Category: Monthly Review

December and Year in Review 2013

Happy New Year!!

In December I ran 142.39 miles compared to 104.65 in November.  December was the month where I ran the most miles.  Plus, according to my cool spreadsheet, I finally ran over 1,000 miles this year.

I signed up again for the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak.  I wasn’t able to complete it last summer nor last winter but three times is a charm right?  I did it…but barely.  How hard can it be to run one mile per day?  Ha, it was definitely more work for me.  Or maybe I was just lazy? During the week the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym for that mile.  Yeah, I guess I could have ran outside but this crazy weather was not helpful.  Well, with all complaints aside, I completed this streak and that is all that matters.

Total miles ran in 2013 was 1018.59 miles compared to 848.41 in 2012.

This year I ran 24 races.  14 of those races were Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Races.  I PR’d in the ING Hartford Half Marathon and at the Community Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.


My best race experiences were the ING Hartford Half Marathon and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.  Other cool races were the Little Rock Half Marathon because I met Bart Yasso and the Manchester City Half Marathon because I met the lovely Kathrine Switzer.

Best medals I received were from the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon and the Little Rock Half Marathon.  I would love to go back to Little Rock to run the full marathon because the medal is as big as my face.

I ran in 19 states last year.  Also, I ran my 100th race in my sweet town Chicago!  I submitted this photo to Pavement Runner as one of The Best Photos of 2013 and he posted it on his blog!  There are other amazing photos so make sure to check it out.
100th race

I ran in the Mizuno Wave Elixir but fell deeply in love with the Brooks PureFlow 2 and the PureConnect 2.  I love them so much that I’ve purchased several pairs from Running Warehouse. Are 8 pairs enough?

I discovered Huma Energy Gels but also found out about Gu Energy Gel in Salted Caramel thanks to Kim at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.  Run with Jess had 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways and I won Day 12 which was an 8pk of Gu Energy Gels in Salted Caramel.  Yep, that made me very happy.

2013 was a frustrating year for me.  I could not even get close to a sub 2 half marathon (which was my goal in 2013) but I was also frustrated for being hard on myself and not being able to fully experience and enjoy each race.  However, after various pep talks from several people and a big change of attitude, I was no longer frustrated and instead made the best of each race.  I loved traveling to each state and look forward to many more this year.

Follow my journey as I travel to run in more states, each RunDisney Half Marathon, and a 50K all in 2014.

November 2013 in Review

This month I ran 104.65  miles compared to 77.39  in October.  That’s the longest I’ve ran in a month! In July I ran 96.99 and since then I have not been able to surpass it till now.  One of my Top 40 things is to run 1,000 in one year.  To date I’ve ran 872.20 which leaves me with 123.80 miles to run in December to order to meet that goal.  Part of me tells me to go for it but then another part of me tells me to take it easy since Goofy Challenge is around the corner and I do not want to get injured.

I also ran two races:  Manchester City Half Marathon and Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.  I enjoyed both races and would recommend everyone to run them.  My favorite one was the one in Las Vegas because it was so cool to run on the strip!  It was a different experience for me because I was not sure how to hydrate and fuel for an evening race.  But I took it easy and had a great race.

I love a great deal.  Who doesn’t?  I stocked up on my favorite pairs of Brooks shoes-Pure Flow 2 and Pure Connect 2.  I found them for $69.93 on Running Warehouse.  These shoes last about 300 miles so each pair should last me about 3-4 months.  I think I will purchase a few more pairs before someone else does.

Speaking of deals I purchased a new suitcase for my traveling trips.  This one was on sale for $65 (original price is $129.99).  I am so excited to use it but my next trip isn’t till January.


Who doesn’t love free race pictures?  I was able to download  all of my pictures from the Manchester City Half Marathon.  Now, I did not like all of them but at least I had the option of selecting the photos I did like.

On the weekends I usually run along the lakefront and love it there.  However, I’m ready for a change of scenery.  Plus, the wind from the lakefront is not so friendly and sometimes discourages me from running there.  So someone mentioned Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve which is about 30 minutes from my house.  I went there today and enjoyed it very much.  It was a beautiful day and there were a few people along the course.  I am planning to go there again tomorrow to run 12 miles.


I am excited and looking forward to December!  I have three more weeks of school and then I am off for two weeks.  I plan to run, rest, eat, drink, and have fun!!

October 2013 in Review

This month I ran 77.39 miles compared to 63.62  in September.  I also ran three races:  Rock ‘n’ Roll Cleveland Half Marathon, ING Hartford Half Marathon, and Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Louis.  I bailed on the race in Denver.  That’s OK.  Plenty of time to do one next year.

Work is going so much better.  My kids are doing much better too (behavior wise).  Parent/teacher conferences are on Tuesday and it will be a long day for me.  I will be meeting with parents from 11am-3:00pm and then from 4:30pm-6:30pm.  The only bad thing about it is that I only have 10 minutes per student.  Definitely not enough time and in the past we’ve gone over 10 minutes and then that messes up the rest of the schedule.  I think I will have a timer and see how that works.

The end of October means the end of my Brooks PureFlow 2.   According to my cool spreadsheet I’ve ran 256.11 miles in them.  Plus, the walking I’ve done before and after each race/run.  Definitely time for a new pair.  I’ve ran in the Brooks PureConnect  and love them.  I found the PureConnect 2 on sale on Running Warehouse and Zappos.  The ones in the photo are form Zappos but I also bought a blue pair from Running Warehouse.


I am getting nervous about the Goofy Challenge because I have not been training like I should be.  It is my own fault.  I’ve missed workouts and on top of that I’ve been racing half marathons almost every weekend since September.  Well, that latter isn’t too bad because I am supposed to run each weekend but the key word is run and not race.  I just need to remind myself to enjoy the races and have fun.

This past weekend in St. Louis I “won” a Brooks bag.  So cute and comes in handy for school.  Now, I just need to get my hands on a few more.  If you know people at Brooks Running, please ask them to send me a few more to me.  Thank you.


In a few weeks I will be at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.  The day I am planning to leave is also the same day as the Girls on the Run 5K.  Due to some weird logistics with the race I don’t know the exact time my girls will be running.  I am not planning to run because I have a 2pm flight to Las Vegas.  I’ve sent an email twice to the folks at RnR asking to pick up my race packet on Sunday and they responded that in order to do so I need to pay $40 and it is on a first come, first serve basis. Ridiculous!  $40 for what?!?!?  I am so glad that will be my last RnR race because I refuse to pay for any of their races.

Next race is the Manchester City Half Marathon in NH.  Wish me luck!

September 2013 in Review

September was such a busy month for me!  Work was hectic (still is) and I am freaking out because I have progress reports due on Wednesday morning. Paperwork and more paperwork is definitely NOT fun for me.  I caught  a cold this weekend and am not feeling good.

I am a coach for Girls on the Run-Chicago and I volunteer with them on Monday and Friday.  I’ve been having fun with the girls and they’re so cute and adorable!!  I was a bit nervous in the beginning but now am feeling more confident.  There is a 5K in November to benefit the organization but I’m not sure if I will be running it because I am also traveling to Las Vegas that day for a half marathon.

This past week I began my training for the Goofy Challenge.  I missed my workouts on Wednesday (met a friend for dinner and to grade papers) and on Friday (too tired from the week).  I’ve just been so tired.  Excuses, excuses.  I know.   No more slacking off.

This month I ran 63.62 miles compared to 66.05 in August.  I also ran four races:  Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach, Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia, Omaha Half Marathon, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Providence.  Interesting but I ran one race in August and four in September but the difference between the two months is 2.43 miles.  I did so much better in August.

I have four races in October.  All except one are RnR races.  I am running in CT again because two years ago I ran the full marathon but this time I am going for the half.  I get to see my friend, JB, again.  Yay!!

On Sunday I ran in Providence and had a good time.  The course took us through some shaded areas and there were many supporters.  It was hilly but I did not mind them too much.  And the weather was just great.  I will have a race review this week.

As of Sunday I’ve ran 178.72 miles in my Brooks PureFlow 2.  They’re great shoes but now am thinking of trying a different pair (maybe Nike?).  Any suggestions?  During the race on Sunday, my knees were not happy.  I am not sure if it’s because of the shoes or because the course was hilly.  I’ll see how they feel during my runs this week.

Last weekend I finally reached A-List status from Southwest by completing 25 qualifying one-way flights.  Ha, I knew all of those flights for my races would come in handy.  I get benefits such as priority boarding, more points per flight, and priority check-in and security lane access.  What I really, really want is free Wi-Fi on the plane.  I am not cheap but I don’t want to pay $8 for each flight for the Internet.

September was a busy month but I am definitely looking forward to October!

August 2013 in Review

Whew I cannot believe September is here!  I feel like my summer break just flew by.  My first day of school was last Monday and my first day with my kiddos was on Wednesday.  As of now I have 25 students.  They’re all really cute and I like them a lot.  It took me about 2 days to organize my classroom but I still have to organize it a bit more.

August in Review

This month I ran 66.05 miles compared to 96.66 in July.  I ran one race: Fort2Base on the 25th.

I have four races in September.  All except one are RnR races.  However, with the cancellations going on right now I hope none of my upcoming races get cancelled.  And if they are then I’ll just find another one.  I purchased a TourPass for my races this year and so far I’ve gotten my money’s worth because I’ve ran 8 races.

I ran on Sunday in Virginia Beach and it was a hot one.  Despite the weather I still had a good time.  The course took us through some shaded areas and there were many supporters.  What’s not to like about that?

Lately I have not been to yoga.  I do miss it.  My plan is to go on Thursdays because I don’t plan to run that day since I have a race on Sunday for the next couple of weeks.  I promise to take it easy and enjoy myself at each race.  If for some reason my body tells me not to run a race then I won’t.  I know I will need to stretch and form roll a lot more.

I am a big fan of ZICO Coconut Water and signed up for the Subscribe and Save program through Amazon.  I opted to receive two boxes (12 bottles in each box) every month.  Delicious!

August in Review

Last week I received two samples of Jimmy Bar!  They were delicious and my favorite was the Super Hip Chocolate Chip.  I need to get more but when I tried to order them online I was shocked with the shipping and handling charge.  I found a store that supposedly sells them so I am going to check it out tomorrow and buy all of them.

August was a good month and here’ to hoping that September is even better!