Category: Monthly Review

Tuesday Topics: April 2024 Review

Monthly Review-April 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you about how April went for me:

Mileage:  This month I ran 25.88 and walked 7.29 miles.  I officially got back to running on the 15th of the month.  I was inspired by those running the Boston Marathon.

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  So far I have completed 108.48 miles (per the RTE Tracker).  I laughed when I saw the mileage because I have a LONG WAY to go.  But I am determined to not give up.   I will achieve my goal.

Current Book:  I finished reading “Unsettled Ground” and “It Happened One Summer”.  I am almost done with “Doctors and Friends”.  

Injuries:  None.  I haven’t been struggling too much with plantar fasciitis.  The pain was really bad on my right foot.  My knees are beginning to hurt.  I can’t imagine that they hurt with the minimal running I’ve been doing.  I blame it on my weight gain.

Races:  None this month but I have one on May 19.

Health:  I am doing OK.  I am still dealing struggling with hot flashes.  The number on the scale keeps going up and up.  I know I am not supposed to pay too much attention to it but I can feel the weight gain.  My shorts and pants feel tighter than before.

School:  The end of the school year is not too far away.  I began to pack up my room and plan to get rid of a lot of stuff.  I have way too many things in my room.  I have things that I haven’t used in the almost two years that I’ve been in that classroom.  I also have things that I brought over from my other school and haven’t used either.  

What I am looking forward to next month:  My sister and I will see “Mamma Mia” on the 15th of the month.  I love the movie and have been wanting to see the musical for a long time.

The topic for next week:  Mother’s Day gift guide (mom, sister, friend, etc).  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: March 2024 Review

Monthly Review-March 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you about how March went for me:

Mileage: So far I’ve run 8.41 and walked 3.65 miles this month.  It’s been another nonproductive month of running and walking. 

Run the Year 2024: I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  I have completed 71.74 miles (per the RTE Tracker).  I know I have a lot of work to do here.  Once the weather is better, I plan to walk to work a few times a week.  It is 6.2 miles to work so I think it is doable.

Current Book: I finished reading “The Lincoln Highway”.  I loved it!  I still want to get in my car and drive along the highway.  Road trip?  Currently, I am reading “Unsettled Ground” and so far am liking it.  This is book #5 for this year.

Unsettled Ground-1

Injuries: None.

Races:  On Sunday I ran the Bank of American Shamrock Shuffle 8k.  I have mentioned this race a few times so you know it is one of my favorite races.  The weather was decent and I finished in 1:06:51 (my worst time).

Health:  I am doing OK.  Depending on how my day goes, I sleep well and on other days I don’t.  I don’t know if it was my trip to San Antonio or DST or both but I was very tired when I came back home.  I am struggling with hot flashes and weight gain and I am not happy about it.  On Monday I saw the number on the scale and it was the highest number I’ve seen on the scale for me.  I was upset and then everything else went downhill for me that day.  I had a horrible day at work where everything just bothered me.

School:  It is going OK.  We have two months to go till the end of the school year.  There are a few activities taking place in April and May that I am looking forward to.  We are going to Brookfield Zoo and the Museum of Science and Industry.  We’re also going to see (weather permitting because we are walking there) SpongeBob the Musical.

What I am looking forward to next month: Spring Break!  One week to stay home and relax.

The topic for next week:  What are your tried-and-true running accessories?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: February 2024 Review

Monthly Review-February 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you about how February went for me:

Mileage:  So far I’ve run 14.87 and walked 1.64 miles this month.  It’s been a nonproductive run for running/walking. 

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  I have completed 59.69 miles (per the RTE Tracker).  I know I have a lot of work to do here.  Once the weather is better, I plan to walk to work a few times a week.  It is 6.2 miles to work so I think it is doable.

Current Book:  I finish reading “Nowhere Girl”.  There were some parts that were sad but overall I enjoyed the book.  Currently I am reading “The Lincoln Highway”.  I saw the map in the book and it makes me want to get in my car and drive along the highway.  

Injuries:  None.  

Races:  None.

Health:  I am doing OK.  Depending on how my day goes, I sleep well and on other days I don’t.  

School:  It is going OK.  Also, busy with tests and assignments.  We are learning about insects and the students are enjoying the lessons.  Lots of information!

We read a book in Spanish about saving the sea turtles.  We watched a video from the Dominican Republic which shows the baby turtles going to the sea.  My students enjoyed it.  Also, in the book, one of the characters made a turtle with clay.  We did the same thing.  They had fun with it too.

El regreso de las tortugas-1

What I am looking forward to next month:  A few days off from school (Pulaski Day and Good Friday).  I am going to San Antonio with my mom for my aunt’s 90th birthday party.  I am not sure if I am still going to NY because I haven’t been training for the half marathon.

The topic for next week:  How do you maintain your running motivation?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: January 2024 Review

Monthly Review-January 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you about how January went for me:

Mileage:  So far I’ve run 30.14 and walked 5.16 miles this month for a total of 35.30 miles (per my Garmin).  I began training for the NYC Half Marathon.  Again, I am following one of Hal Higdon’s plans and will be running 5 days a week.

I took two weeks off because of the weather.  Not only was there snow and ice, it was also COLD.  I had no desire to run outside in that weather.  I wish I had a gym membership.

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  So far I have completed 35.29 miles (per the RTE Tracker).

Current Book:  My goal this year is to read 24 books.  I finished “Heard it in a love song” and “The wind knows my name”.  I enjoyed both books but the latter one was so good.  Currently, I am reading “Nowhere Girl”.

Injuries:  None, but sometimes feel stiff.  Ha, I need to move more.

Races:  None, but I signed up for another race in May.  Total races so far this year is 5.

Health:  I am doing OK.  Depending on how my day goes, I sleep well and on other days I don’t.  Perimenopause sucks.  While I am glad I don’t have a period, the weight gain is awful.  I have gained about 10 pounds since last February.  My jeans feel tight and I had to buy new ones in a bigger size.  I know I am eating the same as before so this weight gain is frustrating.

School:  It’s going.  I have my good days and my bad days.  We had 2 days of remote learning and school was canceled another day.  The students have to take a state test (4 components and they already took 3) and a Math test.  This week I need to give them 3 additional assessments for Reading.  We are tired of all of these assessments.  I told them that on Friday we will have a movie and popcorn party.

What I am looking forward to next month: Hopefully not as many assessments as in January.  I also hope that the weather stays decent to continue training for the NYC Half Marathon.

The topic for next week:  Confession time:  What are your worst running habits?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: December 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your goals for 2024?  You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I wrote about my goals for 2023 but also am writing this post to talk about December. 

December, the last month of 2023.  What a month and what a year!  I am currently on Winter Break.  Two weeks off which I desperately need.  I brought some work home and want to get it done this week so I don’t have to think about it next week.  But, if I don’t get to it, then oh well.  

Let me tell you about how December went for me:

Mileage:  So far I’ve run 36.98 and walked 0 miles this month.  I began training for the NYC Half Marathon.  Again, I am following one of Hal Higdon’s plans and will be running 5 days a week.

Current Book:  I love John Grisham and read “The Exchange.”  I was looking forward to it and read it in 3 days.  However, I didn’t care too much about it.  While the story was interesting, I didn’t like the ending.  I know that many times we don’t like the ending, but in this case, it left me confused and with many questions.  Now I am reading “We Are Not Like Them”.  So far so good.  I want to finish it this week.  That will leave me with reading 23 books this year (I am including one that I began reading on 12/30 but finished it in January).

2023 Running Goal:  I said goodbye to my goal to run 800 miles.  This year wasn’t my year for running.  I did the best I could and am OK with it.  As of this morning, I’ve run 493.97 miles this year.  The good news is that that number is higher than last year.

Injuries:  None.  

Races:  None.

Health:  I am doing OK.  Depending on how my day goes, I sleep well and on other days I don’t.  I did feel very tired on Saturday and Sunday.  I took a few naps while taking breaks from reading my book.

School:  Winter Break!

The topic for next week:  What’s your word for 2024?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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