Category: Monthly Review

May 2014 in Review

Miles Ran/Last Month: 65.18/61.64.  May was my first month working with Coach Sara.  Every Sunday she enters my workouts for that week.  I do various types of runs such as easy, tempo, and long.  I did my first ever speed workout on a track and loved it!  I’ve always done them on the treadmill so this was something new to me.

Highest Mileage Week: 19.

Races Planned/Completed: 3/0.  Sigh.  I had planned to run 2 half marathons and 1 5K this month. And I backed out of all of them.  Boo me.  Luckily, I had registered for only one race (and paid $19.72) so it wasn’t that much of a loss.  The reason I did not run it is because I went to the ZOOMA Training Kickoff.  It was another gorgeous day for a run!

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Current Ache/Pain: My knees.  Just a slight pain when I walk.  Might be the shoes?

Current Challenge: None.  Last month was the 30-Day Plank Challenge and did not complete it. Need to think again how badly I want to do these challenges.

Current Book: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.  I finished Catching Fire and loved it.  I finished the book on Monday and went to Redbox to get the movie.

I also read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes for my book club.  It is a great book and can’t wait to meet with the girls to talk about it.  And drink too.  🙂


Current Song: Feel this Moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera.  I love the beat and makes me want to run faster.  Sometimes I find myself listening to it towards the end of a run to keep on going.

Current Treat: All-in-Almond by Picky Bars.

picky bars

Next Race: Michelob ULTRA 13.1 Chicago on Saturday, June 7.  I am looking forward to this race. So far weather is looking good.

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Current Excitement: Less than two weeks to go.

summer break

April 2014 in Review

Miles Ran/Last Month: 61.64/140.56.  I took it easy in April while I recovered from my ultramarathon.  However, I did run the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.  The race was so much fun!  I highly recommend you run this race.  I do hope the event comes to Chicago.

Highest Mileage Week: 31.21.  Ultra marathon week.

Half Marathons Planned/Completed: 2/1.  I had planned to run the Salt Lake City Half Marathon but last minute decided not to go.  I was feeling bleh and was not in the mood to travel nor run a race.

Current Ache/Pain: My right hip.  It does not hurt when I run so maybe that is a good thing.  I’ve been slacking on my stretching and need to make it a point to do it more often.

Current Challenge: 30-Day Plank Challenge.  I am up to 90 seconds.  Tomorrow it is 120 seconds!


Current Book: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  Yes, I know I am behind so I am slowly catching up. I’ve had the chance to see the movie twice and each time I’ve refused to see it because I want to read the book first.

I also read What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self for my book club.  I will admit it is a good book but I expected it to be better.  There were some good and interesting letters but I guess I was waiting for an aha moment.

photo bookclub

Current Song: Happy by Pharrell Williams.  My kids LOVE that song.  It makes them happy and that makes me happy.

Current Treat: Milk Chocolate Salted Caramel by Godiva.  The Staples by my house is going out of business so all of the food is 50% off.


You bet I stocked up on my coffee and chocolate.

Current Excitement: I have 6 weeks to go till summer break.  Enough said.

summer break

March 2014 in Review

This month I ran 140.56 miles compared to 122.09 in February.  December 2013 is still my best month with 142.39.  This month I was so close.  Dang, if only I hadn’t missed my 10 mile run on Thursday. Oh well.  Definitely another great month.  Yesterday I ran outside again and it was just perfect.  Felt so good.  Spring is definitely here.

I ran one race:  Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  I got a PR!  Very happy about my time.  I can’t wait to run a 5K and see how I do.  I think I will run the Run to Remember 5K on May 3rd.  I’ve ran it in the past and have had a great time.

ultra_marathon_50kThe Chicago Lakefront 50k is on Saturday.  I’ve been checking the weather channel and it is supposed to be 45 degrees in the morning.  Definitely good running weather.  I did my best with keeping up with my training plan.  My coach told me that this week I need to focus on resting, recovery, and staying positive.  I always struggle with the latter but yesterday’s race did send me positive vibes that I hope will last all through the week.  Plus, I am off for Spring Break so I will definitely rest and relax.


I’ve enrolled at the SESAME Program at the University of Chicago to take classes for a Math Endorsement.  I am excited about it!  I need to take 8 classes and then I will have an endorsement to teach math to middle grade students.  I will be in class on Wednesdays from 5pm-8pm.  My first class starts on April 2nd and ends on June 11th.  The next session runs for two weeks, Monday-Friday, from 9am-12pm.  Then they also also another session from 1pm-4pm.  I don’t think I want to be in class all day for two weeks but I will definitely take one class.  If I take one class per quarter then I should be done in 2016.  Ha, seems like a long time but time sure goes by fast.

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Two weeks from today I’ll find out if I got in the Bank of American Chicago Marathon!

February 2014 in Review

This month I ran 122.09  miles compared to 90.3 in January.  Definitely another great month.  Ugh, I cannot take this winter anymore!!  It is driving me nuts!  More snow and more snow.  I cannot wait till Spring.

I ran two races:  Walt Disney World Enchanted 10K and Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon. Two humid days in FL.  After the race on Saturday, I went to Epcot and had so much fun!  I’ve never been there and am glad I was able to go.

My training for the 50K is going OK.  I’ve tried to keep up with all of my workouts but man sometimes I am just not in the mood to run.  Thankfully Coach Sara has been very helpful and understanding.  My training plan includes doing a variety of runs (tempo, steady, recovery, and long) which makes my runs interesting.  But with 23 kids in a classroom for 6.5 hours, after work all I just want to do is come home and relax on the sofa.

Papers I need to review and grade this weekend.  Not fun.


I am sure you’ve heard of Apera Bags.  I’m excited because I purchased a bag and am supposed to get it on Tuesday.  They have so bags but at the expo last weekend in FL, they were there and I was able to see the bags and decide which one to purchase.  The winner is…Sling Tote.

apera sling tote

The bag is roomy but yet not bulky.  I like that it can be worn over the shoulder or across the body. Every morning I walk out with at least 3 bags to go to work and this bag will simply make it easier for me to haul my stuff for the gym.

I also bought a pair of Aspaeris shorts.  According to their website “The patent pending technology uses Dual Sensory Compression™  in key compression zones that guide knees into the proper position, acting as a guide that creates muscle memory. This, coupled with a second layer of overall compression leads to proper joint, “loading,” to help you avoid injury and improve performance as your legs move more efficiently.”


I was worried when I got them because they look very small.  I wear a medium in Nike and Brooks shorts so I decided to also buy a medium.  No, I did not pay attention to their size chart.  The first time I wore them the waistband kept rolling down and made it uncomfortable to run.  I pulled them up and they finally stayed put.  I wore them again today, adjusted them, and ran 12 miles in them.  Not sure if that’s what I am supposed to do each time or maybe I ordered the wrong size and should have gone with a large instead?  Overall, I like the shorts.  They’re silky soft and felt comfortable once I adjusted them.  They did not ride up at all.  Yeah, definitely my kind of shorts.

How cute are these pink ones?


January 2014 in Review

This month I ran 90.3  miles compared to 104.65  in December.  Almost all of my runs were on the treadmill.  I refuse to run on the snow.  I don’t mind too much the cold but I hate running on snow.  No thank you.  Yes, I’m a wimp.  And we’ve had plenty of snow here in Chicago.



I also ran three races:  Walt Disney World Half Marathon, Walt Disney World Marathon, and Tinker Bell Half Marathon.  Of course each race was different but my favorites were the marathon and the Tinker Bell Half Marathon.  On Tuesday I signed up for the Dumbo Double Dare (10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday).  I am convinced that if I can finish the Goofy Challenge (half marathon on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday) then anything else is a piece of cake.

In April I will be running my second 50K.  I got myself a coach and she put together an awesome 10 weeks training plan.  So far training hasn’t been too bad.  This week was week #1 and all of my runs were on the treadmill.  Did I mention the snow?  She did tell me to set the treadmill incline to 1 percent.  My first run was on Tuesday, 7 miles with 2 at tempo pace.  I enjoyed my run.  Nice and slow but at 0% incline.  But then on Wednesday was 5 miles at easy pace.  That kicked my you know what. I was feeling tired and could not keep up so I only ran 4 miles.  Thursday’s run was 7 at a steady pace. Again I was tired so I only ran 5.76 miles.  Today’s run was 14 at a long pace.  Yes, I was determined to run all 14 today and I did.  Tomorrow in only 10 miles.  My coach told me that by next week I will not notice the incline on the treadmill.  We’ll see about that.  🙂 I realize that my 1st week was kind of rough for me but hopefully it will go smoother in the upcoming weeks.

In January I began running in another pair of my favorite Brooks shoes, the PureFlow 2.  Love them!


I am excited about this month’s races, RunDisney Glass Slipper Challenge.  The challenge is a 10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday.  Easy peasy right?  I am debating on whether to wear a costume.  If I do, most likely they’ll be the same ones from the Goofy Challenge.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl!  What team are you rooting for?