Category: Motivation

Weekly Recap #2


*January 12-18, 2015


  • PLAN- Cross-train
  • ACTUAL- Oh boy, here we go again.  Again, nothing today.

After school I had a meeting and then a dentist appointment.  I did have my stuff ready to go to the gym but instead just went home.


  • PLAN-4 x 800 @4:37 (2 min RI)
  • ACTUAL- 4 x 800 @9:17 (per mile)

Great workout!  I felt much better than last week.  I like doing these on the treadmill so I did the calculation on the pace for one mile and came up with 9:23.  I am not sure why I did them in 9:17.  I will admit though that I got tired and struggled with the last 800 but overall still felt great.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 1 mile easy, 5 miles @10:33, 1 mile easy
  • ACTUAL- None.

Too tired.  Stayed late after school to review some papers and organize some things in my classroom.


  • PLAN- Cross training
  • ACTUAL- None

I had a doctor appointment for some blood work to check my cholesterol level.  I went in July and my levels were high so she asked me to go back in 6 months.  I got my results today and my levels are pretty good.  Total is down 15 points and LDL is also down 15 points.  My HDL, good cholesterol, also went up a little.  My doctor even told me that whatever I am doing is working and to keep doing it.


  • PLAN- 10 miles @12:00
  • ACTUAL- None.

I had a retirement/wedding anniversary party on Saturday in Hartford.  It was a great party!  My plan was to run on Sunday morning, but when I woke up it was raining and the roads were too icy and no way was I going to run in those conditions.

Not running related but tried this beer for the first time.  It was OK.


I love my Dunkin’ Donuts.



  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • Week 2 did not go as I expected.  I guess that is bound to happen with unexpected things but at what point is it “acceptable”?
  • I have missed my tempo runs on Thursday so I need to figure out a way to stay motivated and make it to the gym.
  • I am loving my workouts on Tuesday.
  • I enrolled in swimming lessons at the YMCA.  I am excited because I’ve always wanted to take swimming lessons but felt embarrassed because the younger kids swim better than me.  I am excited too because it will be another form of cross-training/exercise for me.

What is your favorite speed workout?

Weekly Recap #1


*January 5-11, 2015


  • PLAN- Cross-train
  • ACTUAL- Nada, but does walking count?

Back to work and no motivation to get on the elliptical.


  • PLAN- 3×1600 @9:29 (400 RI)
  • ACTUAL- I did run 3 miles but at 9:34 pace.  However, I was not able to run them consistent and so I had to stop every quarter mile.  Not my finest moment but still felt great after my run.

I was tired and it showed because I could not run one mile without stopping.  Or perhaps the pace was too fast for me?  I was happy that I was able to run 400s even if that wasn’t in the plan.  Definitely counts as speedwork.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

No school due to weather.  My evening class was not cancelled.


  • PLAN- 2 miles easy, 2 miles @10:02, 2 miles easy
  • ACTUAL- Did not run at all.

Still no school so I stayed home.  I had planned to go to the gym after lunch but once I saw the snow, I decided to skip it and not worry about it.  I finished watching the last season of “Veronica Mars”.


  • PLAN- Cross training
  • ACTUAL- None

Met a friend for dinner.  Had a great time and enjoyed my two apple martinis.


  • PLAN- 8 miles @11:45
  • ACTUAL- I did 6:54 miles alternating between 11:44 and 11:18 with a few walking breaks.

Oh boy, I guess the martinis on Friday night were a bad idea.  I finally made it to the gym at 3pm and could not keep up with the pace.  I usually enjoy running on the treadmill but for some reason I was not liking it on Saturday.  I watched a few episodes of “Hot in Cleveland” and that did not help at all.  I finally stopped with 6:54 miles.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • A rough first week into the new year.  Definitely not my finest moment.  I need to work on being consistent with my runs and cross training.
  • Hydrations is key.  Must remember that every single day.  Even though I was home for two days, I did not drink water like I was supposed to.

One year ago..

A year ago I was training for the Marine Corps Marathon.  Along the training I experienced some pain/tightness on my right leg and it hurt to run.  I went to the doctor who referred me to physical therapy.  It turned out I had tight hamstrings, weak hips, glutes, etc.  What?!?  I was in therapy for about 6 weeks and could barely run.  I decided to reorganize my priorities and made the decision not to run the marathon.  Luckily, I was able to transfer/sell my bib (for a fee) to another runner.  Now, why can’t all races be like that?  The seller gets money, the buyer gets to run, and everyone is happy right?

I then thought “why not run a race in each state”?  I had already ran in 5 states so what is 45 more? Throughout my therapy I was determined to get stronger to run the Lady Speed Stick Women’s Half Marathon in MN on August 26.  And I did!  The race kicked my you know what and I met another fellow runner, JB, who has a similar goal like mine.  Her goal is to run a half marathon in each state. She is so passionate about running and has suggested races that we can run together.  She is ahead of me in her goal but so far we’ve ran four races together and am planning one more this year along with the Dopey/Goofy Challenge next year.

Since making the decision to run a race in each state, I’ve ran 23 races (not all of them have been out of state).

  • Half marathon-17
  • Nautical miles-1
  • 10K-1
  • 4 miles-1
  • 5K-2
  • 3.14 Pie-1

To date I’ve done 101 races and have ran in 21 states.  I made a small change to my goal and so now it is to run a half marathon in each state.  I’ve ran a full marathon in CT and LA and am planning to run a half in October and in February.  That sort of messes up my numbers since CT and LA were #4 and 5 but that is OK and won’t worry about it too much.

Each race has been different for me.  I’ve been happy, sad, or mad at each race.  Why?  Because I push myself too much and end up not happy with my finish time.  My best time was at the Republic Bank Big Hit Half Marathon (2:20:00) in KY and my worst time at the Lady Speed Stick Women’s Half Marathon (2:49:25) in MN.  My goal this year is to finish a sub 2 half marathon.  I’ve been told numerous times not to worry too much about the finish time and instead to just enjoy each race.  That is so true especially since I’ve been running so many races and I can’t expect each one to be spectacular right?  Another problem I have is that I ALWAYS compare myself to others.  I know, I know.  I need to stop doing that because it does not make the situation any better.  Finally, my attitude is not the greatest.  I had a HORRIBLE time at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon because it rained the whole time.  I was miserable and could not wait to finish.  However, my friend, Laura, had a different experience.  She enjoyed the rain and made the best out of it.  And she ran the full marathon!!!  Yeah, I need to learn from that girl.

Today I ran the Fort2Base race (10 nautical miles).  I’ve never ran a race of this distance but I have ran 11.5 miles.  I plan to have a recap this week.

Overall, it has been a good year for running and I am proud of myself.  Also, I am looking forward to the rest of my races this year.

Just Keep Running!


I’ve been reading several blogs and have been motivated by runners posting their goals and resolutions.  I gave it some thought and decided to make a list for me (running and non-running related).

1. Finish all of the races I sign up for
I am on a mission to run a race in all 50 states.  To date I’ve done 10 counting 2 full marathons in CT and LA.  In the past I’ve signed up for races (such as 5Ks) and then for whatever reason decided not to run in them.  This year I am determined to run each single one (unless injured).

2. Run a sub 2 half marathon
I’ve ran 28 half marathons with finish times ranging from 2:53:10 (worst time) to 2:20:00 (best time).  This year I will train smarter with three runs each week (speed, tempo, and long run) with two days of cross training so I am positive I will achieve this goal.

3. Run more than 1,000 miles
This year will be the third time aiming for this goal.  Ugh, this has to be the year right?  No more excuses!

4. Do more foam rolling and cross training  
I don’t like the roller because it hurts.  However, I’ve had some IT band issues so I know the benefits of the roller.  Did I mention that it hurts?  Many people write about how bored they get running on the treadmill.  I guess I am used to it because I don’t mind it.  However, I do get bored on the elliptical and bike.  Oh my goodness!!  I would like to cross train at least 2 times a week.

5. Be more patient with my students
I am a first grade teacher with 24 students.  Enough said.

6. Keep traveling
I love traveling!  I’ve been to several states and countries.  My latest adventure took me to Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru I am looking forward to this year because I will be traveling to various states to run a half marathon.  Plus, in April I will be in Riviera Maya during Spring Break for a wedding.

7. Eat more vegetables

I don’t like them very much.  I am aware I need to eat them every single day.  Does it count if I drink a Green Monster Smoothie every day?

8. Have breakfast/lunch/dinner with a friend each month
I love going out to eat with friends.  It gives me a chance to talk to adults (see number 5) instead of kids.  I want to meet up with friends that I don’t see on a regular basis.  Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I know what is going on with them but I like the face to face interaction.  I love seeing the smiles and hearing the laughters!  

Just Keep Running!

Less than 2 days to go

I should be asleep. I have a 6 am flight to Hartford tomorrow. I am packed and ready to go. However, as with my past marathons I am feeling nervous. I have yet to find the secret to stop being nervous. Or does every runner feel the same way?

Today was my last day of work this week. I did not have the guts to let my students know that I was not going to be in tomorrow. Should I have told them? Should I have told them of their teacher’s crazy plan of traveling to another city/state to run 26.2 miles? They know I like to run but I don’t think they know the extent. I should take all of my medals to school one day and show them. Hopefully it wil get them inspired to work hard in everything they do. Hard work is rewarded one way or another.

Back to the nervousness. I need to stop it!!! I have to believe that I will do well and succeed. I can do this. This is not my first marathon. I am prepared. The weird thing is that I have not completed one marathon this year but I am already planning for not one marathon but two marathons next year. Yep. I am thinking of New Orleans in March and Philadelphia in November.

I mentioned in a previous post that I purchased a pair of CW-X capris (medium). I did not try them on at the expo because according to the chart in the back of the bag I fit in a medium. I began to pack last night and decided to try them on. I almost cried! They were too tight!! I could not get them to fit properly. I thought for sure they were going to rip. I am glad I did try them on because I would have been very upset on Saturday morning. So I packed my regular Nike Be Strong Dri Fit Shorts. Love these shorts!!! They’re the right length and prevent any chafing in my thighs.

Good night all. Let’s rock ‘n’ roll in Hartford.