Category: Monthly Review

Tuesday Topics: November 2021 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

The last day of November is here.  Only 1 month to go till the end of the year.  November was all about building a base and being consistent on my runs for my 50k training.  I was told that the tentative date for m 50k is Saturday, March 22, 2022.  Less than 4 months to go.  I can do this!

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Mileage:  Total for this month is 107.16 miles.  It is my 3rd highest month this year after June (118.12) and May (111.79 miles). 

Current Challenge:  None.  Anyone has a good one for me to do?

Current Shoes:  I have 5 pairs in my rotation but have been running mostly in the Ghost 12.  I have over 150 miles in them and will replace them with another pair once I get 300 miles in them.  How often do you replace your running shoes?

2021 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,000 miles (I changed it from 1,200).  I am 85% done with 856.52 miles.  I need 146 miles.  Ugh, don’t think I will make it.  However, I will be close to it.  Regardless of how many miles I end up with, I will still be proud and happy about it.  This year I ran through the coldest days along with a month where we had snow pretty much every single day.  Also, I ran every single day from January 1 through August 30.  

What am I looking forward to next month?  Winter Break.  I can honestly say that this past week I’ve been feeling a bit better about work.  Still stressed but not as much.  My students make me smile.  They make me laugh.  There are days when I want to hug all of them.  I have days when I get sad and angry because I dislike the mask so much and it makes teaching difficult for me.  I know the students struggle with it as well.  But this teacher still needs a break.  Two weeks and two days is my Winter Break.  I cannot wait!

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How is my training going so far?  It is going well.  I’ve been doing mostly easy runs and running 5 days a week.  Last week I ran 6 days and will be doing that again this week.  I am not sure if I will keep it up till race day.  For the past couple of weeks I’ve been using the run/walk method.  I didn’t think I would like it but I do.  I began with running for 2 minutes and walking for 30 seconds.  Then I did 2:30/:30.  This week I am doing 3:00/:30 and am liking it a lot.  Pace doesn’t really matter and I am OK with it.

I am nervous about the longer miles in the cold and in the snow.  The last time I trained for a long race during the Winter was in 2017/2018 for the Illinois Marathon (which I ended up doing instead the half marathon).  I plan to read again my posts to get motivated.  I did all of my runs, except 2 or 3 of them, outside in the cold and the snow.  Still, I am crossing my fingers we have a mild Winter.  

How did November go for you?

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Tuesday Topics: August 2021 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.   Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

The last day of August is here.  Only 4 months to go till the end of the year.   I took it easy the month of August because I was feeling burned out and I wanted to finish my run streak.  Now I am working with a coach again to get back in running shape and possible train for a race.  August wasn’t that exciting but still let me review it.  😉

Mileage:  Total for this month is 68.67 miles which include a few walking miles.  It is my 3rd lowest month this year after February (34.26) and January (64.55 miles). 

Current Challenge:  None.  Anyone has a good one for me to do?

Current Book:  None but I am waiting for “

Current Song:  No specific song but I am still loving anything 80s.  

Current Shoes:  I started with the Brooks Ghost 12 and the Launch.  Then I saw the Run Hoppy pair and knew I had to get them.  These 3 pairs should last me till next year.  I hope Brooks do not come out with more cute pairs because I will be tempted to get them.

2021 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,000 miles (I changed it from 1,200).  I am 66% done with 664.68 miles.  I have 4 months left and 335 miles.  You think I would make it?

What am I looking forward to next month?  Fall.  I love running in Fall weather.  I also love the different color leaves.  I am also looking forward to taking more Peloton classes.  Running everyday is a thing of the past.

How did August go for you?

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Tuesday Topics: My 2021 mid year review

Hello there and Happy Tuesday!  I took a week off from blogging.  I think this is the first time I miss all 3 linkups (Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday).  My mind went blank for Tuesday and Friday’s linkups and then on Sunday I started to write my post but then was busy with my niece who is visiting from Mexico, so no post from me.  But here I am and hopefully will not miss many more linkups.

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

How is it that we are already in July?  These past 6 months have gone by fast.  So many words to describe it along with many emotions to go with it.  Regardless, it was a good 6 months.  Let me tell you all about it.

Mileage:  Total is 503.03 miles. My goal to run this year is 1,200 miles.  I had a feeling I was not going to meet my goal and was thinking of changing it to 1000 miles.  However, I told myself that if by June 30th I’ve run at least 600, then I would leave it.  Someone told me that my mileage could increase during the Summer.  Well, time to change that goal.

Highest Mileage Month:  118.12 in June.  May was the 2nd highest with 111.79 miles.

Peloton: In November I paused my membership and renewed it in February.  I don’t know exactly how many classes I took since February, but I have reached a few milestones.

I was actually surprised that I made it to 5K minutes.  At the rate I am going then for sure I will get to 10K by then end of the year.

Current Challenge:  My running streak.  Today is day #312.  

Current Shoes:  Since January 1 I’ve run in the Launch 5 and Brooks Levitate 1.  

2021 Running Goal:  My new goal is to run 1,000 miles.  I am at 50 percent done with it with 503.03 miles.

Pain/aches/injury:  All was going well.  I had my usual aches/soreness but nothing painful.  On Friday during my run (I realize it was already July) I had some pain on my lower left leg.  I ran/walked the rest of the way home.  I knew I was in trouble.  Once home I made an appointment with a sports doctor for Friday.   I know better than to check Google but I did anyway.  Looks like it could be achilles tendonitis but I’ll know for sure on Friday.  I did a short run/walk (20 minutes) on Saturday and it wasn’t painful.  I did the same on Sunday and Monday (30 minutes) with hardly any pain.  I plan to continue doing this till Friday but might increase the time to 45 minutes.  

What am I looking forward to the next 6 months?  To run all of the miles!  Haha, JK.  Hopefully I get good news on Friday and can continue running.  I will be happy with at least running/walking.  Getting out in the morning is good for me.  I need it.

I also want to continue my run streak.  The stubborn runner in me does not want to stop.  I am so close to one year.  It will be one year in August.  Will I continue after?  Who knows?  I would like to train for a half marathon or maybe a marathon.  Also, I would like to incorporate cross training and strength classes to my schedule.  We’ll see.

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Tuesday Topics: My favorite running costumes or outfits

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What are some of your favorite running costumes or outfits?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am not a costume person.  Heck, I don’t even like to dress up for Halloween!  The only reason I do it is because of my students.  😀

I haven’t run many races in a costume.  I think the only time I’ve done it is when I ran the RunDisney races a few years ago.  And I wore the same two costumes.  Let’s check them out!

☑️ Minnie Mouse at the Walt Disney World Half Marathon

☑️ Sofia the First at the Walt Disney World Marathon

☑️ Minnie Mouse at the Walt Disney World Enchanted 10K

☑️ Sofia the First at the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon

Reading the posts and looking at the pictures made me realize how fun it was to run these races.  I didn’t realized how much I miss racing till now.  I miss the traveling, getting reading the night before, meeting up with friends, etc.

When I run at home my favorite outfit consist of a pair of Oiselle long rogas and a Oiselle top.  Pretty much anything from Oiselle.  My socks are either Balega UltraGlide or Smartwool Run Ultra Light Socks.  I don’t like them with too much cushion.  Also on my feet are a pair of Brooks Launch or Ghost.

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Tuesday Topics: April 2021 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.   Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I know April is not over yet.  We still have a few more days left.  Things are going well in the running department and I am trying to stay positive and taking it day by day in the work department.

I will use the same format from my last monthly review of October 2020.

At the end of April we’ll be 1/3 done with 2021.  Time is going by fast!

Mileage:  As of this morning I’ve run 87.54 miles.  There are 3 more days left in April and based on my schedule, I will run 8 miles in those 3 days.  I won’t make it to 100 miles but so far April will be my highest mileage month.  My highest mileage ever was 186.27 miles in July 2016.  

Highest Mileage Week:  24.61.  It was this past week and it took me 5:08:31 hours.  

Current Challenge:  My running streak.  Today is day #242.  Total miles is 668.55.  It is still going well and I am hoping to make it to one year.

Current Book:  None but I am waiting for “The Soul of a Woman” by Isabel Allende.  I need to check Wendy’s posts since she always has some great suggestions of books to read. 

Current Song:  No specific song but I am loving anything 80s.  

Current Shoes:  Brooks Launch 5 and Brooks Levitate 1.  I wanted to replace the Launch at the end of March, but sadly had about 200 miles in them due to low mileage in February.  I will hit 300 miles in May and will then add either the Launch 7 or Ghost 12.

2021 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,200 miles.  I am at 22% done with 264.58 miles.  I know last month I thought about changing my goal to 1,000 miles.  I will revisit again in June, since I plan to run more miles in the Summer, and make a decision.

What am I looking forward to next month?  Almost the end of the school year!  You knew I was going to say that, right?  Have I mentioned that my last day is June 9th?  😊

How is April going for you?

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