run faster method for my first race of 2013 in Mississippi.  Check out my list of upcoming races and hopefully you can join me.  Last weekend I finally created a spreadsheet with all of my races and other relevant information such as hotel, flight, registration, etc.  Whew!  It’s helping me stay on track with my races.

I still have a bib to the Zooma Florida Half Marathon in January that I need to transfer.  If interested, let me know.

Run Happy!!

October 2012 in Review

I cannot believe there are two months left in the year.  It is going by so fast!!

This month I ran 58.81 miles compared to 57.25 last month.  Very slow month.  Need to work on motivation.

I ran two races in October:  Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon and the Indianapolis Half Marathon. They were back to back on two weekends and kicked my butt.  Despite the hills, they were great and beautiful courses.

Upcoming races in November include.
11/3      Carrera de los Muertos 5K
11/10    Chicago’s Perfect 10K
11/18    Magic City Half Marathon, Birmingham, AL
11/22    Rotary Run 3/14 Pie

I’ve been busy planning the various half marathons I plan to run next year.  It is not an easy task.  I need to check flights (preferably Southwest since Midway Airport is about 5 minute from my house) and hotels.  So far I’ve purchased a ticket for the races in Washington, DC and Nashville.

I was planning to have surgery in November but I’ve postponed it.  Because of the surgery I was going to stop running after the race in Birmingham.  Now that it is postponed, no need to stop.  Now to look for other races in December, January, and February.  Any suggestions?

I have a bib to the Zooma Florida Half Marathon in January that I need to transfer.  If interested, let me know.

Run Happy!!