This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic. Feel free to post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
April is almost over which means May is almost here. That means June is around the corner! And you know what that means – the end of the school year!!!
Let me tell you about how April went for me:
Mileage: So far it’s been the month with the highest mileage. As of today, I’ve run 79.83 and walked 4.08 miles. There are still a few more days this month so I am sure those numbers will increase.
Current Book: I am reading “Damnation Spring”. I am not sure how I feel about it. It is a bit boring but I don’t want to stop reading it. I still want to keep reading and finish it.
Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost. I’ve run close to 250 miles so soon I will retire them and then run in another pair.
2023 Running Goal: My goal this year is to run 800 miles. It is about 67 miles per month. Total mileage to date is 225.52. It is about 30 percent of my goal leaving me with about 575 miles to go. As long as I stay healthy and injury free, I am confident I will reach my goal.
Injuries: None. The hip is better. It isn’t 100% better but not as bad as before. I still have plantar fasciitis but it isn’t as bad as before.
Races: I ran one this month – CARA Lakefront 10 Miler. It was a cold and windy day but I made the best of it. I have another one on Sunday and I am sure it will be a fun one. It is “only” a 5k.
School: I am mentally exhausted and cannot wait to be done. My last day is June 2nd. Next month we have one institute day, a field trip to the zoo, and a pizza party. I will be very happy when I am done.
Run Streak: I wasn’t planning to do one but as of yesterday, I’ve been running for 30 days. I focus on time instead of miles. I run between 20-60 minutes on different days. I feel like it is less pressure and at the same time, I enjoy my runs. Whenever I feel tired, I get out for 15 or 20 minutes – short and sweet!
Health: The hot flashes continue. Other than that, I am feeling good. I am trying to watch what I eat because of my high A1C. In June I am getting blood work done again and hopefully, that number will be lower. I cannot get diabetes!
April went well and I know May will be even better!
The topic for next week: Mother’s Day gift guide (mom, sister, friend, etc). Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!