Category: Monthly Review

Tuesday Topics: June 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

How is it that we are almost halfway through 2023?  Time goes by very fast.  This week is my last week of Summer School.  My students are so cute.  They love coming to school and enjoy all of the things we do in class.  I am very grateful for the program assistants that are with me in the classroom because incoming kindergarten students need a lot of help.

Let me tell you about how June went for me:

Mileage: This month was OK.  As of yesterday, I’ve run 37.19 and walked 3.32 miles this month.  

Current Book:  I am currently reading “Win Me Something” and so far am enjoying it.  For some reason, I enjoy reading books that take place in NY.   I love it when they mention the various boroughs and different places in NY.  I never had the desire to live in NY, but sometimes do wonder if I had the chance, would I have lived there?

Current Shoes:  Finally running in my beautiful Brooks Launch.  They’re a fun and bright color.  Sometimes I also run in the Brooks Hyperion.  Those are cushioned and feel light.  They’re great for speed work!

2023 Running Goal:  Total mileage to date is 306.44.  It is 38 percent of my goal leaving me with 493.56 miles to go. 

Injuries:  Stretching and foam rolling helps but the discomfort with the hip comes and goes.  It is the same with plantar fasciitis.

Races:  No races in June.

School:  Summer Break!

Health:  Hot flashes and summer are torture!  There is no A/C in my classroom and last week it was awful.  This week the temperature will be a bit better.

I got my results from Inside Tracker.  My A1C went down but there was a big increase in my triglycerides level.  If it isn’t one thing it is something else, right?

I am not tied down to a scale but have noticed that my shorts and pants are a bit tighter.  I got on the scale yesterday and I have gained 10 pounds since February.  I think this is the heaviest I’ve ever been.

That is all for June.  Not too much excitement.  I have a month and a half left of Summer Break.  I will continue to take it easy and relax.  Before I know it, I will get an email from the Principal letting us know when we can go to school to set up our classroom.

The topic for next week:  Your 2023 mid-year review.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: May 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

May is almost over which means June is almost here.  It also means 4 more days till the end of the school year.  I have some fun events planned for my students – movie day with popcorn, crafts day, and awards ceremony.  I also have a “pick your choice” so they can do whatever they want.  

Let me tell you about how May went for me:

Mileage:  While April was a great month, it wasn’t the same for May.  I had a running streak going in April and then missed the 30th because I was up late the night before and then was exhausted the next day.   

As of today, I’ve run 20.64 and walked 1.54 miles this month.  Those running miles also include a 10k.

Current Book:  I finished reading “Damnation Spring” and “Choosing to Run”.  The former was long and I somewhat lost interest but was determined to finish it.  I didn’t like the ending but I think a different one would have made the book a bit longer.

I enjoyed Desi’s book.  It was a fast read and it was interesting to read what she did and felt before, during, and after winning the Boston Marathon.  I remember crying tears of joy that day.

My goal is to read 12 books this year and I already finished book #8.

Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost.  Ha, I am tired of writing about these shoes.  I’ve run nearly 290 miles, so I will soon retire them and then run in another pair.  A better idea would be to just stop wearing them, right?  🤣 🤣

2023 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 800 miles.  It is about 67 miles per month.  Total mileage to date is 261.21.  It is about 32 percent of my goal leaving me with about 537.79 miles to go. 

Injuries:  None.  The hip is better.  It isn’t 100% better but not as bad as before.  I still have plantar fasciitis but it isn’t as bad as before either.  

Races:  I ran one this month – Spring Trail Chase 10k.  It was warm, but the best part was that I ran in shorts and no jacket!  

School:  I am still mentally exhausted and cannot wait to be done.  Friday is my last day!

Health:  The hot flashes continue.  Other than that, I am feeling good.  I continue to watch what I eat because of my high A1C.  I have an appointment next month to have blood work done again and hopefully, that number will be lower.

I will be switching insurance plans for both medical and dental from HMO to PPO because just finding a dentist is a hassle.  Plus, I need to see my chiropractor again, and hopefully, someone to talk to about my mental health.  HMO is cheaper but it is like pulling teeth to get the OK to see a specialist.

May was sort of OK and hopefully June is better! 

The topic for next week:  How will you celebrate Global Running Day?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: April 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

April is almost over which means May is almost here.  That means June is around the corner!  And you know what that means – the end of the school year!!!

Let me tell you about how April went for me:

Mileage:  So far it’s been the month with the highest mileage.  As of today, I’ve run 79.83 and walked 4.08 miles.  There are still a few more days this month so I am sure those numbers will increase.  

Current Book:  I am reading “Damnation Spring”.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  It is a bit boring but I don’t want to stop reading it.  I still want to keep reading and finish it.

Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost.  I’ve run close to 250 miles so soon I will retire them and then run in another pair.

2023 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 800 miles.  It is about 67 miles per month.  Total mileage to date is 225.52.  It is about 30 percent of my goal leaving me with about 575 miles to go.  As long as I stay healthy and injury free, I am confident I will reach my goal.

Injuries:  None.  The hip is better.  It isn’t 100% better but not as bad as before.  I still have plantar fasciitis but it isn’t as bad as before.  

Races:  I ran one this month – CARA Lakefront 10 Miler.  It was a cold and windy day but I made the best of it.  I have another one on Sunday and I am sure it will be a fun one.  It is “only” a 5k.  

School:  I am mentally exhausted and cannot wait to be done.  My last day is June 2nd.  Next month we have one institute day, a field trip to the zoo, and a pizza party.  I will be very happy when I am done.

Run Streak:  I wasn’t planning to do one but as of yesterday, I’ve been running for 30 days.  I focus on time instead of miles.  I run between 20-60 minutes on different days.  I feel like it is less pressure and at the same time, I enjoy my runs.  Whenever I feel tired, I get out for 15 or 20 minutes – short and sweet!

Health:  The hot flashes continue.  Other than that, I am feeling good.  I am trying to watch what I eat because of my high A1C.  In June I am getting blood work done again and hopefully, that number will be lower.  I cannot get diabetes!

April went well and I know May will be even better! 

The topic for next week:  Mother’s Day gift guide (mom, sister, friend, etc).  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: March 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

March is almost over which means April is almost here.  That means Spring Break is around the corner!  One week off to relax and enjoy.  I am not going anywhere and that is OK with me.  I want to stay home.  

Let me tell you about how March went for me:

Mileage:  It wasn’t low but neither high.  As of today, I’ve run 59.62 and walked 1.87 miles.  There are still a few more days this month so I am sure those numbers will go up.  

Current Book:  I finished reading “Three Sisters”.  Wow!  Beautiful and sad book.  I cried many times while reading it.  The love among the sisters was so strong while going through a horrific time.  

I am currently reading “The Husbands”.  It is book #8 for this year.

Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost.  I need to retire these soon.  I also have the Launch 9 and the Hyperion Tempo.  I’ve been eyeing another pair of the Ghost but will not buy them yet.  Nope, self-control.  

2023 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 800 miles.  It is about 67 miles per month.  Total mileage to date is 138.07.  It is low but I know I can make it up in the upcoming months.  As long as I stay healthy and injury free, I am confident I will reach my goal.

Injuries: None.  The hip is better.  It isn’t 100% better but not as bad as before.

Races:  I ran two this month – NYC Half Marathon and Shamrock Shuffle 8k.   Both went well and I did better than expected.  My running/training hasn’t been great but I am pleased with how I did.

School:  Almost less than 2 months to go.   Right now what keeps me going is knowing that I am off next week.  I think my students need a break too…from me.  

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Health:  The hot flashes continue.  It is awful!  I got some bloodwork drawn and found out that my HBa1c has increased.  That worries me because I don’t want it to get higher and be diabetic.  I’ve been eating pretty much the same (in December my HBa1c was 4.9) but do wonder how much my lack of running has caused it to increase.  I’ve been more stressed than usual and haven’t been sleeping well because of the hot flashes.

March was OK.  Hopefully, April is better.  I was supposed to run the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile but have decided not to make the trip to Washington DC this weekend.  There is one race I want to do next month.  I know I keep talking about it and now just have to sign up.  I may do just well just like my last two races, right?

The topic for next week – Today is National Vitamin C Day, how do you get your vitamin C?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: February 2023 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Yay February is over!  It has been a mild Winter with not too much snow but some windy days.  It has rained a couple of times but overall still a great Winter.

Just like not all runs will be great, the same thing for days/weeks/months.  February was an OK month for me but I survived.

I can now add myself to the list of Covid victims.  Yep, I finally got it.  It was very mild with a lot of coughing.  I stayed in bed for 5 days, resting and reading.  I finished one book in two days!  But after 5 days of being home, I was ready to return to work.

Let me tell you about how February went for me:

Mileage:  It was a very low mileage for me with 18.78 running miles and .98 walking miles.  I hope this is the only low month this year.  It is warming up and that motivates me to keep on running.  But that means then I will be complaining that it is too hot.  😆 😆 

Current Book:  I have finished reading 5 books and am currently reading “The Paper Place”.  My goal is to read 12 books and I am almost halfway done.

Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost.  These are perfect because they’re NYC-themed!

2023 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 800 miles.  It is about 67 miles per month.  I ran way less this month but I know I can make it up in the upcoming months.  As long as I stay healthy and injury free, I am confident I will reach my goal.

Injuries: None but sometimes my hip hurts because I do not stretch as I should.  Sometimes I do wonder if it is something else.

Blog: I fell off the wagon with posting on Sundays.  That is OK because I still want to post on Tuesday and Friday consistently.    

School:  I have my good days and my bad days like everyone else.  We have 3 months left of this school year.  Next year we will have a new Reading Curriculum and I am actually looking forward to it.  Something new.  But that also means more work with this new curriculum.  I am not complaining about the curriculum.  My complaint is that not enough time is given to us to learn and implement it.

Health:  I have no complaints about my health.  I have noticed that now I am getting more hot flashes during the day and at night.  I wonder if this is because of Covid or premenopause or both.

February was OK.  Hopefully, March is better.  I am signed up for two races and am excited about them.  I will admit that I am NOT ready for my race in NYC next month.  I haven’t been training like I wanted to.  But I don’t care.  I am still going because I know I won’t have another chance to run the half marathon.  My goal isn’t to PR anyway.  I want to run the race and finish it.  

The topic for next week Tomorrow is International Women’s Day.  Who are the female athletes you admire?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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